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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. But how does one become the "most average" - i.e., more average than the next average guy...the averagest of all the average???
  2. Very amusing, yes - apparently anyone with 'net access can be a 'journalist' these days! But no need to google - i wouldn't waste the time for a B/R piece - you just click on the author's name in the original B/R article (I have a feeling if more folks did that before citing B/R articles, we'd see a whole lot less of them cited here on TSW)
  3. Actually, that one piqued my interest a bit - if I concede that some players on that list were more average than some other more-or-less 'average' players, what specific qualities makes someone the 'most average' player? (More average, say, than another average player? ) In other breaking, thread-worthy news...Ralph is cheap.
  4. PatsTrollNH does have a point - however, only after this season will it become clear to him and to all the chowdah-heads east of the Hudson that it's the Cheatriettes* who will be measuring themselves against the Bills for the next decade and beyond... GO BILLSSS!!!! "I expect to win every game...I expect to be undefeated." - Chan Gailey 19 and 0 baby!!!!
  5. Son, if your idea of 'the outside world' includes any opinions from Bleacher Report - or from young, 19-year-old, aspiring-to-be-something-but-don't-quite-know-what-yet Robby Quinn - you need to stop embarrassing yourself by posting such nonsense on TSW. Link - Meet your learned author, Robby Quinn .
  6. I think I remember glancing at that one before skipping over it. Wasn't there also some massive missive about why Nix may be different than other GMs we've had? (Skipped over that one too.) 19 and 0 baby!!!!
  7. And not a moment too soon. Hopefully this means an end to the plethora of inventive yet non-topical, troll-like, bandwidth-wasting, meaningless LAMP threads that have limited the participation of long-term TSW regulars, if not kept them away from the board entirely. Now we can start talking real Bills football! BTW, I've heard nothing at all about TJ Graham signing a contract - have I been asleep at the wheel, or is he going to be a hold-out for a while longer? GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  8. Here's what Joe D said at an event in Lockport yesterday... Joe D said the word "concussion" was never even used while he grew up playing football in Detroit, where he went on to become an All-American at Michigan State before being drafted by the Bills in 1973. "When we played, they didn't call it a concussion. They said, 'You got dinged,' " DeLamielleure said. "And when you felt a little better, you went back in the game." DeLamiellure said for these and other reasons, he's been a vigorous proponent of more research into head injuries and for better pensions for retired players and he expressed dissatisfaction with the NFL's Player's Union on these matters. Joe D said he makes just $1,104 a month from the players' retirement fund. "That's pretty bad," he said. Then he said, "And Drew Brees is still a little piece of crap!" Link - Joe D's in the house
  9. Probably not - dude didn't even know his name was Demetress!!!
  10. Not sure if I'm dreaming, or just having a really weird episode of déjà vu... Yesterday's TSW - Bills: Dream/nightmare scenarios
  11. Except, of course, for the most famous of 'em all - theTenderloin district's notorious 'Carnegie Hall of Sex' - Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre Really nothing quite like it (at least on THIS side of the Atlantic or Pacific).
  12. Apparently, fans of 'The Dream Team' are still in a dreamy stupor. GO BILLSSS!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!
