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Everything posted by Jerboski

  1. lol you know you are bad when you struggle this bad with a team playing this poorly both of these teams need new coaching
  2. Sean on third and long, do you trust anyone less lol
  3. Poorly coached teams have ten penalties
  4. Josh carrying Sean as far as he can beane too
  5. Coaching and organizational decisions I am right there with you what is this team without Allen? 3-14?
  6. Poorly coached teams have these amount of flags and mistakes in road games
  7. We are mediocre are we trying to win a Super Bowl with Allen or not good god man what does it take for you guys to see the obvious smh
  8. We are getting outcoached by an intern HC with no DC
  9. When is enough, enough? When are we gonna make hard decisions that Sean is not the guy? When? What else we got to see?
  10. I agree if we are hellbent on Sean and beane he should leave after this contract
  11. How is Edwards not starting over Hamlin how
  12. It’s sad a lot of this fanbase doesn’t see this
  13. Don’t deserves to win terrible coaching malpractice decisions to play this year with this group of receivers, safeties and kicker feel terrible for Allen
  14. No QB has to do more to win than Allen horrible coaching, no receivers, defense on the decline it’s terribke
  15. 17 prime also being wasted but sure celebrate those playoff appearances what coach blows a lead with 13 seconds and is allegedly a defensive wizard yet his defense never shows up when it counts?
  16. This rushing two is suicide for Rodgers defense
  17. So many are content just to be a playoff team it’s sad, gonna waste prime Allen with this bozo coach
  18. No because he has an elite HC, who hires other elite coaches
  19. Is there a coach you trust less to defend a minute or less in a game or half than Sean McDermott
  20. Sure am glad we have a defensive wizard HC and used all this draft capital on defense to satisfy him really looks good out there
  21. This is poorly coached football team
  22. I say yes if you can a 4th or 5th
  23. They don’t need Adams, he is getting older and a huge contract I agree we need to make a move for a wr, Adams is not the one
  24. Brandon beane didn’t do 13 seconds brandon beane didn’t call three straight pass plays with 30 seconds left on our three yard line Brandon beane wasn’t responsible for a team who continues to lose close games and doesn’t show up in big time games more often than not we need a coaching change, Sean is capped and now it’s all downhill… get an offensive wizard and build The team around Allen, instead of Allen carry everything and we will draft a good defense for you which never shows up in the playoffs
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