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Everything posted by Seven-N-Nine

  1. Singletary is the weapon you seek. Yeldon is a liability and I hope he plays as little as possible this season.
  2. He's got Josh on the brain. Many Bills fans are seeing their Dr's for treatment this morning.
  3. Unfortunately they had to amputate.
  4. I expect a typical Bills loss to the Pats unless they show me otherwise.
  5. Just wondering why he's such a douche.
  6. Why, because he just keeps winning?
  7. The Pats are decisively beating teams they should beat. The Bills have won 3 games against 3 bad teams as well, thing is they were not decisive wins. Stop blaming the media.
  8. iirc, the Bills have gone into this game flying high in the past and have gotten smacked so hard it derailed their entire season. If they truly are a different team, different culture, they win this game.
  9. That would have been a safety ONLY if they were playing the Patriots.
  10. B- Has to eliminate the bonehead plays.
  11. I can't agree that they are a very good team. They can prove that they are next week though.
  12. What the hell. BS
  13. Hopefully not his member.
  14. Belechick is going to eat Allen alive I figure. I picked the Bills to win by 3 scores today and I learned my lesson!
  15. Sure hope Singletary is back next week, Yeldon is stinky.
  16. The whole coaching staff is ultra conservative, far from modern.
  17. I remember Elway used to do the same thing. Maybe it's on purpose to pad the 4th QTR comeback stats...
  18. I agree, but he sure is talented.
  19. Relax, it was in reference to a cardiac post.
  20. I'd say go get Ramsey if he wasn't so allergic to culture & process.
  21. Think how easy Chief fans have it...
  22. Why are the Bengals always such a pain in the ass?
  23. I'm pretty sure coacheability is not the issue with Allen.
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