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Everything posted by Seven-N-Nine

  1. I'd just like it if he didn't have to be MrCrunchTime every game.
  2. You see, this is yet another reason we need a new downtown sta..................
  3. I agree but they are a known commodity until Brady is gone.
  4. I hate to break it to Jets fans, but I cannot root for the jets tonight. I want the Pats to smash them to ensure they don't get any bright ideas about starting a winning streak and challenging the Bills for #2 in the division.
  5. Interesting and promising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aJl1r1E0b4 Paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aJl1r1E0b4 Can't wait until we go back to the Moon and beyond, hope I get to see it.
  6. I've also read it's a muscle memory thing, but they practice that kinda stuff all the time ( I assume).
  7. All I know is his older brother got the better first name.
  8. Aren't all these players best of friends these days? I dunno, the league has changed for me, maybe younger guys don't know what the 80's and 90's rivalries meant, like I don't know what 60's & 70's rivalries meant.
  9. I just don't understand how the deep ball went from something to look forward to, to never hitting on one one yet this season.
  10. I joke a lot, but not this time! It's all good, we all face life "stuff"
  11. Hmm, as a fan, I have to say I don't think of any AFCE team as a rival anymore due to the Bills being so bad for so long. To me a rivalry is teams duking it out each season jockeying for the best playoff seed.
  12. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago, hiatal hernia + diverticulitis. This was my first attack (I think, still need to see my Dr.) I was quite paranoid because my GF perfed 4 years ago and was resuscitated twice during a colectomy. I hate medical stuff and going to the Dr etc.
  13. Wow, so I am useful to you in some way, that makes my day!
  14. Feel free to put me on ignore, I don't mind.
  15. Have you ever talked football at a large family gathering? jeez...
  16. That's the issue at hand. I mean I guess it's working so far this season, but odds are against that working consistently against better teams. Thank you
  17. I had a diverticulitis attack, so needed something to keep my mind off the pain.
  18. Were all the Bills fans who booed at the half yesterday TBD trolls, or did they have legitimate gripes?
  19. I dunno, when the Bills had the Jets, Pats and Colts in their division all those years ago, they had some pretty easy schedules, depending on who they had to play from the NFC.
  20. John Brown is the only one not dropping passes... Well, he and Duke, but he's hurt already, so that didn't last long.
  21. Hmm, I do, but I think the one Bears game I watched part of it was Daniels at QB. I will say, when watching other games I have only a fleeting interest.
  22. I guess I am old enough that I have heard "he's the future of the NFL at the QB position" too many times to take it seriously anymore. Jackson has a willing participant in Harbaugh, if it wasn't for Jackson taking over for Joe Flaccid, Harbaugh would have been fired, so he owes it to him to just keep whatever they have going for as long as possible. Jackson has impressed me though, he's what many of us wanted Tyrod to be.
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