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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. Swiss cheese, eh? Good thing for us Brady* & NE* are no gouda... Buffalo Bills 115 NE* Cheatriettes* 0 GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  2. A few that quickly came to mind... Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong Otis Spann Glenn Gould Sergei Rachmaninoff Dinu Lipatti Jimi Hendrix Duane Allman
  3. 89 more points to go...
  4. 96 more points to go...
  5. An all-time classic for Bills fans around the globe...
  6. It means... "This team is good...SCARY good!!!!" GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  7. To use such a benign euphemism as "anger" to decribe the apoplectic rantings of certain highly-predictable prophesiers-of-doom, after the Bills' week-one anomaly, would be meiotic. However, last Sunday's overwhelming victory back home at "The Ralph" seems to have, for the most part, ameliorated the penultimate week's lugubrious lamentations. My prognostication for this week's Battle of Lake Erie... Buffalo Bills 103 Cleveland Browns - 0 Don't give up the ship. GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  8. Who can say how we'll get there, K-9? On a Bills team so rife with playmakers, it's hard to predict the heros. Best I can do is break down the scoring - 12 TDs (6 offensive, 3 defensive, 3 special teams), 5 FGs, and 2 SFTYs. Beyond that, all I can say for sure is no 2-pt. conversions - that'd be intentionally running up the score.
  9. Meh...no one has a monopoly on perfection - not even us HOF football gurus here on TSW (It took a couple of horrendous outings for Chan Gailey to figure out that Trent Edwards sucks.) I'll forgive the 'stache for the Jets debacle, so long as we continue to improve going forward... GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  10. Buffalo Bills 103 Cleveland Browns - 0 GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  11. Can o' corn... Buffalo Bills 103 Cleveland Browns - 0 GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  12. Fear the 'stache... GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  13. KC isn't even good at whining. That's a rant??? I don't think so. THIS is a rant... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X-LXI-nYq0
  14. And out the window goes your argument that it is a simple and relatively short commute, no worse than getting to OP. I love the enthusiasm, but seriously doubt that the Town of Grand Island and the NYSTA would have no objections to designating that entire section of the 190, along with all 4 Grand Island bridge spans (2 on, 2 off) unidirectional. (Grand Island is indeed an island, with no alternate route on and off except the I-190. The 20,000-plus folks who live on it are all going to agree to stay home on game days???) As for the concept of Metrorail expansion - perhaps you have either forgotten or are too young to know that it took over 10 years just to place a few Adirondeck chairs on the lawn out at Canalside. And I won't comment on the safety of offering ferry service to large numbers of drunken Bills fans except to say that, if I'm the Captain, most of 'em are not getting on my boat. As for the Canadian fans, you seem to have that covered. Unfortunately, you don't need to - unless they are already Bills fans, there will not be vast numbers of new Canadian fans clamoring to buy Bills tickets just because they play in Niagara Falls.
  15. I'm not sure it'd be feasible to stage trucks and perform towing ops on the very narrow northbound 2-lane Grand Island Bridge spans - especially if they're already gridlocked. (It'd be more practical to ship in some hoodlums from the Cross-Bronx Expressway - they could dismantle an entire car and carry it off the bridge in pieces in just a few minutes!)
  16. OMG - I was wondering why it was taking so much longer to get to my seats!!!! What I do know, Promo, is that I routinely made it from my downtown Buffalo domicile to RWS Lot 2 in about 20 minutes - with no tolls and no Grand Island Bridges. (These days, I come from Lancaster in about the same amount of time - maybe 25 minutes or so.) What I also know is that OP is much more central to the entire WNY area than Niagara Falls. Put a new stadium in The Falls and, with one Sunday morning good accident on either northbound bridge span (you need to cross both spans to get on and off Grand Island on your way to NF), no one south of Tonawanda is getting to the game before half time - if they get there at all on game day. (And with only one main northbound thoroughfare to travel for 50,000+ beer-drinking Bills fans all headed in the same direction on a Sunday morning, you KNOW there'll be more the one accident on the bridges, the 190, and the Robert Moses Pkwy.) Granted, the current facility in Orchard Park is not within the Buffalo city limits - any NEW stadium shoud be.
  17. or not... Sep 19, 2012 - Despite recent reports to the contrary, the Buffalo Bills will not be playing more than one game per season in Toronto. Bills CEO Russ Brandon...was quick to assure Buffalo fans that Toronto would not see any increase in regular season appearances by the Bills. Link - Bills Won't Play Multiple Games In Toronto
  18. What makes me want to vomit - even more than misguided reasoning that the Bills need to move from Buffalo in order to keep them viable in WNY - is the crazy notion that not only does one of the most stable franchises in the league need to be yanked from Buffalo to keep it viable, but that the name of this storied franchise should be changed from Buffalo Bills to some ridiculous name more reminiscent of an indoor lacrosse, arena football, or ladies soccer team! The Niagara Rapids???? :sick: Puleeeeze....the Buffalo Bills will remain the Buffalo Bills - and in Buffalo, NY - long after we're food for worms and the newest governor of NY has unveiled the lastest master plan to resurrect Niagara Falls from the ashes.
  19. Now when Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said AEG's sale "will not affect plans for an NFL team to return to Los Angeles in the near future and will not affect my support for moving ahead with Farmers Field and the Convention Center site," one would have to assume that the only teams that could RETURN to Los Angeles would be the Chargers, Rams, or Raiders - yes?
  20. Thanks - I would have to imagine that NYS & Erie County would want such an assurance before committing major funds for RWS renovations. Link - Bills Won't Play Multiple Games In Toronto Each Year GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  21. Here's a newsflash - the Bills don't need to be linked to a "natural wonder" to market seats to locals who have already seen - ad nausem - every single hokey aspect of Niagara Falls NY, Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, etc., etc. While putting the Bills there would certainly help the NF economy (when taking in a Bills game, visitors would surely be more inclined to stop for a quick look at some flowing water if the stadium was nearlby), it would do NOTHING in terms of making the Bills more marketable. Such a move benefits the City of Niagara Falls way more than it benefits the Bills, whose origins and history scream that the team's home base belongs firmly cemented in Buffalo. GO BILLSSS!!!! 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  22. Come on now, Sage - going for 2 would just be running up the score
  23. Greeaat movie - two of the best actors of all time
  24. 18 and 1 baby!!!!!
  25. I've always wondered - if you're in your car at night, traveling faster than the speed of light, and you turn your headlights on, what happens?
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