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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. Len Bias loss was heartbreaking - he would have been the franchise after Larry retired. . I wonder if he’ll continue to wear Nike, or endorse them when he turns pro. Think he’ll return to Duke? I wouldn’t. Too much at risk. .
  2. That’s what I was thinking - except that we get the Titans and Broncos while they get the Chiefs and the Texans, aren’t our schedules identical? .
  3. Well, in negotiations they say, ‘what you don’t ask for, you won’t get.’ In Bell’s case, what he’s asking for, he won’t get. .
  4. Well the scumbag is right back at it. He returned to the set of Empire yesterday, and unbelievably, proclaimed his innocence, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This is a vile human being, a pathetic narcissist, a recidivist liar, and, IMO, a total waste of skin and oxygen. i’m surprised the ‘fair and balanced’ FOX network has not fired him yet. .
  5. Another great UB story - in 1958 the entire team boycotted the Tangerine Bowl over the refusal to let UB’s two black players, Willie Evans and Mike Wilson, participate... http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/colleges/2008/12/31/the-bowl-team-that-wasn-principle-led-university-buffalo-boycott-tangerine-bowl/n69A1vfs5aieeXPZRWftQJ/story.html GO BULLS!!!! .
  6. I see at least 9 wins - Penn St., Temple, Miami (OH) will be tough. Oh screw it... 14 and 0 baby!!!! ?? .
  7. OTAs and Training Camp? HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 19 and 0 baby!!! ? .
  8. Heard this yesterday on an episode of Boston Legal - if you love Bob Dylan’s poetry but find his voice a little hard on the ears, you might enjoy Keb Mo’s rendition... .
  9. I’m think it’s because of the thread’s title - “Most Heartbreaking Loss...” Losing NP was more like a cause of celebration! .
  10. But his “version” of events seems to be ‘evolving’, no? Now he’s laying the foundation for a drug defense, claiming he has had a problem that was never treated. He will no doubt introduce that he purchased ecstasy from one of his co-conspirators to lay the foundation. He’s a grown-up. If he wanted treatment, he should have sought treatment. At $2M/yr, he can certainly afford it. It’s yet another vile canard - just another attempt to garner sympathy, and con the jurists into a lighter punishment. He and his dream team are already scheming how to get him off for offenses he most certainly committed. .
  11. Sorry if I offended you. I’m no saint. .
  12. Exiled gives sounds advice. I had a bad case of floaters and ignored them for too long, til I developed a huge bright spot in my right eye with nothing more than a bit of peripheral vision. Turns out i had cataracts in both eyes. Doc removed them, and installed some nifty multi focal lenses. Bingo, floaters gone, and I no longer need glasses - which is a huge plus if you’re driving along at the speed of light. Don’t ignore those floaters! .
  13. Well I guess she accomplished something - dudette makes $2M/yr on some show I never f**king heard of until 2weeks ago. Never heard of Julie Smallette til then either. So she got her 15 minutes of fame. Now, ship her off to prison and be done with her. . .
  14. I have no hard stats, but most vapers that I know do both. .
  15. Sorry, can’t help with the lint thing. But this always has puzzled me: Say you’re driving along at the speed of light, and you turn your headlights on...what happens? .
  16. Four games to go, and still atop the ECAC, though barely. Two big conference games this weekend at Lynah Rink - RPI and Union... GO BIG RED!!! ?????? .
  17. I remember that show! It was raining, and Thorogood was wearing some sort of clear plastic rain slicker. Funny thing is, I don’t remember Journey at all. Either I was baked, or Journey was that forgettable. If George hadn’t opened, I wouldn’t have bothered going in until after Journey anyway. (Not a fan.) .
  18. Tobacco - now that sh*t should be illegal. It’ll kill you. .
  19. I’d love to see the Central Terminal re-purposed, but there’s absolutely no highway infrastructure. Parking would also be an issue, unless you took 50 blocks or more by eminent domain, and tore down all the houses. (Not necessarily a bad thing, given the neighborhood.) The former owners offered it to the Senecas for a dollar, to be re-purposed as a casino. They even offered to throw in an adjacent 25 acres for the nation to build gas stations, tobacco stores, parking, whatever. The Senecas turned it down. I agree that the Bethlehem site is a good one for a stadium, maybe even the ideal site, but I think the Pegulas want it right downtown, with the rest of Pegula Sports Enterprises. They’ve been quietly buying up properties in the Cobblestone District for the past few years, and I think the Perry Street projects are the target site. .
  20. I haven’t seen the latest - did he make bail? .
  21. Well, yes and no - if it’s obvious to me, then any police officer will know what’s going on. But I do agree - a friend offered me, so I tried it. I figured, what the heck - if I still lived in CA, I’d have a 420 card (cancer patient), plus it’s almost legal here anyway. The experience was nothing like the bong hits and doobies I remember from college. It was smooth, and practically odor-free. Now, I want to run out and buy a pen. ? .
  22. I know. Not much going on til free agency and the draft. The off-season sux. .
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