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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. Well, I’d guess you’d have to ask the NFL, now that they are suddenly interested. (They never bothered to interview the beaten woman from the February incident.) .
  2. For the Hunt apologists, who think HE is the victim.... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/12/02/report-nfl-investigating-second-incident-in-which-kareem-hunt-punched-a-man/ https://nesn.com/2018/12/nfl-rumors-nfl-investigating-incident-in-which-kareem-hunt-punched-man-in-face/ Clearly, this thug is a violent criminal. I’m sure, as we peel back the onion, more incidents of violence against both men and women will surface. Dude’s cooked. His NFL career is over. (JMO) .
  3. Today, it looked like the calls came straight from Vegas. They wanted a push, so no one made money except them, off of the vig. JMO. .
  4. Please...PLEASE....release Benjamin tonite! .
  5. Why is Benjamin even on the field? Better yet, why is he still on the team? .
  6. 80 degrees and sunny...lots of Bills fans there...2000 Bills fans at Russ Salvatore’s party last night... GO BILLSSS!!!!
  7. Mike Leach has been calling for a 64 team playoff for years, maybe since 2006. .
  8. Fair enough. But, if Hunt felt he was so innocent, why did he lie to the Chiefs and claim that he never left his room? .
  9. Player’s wives can be a factor too. I know Cowher wouldn’t consider coaching here because his wife was adamant that she’d never move to Buffalo. When we recruited Terrell Owens, the Bills pulled out all the stops, flew him here on Ralph’s jet, took him to Tempo and when he stayed another day and called his wife to come check out houses and see the city, Ralph sent the jet to get her. That’s when I knew we had him. The Pegulas have those same resources, and the Bills have 90 $million in cap room. They can make a big splash in the free agent market, if they want to. .
  10. ! . My bad. I was under the impression he came out after his junior year. Sounds like he’d make a great jailhouse lawyer! .
  11. A guy who plies a 19-year old girl with alcohol, tries to get her to”hook up” with his pal, then assaults and kicks her when she refuses? Sure...sign him up! .
  12. What a GREAT story and kind, generous act! It brought tears to my eyes. Foster is just coming into his own as an NFL WR, and I hope he’s with the Bills for many years to come. .
  13. Sounds like a reasonable scenario, assuming Hunt doesn’t end up in jail. I wish Goodell would suspend him for the entire 2019 season. The thug can kiss any endorsements goodbye and, with no degree and a reputation as a woman beater, his prospects for any employment are slim. .
  14. Thank you for correcting me. Yes, there would have been a Watergate. And, without the dogged pursuit of a couple of cub reporters from the Washington Post, namely Woodward and Bernstein, it might have been buried in the back pages of the New York Times. That would have been bad. So, thank God, in this case, for TMZ. .
  15. Thank you...I’m done with this thread. I just can’t believe that so many of the posters I’ve become familiar with over the years, are poo-pooing this thug’s most egregious offense against a 19 year old girl. I’m out. .
  16. Agree 100%. Were it not for the media, there would have been no Watergate. But that’s a PPP topic. .
  17. Well OK then - I agree with you entirely. Still think a lifetime ban and beat down are in order, though. .
  18. Death penalty? No, as Don Corleone would say, “That is not justice, no matter what this undertaker thinks”...the girl is still alive. A lifetime suspension and a severe beat down, now that would be justice. .
  19. Oh! Well then, in that case, it’s totally acceptable. I don’t know why in the world that Goodell would suspend him and the Chiefs release him for a harmless little incident like that! . .
  20. Cause you were there? Or did you interview her and she told you she wasn’t in pain? A 19 year old girl got her head slammed into a wall by two much larger men, all for refusing to”hook up” with punk Hunt’s pal - I’m guessing she’s in some pain. I would be, so would you. Then, while kneeling on the floor, she got kicked in the side by a drunken punk thug. Happened. . .
  21. You and I know, hotels set these cameras to provide security for their guests, and to protect themselves from liability. There are cameras everywhere, including all of our hands. Anyone who doesn’t realize that there’s a camera above the cash register in every bar, several cams in every major store, or convenience store, and every hotel corridor, is either stupid, or from an older generation. Apparently, Hunt falls into the stupid category - he thought, since no cell phone cams were visible, that he wasn’t being filmed. Dumb, stupid f***. .
  22. http://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/sam-mellinger/article222460020.html I’m paraphrasing here, But to me the key line in the article is, ‘It doesn’t matter what happened beforehand, the important thing is, don’t hit a woman...it’s not hard’. She was 19 years old, ferchrissakes! WTF were they up to, plying her with alcohol, taking her to a hotel, and demanding she “hook up” with Hunt’s pal? ,
  23. Oh. Well, in that case, as Gilda Radner would have said, “Never mind.” I’m sure, despite being a woman beater, he is surely one extremely patriotic MF. ?
  24. That IS a fun idea...OF COURSE drugs and alcohol were involved! It happened in February, giving Hunt plenty of time to clean up his act before training camp. .
  25. Pure semantics. I’ve watched the video several times. Hunt came out a room he should stayed in, to continue a verbal altercation, then shoved her first. Then, when she ran at him, he went berserk, pushing two men into her. So, technically, you’re right - he didn’t slam her head into the wall - he merely shoved two oversized men into her, causing her head to slam the wall. Then, while she was disoriented and on her knees, the coward punk kicked in the ribs, flipping her over. No big deal, right? .
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