  13. Sheesh...all this arguing amongst fellow Bills fans, and about something so silly Fact is, The NorthStar Cafe isn't in North Beach at all - it is actually located in (as original owners Bob & Perry T. liked to say) " the Italian section of Chinatown." (And, for local Bills fans, it's more of a Sunday morning game-day destination than a Saturday nite hangout.) But EssEff is a big, fun, beautiful city - there's lots of delightful, interesting, and culturally varied areas - each with their own unique crowd and neighborhood bar scene - and a great time waiting to be had in every one of them. You can hang out in Chef's neighborhood (the Castro district) and enjoy the spectacle, or - if you prefer to be around straight people - enjoy the bars in North Beach, South Beach, The Embarcadero, Fishermans Wharf, Ghiradelli Square, etc. (Or even take a trip back in time about 40 years to 'The Haight', visit the old Victorian home where The Grateful dead used to live, and marvel that there are still 'hippies' in tie-dye hanging out on the streets of Haight Ashbury and in the Golden Gate panhandle!) Anyway, I remember a cold, wet, windy December Bills game at 'The Stick' a few years back - pouring, blowing, sideways rain, and nastier than any December game I've ever been to at 'The Ralph'!!! I'm glad the Bills are playing out there in October - usually the sunniest and warmest time of the year in the Bay Area. Hope to see y'all there GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  14. McIntyre's whole storyline seems to 'fly in the face' of everything Nix & Gailey have said to the Buffalo fans, the local & national media, and to Vince Young himself... There wasn't a line of teams forming to sign Young this off-season. The Bills gave him a call only after failing to draft a developmental quarterback in April. So he'll spend his spring and summer competing with Tyler Thigpen to back up Ryan Fitzpatrick. Tyler Thigpen? Ryan Fitzpatrick? The Bills have no illusions of what Young can become — and general manager Buddy Nix and coach Chan Gailey have made sure Young has no illusions, either. "Buddy and I both sat down with him and told him exactly what we expected, exactly the role he was going to play," Gailey said. "Fitz is our starter. He's our guy. We think we can win with him. We told Vince he's going to compete with Tyler for [number] two. He handled that." The Bills haven't had a winning season since 2004. They haven't been to the playoffs since 1999 and haven't won a playoff game since 1995. And Young can't start for them. He could find himself sitting in 2012 behind a pair of seventh-round draft picks from Harvard and Coastal Carolina. Fitzpatrick and Thigpen have both been in this offense for two seasons, so Young will be playing catch-up this spring. He's only in his second week. Link - Rick Gosselin: Why a season with Chan Gailey could be the best thing for Texas-ex Vince Young The only person who needs to be looking over his shoulder is Thigpen. Fitz is the starter. GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!
  15. It's not a dream scenario... I expect to win Superbowl 47, and I expect to be undefeated. Seriously. "I expect to be undefeated...I expect to win every game." - Chan Gailey 19 and 0 baby!!!! GO BILLSSS!!!!!
  16. Wow...looks like The Senator has 'fat-finger-syndrome' today (Of course I meant to type $792M)
  17. The Bills - from the 1988 season to 1993 - had an unprecedented run...six consecutive playoff seasons, five AFC title games in those six seasons, and four consecutive Superbowl appearances. (After missing the playoffs in 1994, the Bills would go on to qualify for post-season play in 1995, '96, 98, and 1999 - ten playoff appearances in 12 seasons!!!) I think anyone would have to call that a successful run. And I think the Bills are ready - overdue, actually - for another... GO BILLSSS!!!! "I expect to be undefeated...I expect to win every game." - Chan Gailey 19 and 0 baby!!!!! .
  18. Dunno about that one, 'ski - that seems like only about 30-40 bucks a game Forbes had the team valued at $792B (Sept. 2011), and I expect the price will skyrocket after we win Superbowls 47, 48, 49, etc., etc.!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  19. So now I have to remember to type asterisks every time I mention the Saints*, Cowboys*, and Redskins*...in addition to the Cheatriettes*??? If the list keeps growing, this is gonna get too confusing - I think TBD needs to automate/auto-complete the asterisk process. GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  20. Great video segment of George Wilson having a good time with Bills fans at the one & only Ryan McFadden's... Link Gotta LOVE 'The Senator'! GO BILLSSS!!!! "I expect to be undefeated...I expect to win every game." - Chan Gailey 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  21. I doubt it'll get sloppy, but it could - I'm still contemplating making the trip
  22. Your 49ers fans will be just fine - everyone will feel welcome, and everyone gets along just fine with each other.
  23. Not sure about the tailgating thing as 'The Star' usually runs some sort of all-inclusive deal with food & beer on the bus, but you should be just fine regarding the drinking. The North Star crowd is a very typical Buffalo crowd, meaning there WILL be some heavy drinkers - but there will also be many light-to-moderate drinkers as well, and it's a well-behaved group. The big thing is that they're all displaced WNYers, 2500 miles from home, and all share a rabid passion for the Bills. (A couple of friends and I actually started the whole Bills/North Star thing about 20 years ago with its original owners.) If it's traditional tailgating you want ( i.e., drive to the stadium several hours early, park, grill, etc., etc.), this would probably be a slightly different type of experience - but I'm not sure you'd find a large concentration of fellow Bills fans to tailgate with in whatever area of the Candlestick lots you park. Your call.
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