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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. As far as a I know, being drunk is not a crime - they were all drunk. She was squatting because her head had just been driven into the wall. How bout some drives your head into a wall, then, while you’re disoriented and trying to recover, a 200 pound thug kicks you in the ribs? You’re just not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you. .
  2. I wish the punk all the best in Vince McMahon’s new XFL. .
  3. ? Because Brady should be wearing a skirt! .
  4. Yeah, I really feel for him - especially since it happened in February and he thought he ‘d gotten away with it, Poor poor Hunt. .
  5. Weak kick? She’s a woman, kicked by a 200+ pound guy, hard enough to knock her over. How bout we have Hunt re-create the kick, with you as the dummy? Dude could have stayed in his room, door locked, and called security to remove her from the premises. Instead, hotshot punk chose to come out in the hall, and provoke the entire incident. You think this is the first time he’s struck a woman??? Wake up! .
  6. Good for the Chiefs! I’m sure that the impotent, lame-brained Goodell would have dragged this out so that nothing would happen until after the playoffs. KC, OTOH, was facing a PR nightmare. No way those wholesome, corn-fed midwesterners are going to tolerate some young, overpaid, thug-punk shoving a woman, pushing her head into a wall, then kicking her while she’s on her hands and knees trying to retrieve her belongings. Punk belongs out of the NFL, and in prison. .
  7. So, if the Bills go 13-7, we still got a shot at Willams with the 32nd pick? ? .
  8. Um, Joe, we’re on the same side of this issue. The NFL should come down swiftly and hard on this woman-beating thug. So should the criminal justice system. .
  9. Correction - the investigation WAS over, until the video became public. Now, Goodell’s and the league’s integrity and credibility are on the line, so all of a sudden the investigation is open: .
  10. Well, from what I’ve read - and there are at least 3 sides to every story - It started in Hunt’s room when the woman refused to “hook up” with Hunt’s friend. Then, Hunt got mad, some sort of “cat fight” ensued between thewoman and Hunt’s girlfriend, and they threw the woman out of the room. Then the incident in the corridor unfolded. But the Chiefs have had months to straighten this out - instead, they tried to bury it. .
  11. Clearly, you were raised with a different set of values than most of the gentlemen on this board. . Did you even watch the video? Hunt shoved her first. .
  12. What a fine example he has set for young people. If Goodell has a pair, he’ll throw the bum out of the league - and quickly.
  13. Well yeah, but don’t pin your hopes on that to lure free agents. Land acquisition, environmental impact studies, stadium design, redesigning and building new roads for ingress/egress, and inevitable public hearings and construction delays all point to a 5-7 year time frame before the Bills play their first game in a new domed stadium, so any free agents we acquire in the next year or two will probably be nearing retirement or out of football entirely. JMO.
  14. How ‘bout Mike Leach?
  15. Well Trey Adams is probably out of the picture - having torn his ACL, the 6’8” 330# LT will probably return to UW for his last year of eligibility. If we don’ have a shot at Jonah Williams, I say go with the best available player. JMO.
  16. I like the Spaceport idea... https://www.google.com/search?q=buffalo+spaceport&client=safari&hl=en&prmd=nmiv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiktb687PXeAhXLct8KHYKjCkMQ_AUoA3oECAwQAw&biw=375&bih=635#imgrc=UjuLMP0pB58ivM ?? .
  17. Ha! Touché! Good one... ??
  18. Now, if Leach was coaching, we’d never punt. We wouldn’t have to. ? .
  19. What does that stupid, ignorant, total piece of garbage - Jalen Ramsey - have to say now? i think the only play he made was pushing off with 3seconds left in the 1st half Stupid POS!
  20. So do the zebras just LOVE the screen time today, or are these calls coming from Vegas? i get it, refs, the Bills are getting points at home and too many folks picked the Bills, so the oddsmakers gotta even it out. Disgusting amount of yellow flags...why don’t you a/ holes just leave the flag on the field for the rest of the game?
  21. I agree, in part, but the Bills are a worse team with Benjamin on the field. He makes absolutely no effort to make plays, then whines about the fans. HEY BENJI!!!! Make a play, catch something, and the fans will like you. Be a whiny, lazy slug, and they won’t. JMO .
  22. I LOVE those unis... my ‘rents bought the replicas for me and my brother from JC Penny when we were little . Came with the helmet, thigh pads, etc.,etc. Wish I still had ‘em. OMG, brings back memories of Kemp, Cookie, Sestak, Gogolak, Dubenenion, Stratton, Day, Warlick...I could go on.... Those guys used to work for $6k a year, and had to work in the off-season selling cars or insurance. How different the game has become. Love the throwbacks!
  23. That will require s lot of gardening...
  24. There will be growth in the Spring. .
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