I’m sure he is gonna be asked
I also think they should have ran the ball three times in the redzone but the lack of the Hail Mary call was gutless
you cannot coach scared, we should be past that by now
I don’t think Josh Allen changed the play from a haik
mary to a screen with no timeouts left and 2 seconds on the clock from the 50
I have a hard time believing that
I’m sorry but stop coaching so ***** scared
throw the Hail Mary or try the field goal
you do not run a screen when you are on the 50 yard line with Josh Allen at Qb
Just can’t see us winning this game
coaching is going to matter in a tight game and I have no faith in Sean to get it right
look at the end of that half and tell me that’s a coach who knows what he is doing in close games
You are that terrified about a pick returned for a TD on a Hail Mary where they are coached to knock it down
that’s absurd… literally every team in the league would have thrown it up there, you really have no incentive not to try it
This is coaching scared
this is why Sean doesn’t have a Super Bowl win to his name
he is scared to death in clutch moments
you think Reid is running a screen there? Or Campbell? Or harbaugh?
Hell no they aren’t they are trying a long field goal or throwing it to the end zone
I mean I want an explanation
its either you try a long field goal or a jail Mary
those are the options there that’s it
and we run a screen…. lol I mean literally cannot believe it
And this why coaching matters
you run the ball all three downs there period
and you 95% of the time score a TD
instead a missed ***** field goal
thus coaching staff is not good enough