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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. Yes yes, while the Stones produced topical songs like Sympathy For The Devil, Lennon/McCartney gave us such profound tunes as ‘Hello, hello’. Eight Days a week. I wanna hold your hand. ? .
  2. You’ve gone total offense in rounds 1-3, and I agree entirely. It seems that no matter which BPA we pick, will fill a position of need, so I’ll trust McBeane and their scouts. We just have too many positions of need. Right now, Josh need targets and protection - a LT, a WR, TE, a road grader at OG, a center, etc. Our already top five D can be addressed in rounds 4-7 and free agency. I would maybe take Metcalf if he lasts til round 2, but would be happy w/AJ Brown. As always, JMHO. .
  3. Bulls loss is Cougars gain... https://www.cougcenter.com/2019/2/26/18241891/wsu-cougars-mike-leach-ken-wilson-roc-bellantoni As long as Roc remembers, no tortillas! .
  4. Cancer is a b*tch. It took my brother 7 years ago. Now, it’s having a ball with me. Sixty Eight is way too young. RIP. .
  5. This is a truly tragic tale of a troubled woman. As an early investor in a Summit Technology, a pioneer in the field of laser radial keratotomy, I was familiar with the procedure, but never found glasses or contacts inconvenient. I certainly didn’t want anyone but myself sticking their fingers, or surgical devices, near my eyes. I finally had to succumb to that phobia when I developed cataracts. Facing blindness, doc installed those nifty muti focal lenses, and my vision is 20/15, w/out glasses. I suppose someone whose job is on television might lead them to make certain cosmetic decisions, as this poor woman did. I would recommend against the operation. You never know what can go wrong. Glasses can be fun, so can contacts - you can even change colors! .
  6. Yes yes...there will be growth in the Spring! .
  7. Mike Leach is the best football coach of all time. Bills will win the Super Bowl in 2020. .
  8. At the risk of going PPP, keep an eye on Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland - he just might save us from our current Idiot-in-Chief, and rescue us from the already ongoing 15+ candidate democrat circus/bloodbath... http://www.wvxu.org/post/watch-what-were-doing-could-maryland-gov-larry-hogan-challenge-trump-2020
  9. This guy smokes everything, from brisket to creme brûlée... https://www.google.com/search?q=steven+raichlen&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari .
  10. Reacted the same way, but reinvested in marijuana stocks, so I think I’m OK. .
  11. Col. Potter was a “horse’s patoot!” MASH died with Henry Blake. .
  12. Exactly. After a short stroll thru snowbound, deserted downtown today, I’m thinking, why would anyone leave LA for Buffalo? That said, if possible, git’er done. And, btw, who thinks Jonah could not be easily moved to RT or OG? Give JA all the protection you can, and watch him shine. JMO .
  13. Apocropha has it that Sen. Everett Dirksen once uttered, “A Billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talkin’ real money!” .
  14. Grey’s Anatomy Modern Family .
  15. Not to go off-topic, but did you know (I didn’t until today) that Shaq owns 155 Five Guys? (In addition to 17 Auntie Ann’s Pretzels, 150 car washes, 40 24-hour health spas, a shopping mall, a movie theater, and several clubs in Las Vegas!) .
  16. So you’re saying if Kyler Murray or Dwayne Haskins are on the board, we should take them? IMO, at that point, you trade down to a team with QB needs, then take BPA. Better yet, if Jonah Williams is there, you pick him. JMO .
  17. Beane says that, as long as he’s GM, the Bills will never draft for need... https://www.buffalobills.com/news/bills-front-office-prepares-for-the-spotlight-as-free-agency-and-draft-approach That said, if Jonah Williams is there at #9, you take him. If he’s still there, he’s probably BPA - and fills a HUGE need. Win - win. JMO .
  18. Yes, yes... Danny Aeillo, John Turtorro, and Richard Edson (the lone caucasions) were wonderful, along with Samuel Jackson and, indeed, in his own arrogant self-serving fashion, Spike himself. IMHO, that film doesn’t hold a candle, screenplay or dramatis personae, to Jessica Tandy, Morgan Freeman, and - in a surprisingly wonderful performance - Dan Akaroyd, in Driving Miss Daisy. Again, JMHO .
  19. Video evidence? In the “act”? Well, he’s gonna need Alan Shore and Denny Crane to get him out of this mess! .
  20. I could not agree more! Really not a bad track on the entire album, plus Country Honk - the original version of Honky Tonk Woman. .
  21. No, they are not My opinion as well. And on on top of all that, guy’s a total schmuck. .
  22. I’m sorry, I can’t - or won’t try. i’ve tried to ignore the larger social undertones in this thread, not that I disagree with them, but because this is a Buffalo Bills board - therefore, by definition, an anti-Patriots board. I come here mainly for football news, plus to be amused and entertained. There are other, more appropriate forums to voice one’s opinions about social dilemmas. JMO
  23. Are we talking Inbox, or all total - ‘cause I think most of my Sent emails are in there too. Looks like around 11,000 in my msn box, another 2500 or so in gmail, and probably a couple hundred in iCloud. I’m just a mess when it comes to deleting things. .
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