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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. Yeah, I really wish these coaches would stop fumbling and throwing interceptions in the red zone.
  2. Thought I’d have a look in the game day thread when the Bills are beating the 7-1 Vikings by ten points in the fourth. Happy faces? No. The coaches are still incompetent, players suck and everyone should be cut or traded. Some of you people are just hopeless.
  3. That last pass was pretty damn good and David needs to catch it. Two bad games in a row for the Bills but only one loss. Josh doesn’t look the same, that’s more worrying than a loss to the Jets. Is he playing injured?
  4. 17-14 after two horrible interceptions. “Absolute domination”? Ridiculous. The same thing every time the Bills are down. It’s like the IQ drops by at least 50% here every time the Bills don’t win big.
  5. The Bills were up quite a lot early and the rest of the game they let the Packers more or less run out the clock. It was an off game and they still won easily.
  6. Does Dorsey know that all my bets on the game are overs on different passing/receiving stats or what’s up? ☹️
  7. His grammar is awfully bad. How did he pass school?
  8. Lots of critique here about how Tom lives his life and plays football. I’d say looking at the results he’s probably done everything both on and off the field pretty much perfectly for his football career. It wouldn’t surprise me if he comes back next season with the divorce stuff behind him, fully focused on football, and dominates again.
  9. What are you trying to say? That Miami is a better team than the Bills? That the Vikings are? The season is going great and your being sarcastic about the one, flukey loss, why? Don’t you have anything better to do?
  10. Frazier looks like a really intense lizard when he’s standing on the sideline.
  11. These game day threads get really unbearable when the Bills are behind. It’s like all the bitter people in the world gather in the same place all at once to post grammatically incorrect stupidities.
  12. That was frustratingly bad. During the play I was hoping for, almost expecting, a sack and swore when it was a completion for a first down… And then the defenders just don’t grab the receiver and he runs for a TD.
  13. Lamar is clearly much better than Kyle Murray and deserves a bigger contract. Finding a QB better than Lamar would be very difficult so Ravens would be stupid not to pay him. He’s won the league MVP once and he might do it again.
  14. There was an Estonian shot putter, Margus Hunt, who played for nine seasons in the NFL just a couple of years ago. Also several kickers. The biggest turn-off for people who are not used to football is that that the play is blown dead constantly. They play for a few seconds, then nothing for half a minute, then a few seconds of play again. It takes time getting used to that. Also, learning the rules takes quite a while. All the commercial breaks don’t help either.
  15. Will they be able to compete with the Marseille Surrender Monkeys?
  16. As a European I would say interest in the nfl is definitely growing. More games are broadcast on tv now than ten years ago and there are more people you can talk football with. The majority of the games start at 7 pm Swedish time and what else do you do at that time on a Sunday? Could Europe support four teams? Who knows. Initially there will be the novelty factor but if the teams suck I fear fans might lose interest after a few seasons since whatever fandom has been built up has not had time to grow deep roots yet. For me personally I would find a European expansion more exciting than more teams in LA or Texas, but it would no longer be the NATIONAL football league.
  17. Allen almost threw several interceptions against the Ravens. It’s time to move on from him. His arm arrogance almost lost us the game!
  18. Some are staying this is because he’s still playing. What if the marriage has gone sour and he keeps playing to be away from it?
  19. If i recall correctly he was marking another guy at first but then left him to go and get the interception.
  20. Compare the penalty on the tackle on Allen with Milano’s penalty on Tua (that caused the “back and foot injury”). I’d say Milano’s was far more questionable.
  21. If he has a back injury that makes him lose the ability to walk he definitely shouldn’t be allowed to play football.
  22. I think a better question is why you thought your opinion needed it’s own thread instead of just posting it in the existing one you mention.
  23. We could have signed a worse Murray from the Cardinals…
  24. It would be a little easier to take this topic seriously if it didn’t have five question marks in the title. Grown ups don’t write like that.
  25. Activate Christian Wade!
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