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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. Amazing what getting caught in LA traffic will do to a guy... Great dark comedy, great actor(s). .
  2. I agree - he makes decent and topical films. But when he opened his Brooklyn clothing boutique (aka t-shirt store) back in 1990, he refused to hire white employees, simply because they were white. He insists on being interviewed only by black journalists. He literally spews racism, almost hatred for all whites. Yet, he throws a hissy fit when HE feels slighted. Plus, he wears those silly hats and outfits! .
  3. Yes, I certainly do, but I think you meant ‘forgettable movies’ - tho maybe you did mean unforgettable because they were so bad. I just find the entire spectacle a giant display of arrogance, conceit, vanity , narcissism, and pomposity. Why do those clowns think they are in a totally different realm than the rest of the world, or that their opinions and causes deserve everyone else’s rapt attention? Best acceptance speech ever? George C.Scott in 1971, for ‘Patton’, as he slept on his New York State Farm during the ceremonies. (He told the academy he’d not only refuse the award, but wouldn’t even show up. Did the same thing in 1960, for ‘The Hustler’, only that time the academy got pissed and didn’t nominate him.) JMO .
  4. The diversity is encouraging; the utter vanity and pomposity is disgusting. .
  5. No, you’re not wrong - the thread is most definitely fueled by a rabid hatred for the Patriots, and the hilarity of their 77 year old billionaire owner being stupid enough to put himself in such a situation. So what? .
  6. You should check out the post just 3 steps up from yours. .
  7. I am disappointed that the snotty racist pissant Spike Lee won anything at all... https://apple.news/Ahh8DTsGvTImG83uek8EvgQ
  8. I guess not, unless Neilson ratings show that no one was watching. .
  9. Just once, I’d like to see the network actually pull the plug on all these clowns right at the allotted time. Shut them down, take them off the air precisely at 11 o’clock, finished our not. Just once. They’d never again have to worry about that ridiculous, narcissistic, self-serving spectacle running over.? .
  10. Wow, that’s long, for a favorite quote. I could never remember that one - too many gin & grapefruits! My favorite HST quote is... ”When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” .
  11. The Ice Boom Breaketh... (awesome video) https://buffalonews.com/2019/02/24/the-ice-book-has-broken-poloncarz-reports/ .
  12. I honestly thought you photoshopped that. What an attention-starved idiot. .
  13. Over-Nite Sensation was a great album. Zappa was a genius. .
  14. Never heard of him, didn’t see the movie. But everyone I know that did see it says both he and the film were great. I think he’s performing tonight, with Queen. Hope he wins - I’ll find out tomorrow on the Today Show. .
  15. Winds are howling in Lancaster - 60,000 National Grid and NYSEG customers w/out power. (We lost power twice, but for less than a minute.) Even my dog Rufus won’t go outside - his big floppy ears flap around like an untrimmed sail. I’m watching to see small farm animals fly thru the air. .
  16. I was tempted to vote for Hypnotoad, but have never seen Futurama. Likewise with all of the films, and most of the actors, nominated. I usually tune in if one of my friends throws an Oscar party, or I like the host. This year, no party, and no host. No, I have zero interest in Hollywood’s gaudy tribute to itself. Biggest waste of 3+ hours imaginable! .
  17. My bad - I thought Frampton hung around longer than 2 years. I should have posted... Any, I never really liked Frampton’s solo stuff that much - certainly not enough to buy his albums. . .
  18. I’ve only been to SLC once, so can’t be much help. The only one listed on the Bills Backers site is Doolan’s - which is now a place called Collie’s - 738 Main St., Park City. Usually, when a place changes ownership, the new owners try to keep some of the things - and clientele - that made the old place successful, so the Bills Backers may still go there. If the place was filled with Bills fans every Sunday, chances are the new owners won’t want to lose that. https://www.colliesbbq.com/ You could email the chapter president, Sherry Weaver, and ask her... sherry@utahbroadband.com (Don’t know if that email is current, but it’s the one listed on the site.) http://prod.static.bills.clubs.nfl.com/assets/pdf/Bills-Backers-Chapter-List-NEW.pdf . LOVED Frank when he coached Niagara. He gave great interviews - always had something clever, witty, funny to say. .
  19. You did need a small modicum of intelligence - you had to remember the name, address, and - most importantly - the birthdate on that license. I was always surprised to see kids finally make it to the front of the line, then fail that simple test! .
  20. And, obviously, had no photo. ? .
  21. The Locker Room was my bar back then, when I was a student at Canisius High. (I can’t count the number of times that place was cited for underaged customers!) ????? .
  22. I read that he damaged his vocal chords with that thing. Jeff Beck used one too, on his ‘Blow By Blow’ album. .
  23. Well, we’re waiting!!! Where’s the storm??? .
  24. Don’t you think I know who the members of Humble Pie were? Of course that’s Steve Marriott. If you had watched the video, you’d see plenty of Frampton. .
  25. If you like stuff like ‘Frampton Comes Alive’ and think you can sit thru two hours of that stuff, by all means go. Myself, I’d be extremely bored. The only Frampton I enjoy was with Humble Pie... .
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