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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. One of the dumbest, most ignorant, most arrogant idiots I’ve ever had the displeasure to work with, flaunted his Harvard MBA. Stupid sh^t went to Tufts, somehow got in. .
  2. Well, the guy I reference, yeah he inherited the first hundred or so places from his dad, also a CU hotelie. But I had plenty of hotelie friends, guys and gals, that were not rich, yet managed to claw their way up. .
  3. I had no idea I was trying to match wits with a two-year-old. And failing. .
  4. Two of my most successful friends were ILR grads - one a CEO of a Mobil subsidiary, the other an extremely successful and brilliant attorney. BTW, is Cornell the only place that you can earn a 4.3 GPA? .
  5. My room mate at CU flunked out of Hotel School, the easy one, where we put all the football and hockey players. Now, he owns 200 McDonalds restaurants. .
  6. I never walk on the cracks. .
  7. Ya know, why is it that I can turn on the TV any hour of day or night and find Cellino & Barnes, Phil Mattar, or Honest Jed trying to get me to sue someone, but I can’t find a decent carpenter or plumber? .
  8. I was fortunate enough to get almost ‘full boat’ at one of the endowed (private)) colleges thru Regents, National Merit, and University scholarships. Had to earn about $2K/academic year on my own. Then again, total cost of tuition, room, board, books, incidentals were between $7-8K/year when I wore a backpack. .
  9. So, during ‘reading week’, you finally cracked the textbook, and headed to Uris Library to watch 13 weeks of lectures? We had no Gamelan, no gongs. All we had on the quad was frisbee, and dogs. Maybe it’s easier now but, for me, it was brutal. (BTW, we beat St. Lawrence 4-2 yesterday - will clinch 1st in ECAC with a win over Clarkson tonight. Not that it means much - all 12 teams make the tourney. Kinda makes me wonder why we play the other 22 games.) .
  10. Absolutely. Do something you’re great at and you absolutely love doing, and you’ll never WORK a day in your life. I’ve met many a UB grad who can talk circles around me. (It’s the Dartmouth guys that really get under my skin. ?) .
  11. Having gone to both Harvard and Cornell, and rejected by Princeton and Yale, I can attest with a fair degree of certainty that Cornell is the easiest to get in, the hardest to graduate. (Although it seems all the Kennedys that could not buy their way into Harvard went to Brown, so admission to Brown must also be fairly easy.) And yes, while if I could do it again, I’d go to University of Hawaii, but the connections and cache of an Ivy League school have been worth the money, effort, and sacrifice. .
  12. Seems like all the fun Big East coaches are gone - Louis Carnesseca, John Thompson, Rollie Massimino, Rick Pitino, gone. But Boeheim endures, at ‘cuse, for 50+ years. Quite an accomplishment. .
  13. What a great thread ? this is! I, vainly, consider my knowledge of music fairly encyclopedic - yet you folks take me where I have not been. Vladimir Ashkenazy, Chopin Etude, Opus 10, No. 1... .
  14. Two other notables that passed this week - Edward Nixon (President Nixon’s brother) and pianist/conductor/composer Andre Previn... RIP .
  15. When I was a child, I used to hear that piece on the radio almost every morning - it’s how my love for jazz and R&B started. .
  16. My understanding is that he would need to qualify for Medicaid, for me to be compensated. Is that not correct? (BTW, I don’t need the money - but I’ll certainly acccept it!) .
  17. Not for nothin’ , but wouldn’t that make a ‘Sunny Side Up’? Geez, we know our eggs, yes? .
  18. Love the runny yokes, but Over Easy is difficult - better to learn how to flip the pan than use a spatula. .
  19. Unless you order it directly from DuPont, you will never duplicate that flavor. .
  20. My diet has changed since I recently became Dad’s caregiver, but I used to have an egg/bacon/cheese breakfast sandwich every day. Probably explains my blood pressure. I used to whip up a fine quiche or 6 when I’d host the 10am Bills games at my house in San Fran. When I cooked for just myself, it was always an omelette. Now, my Dad requires hard boiled eggs on Friday, scramble on Monday. He’s 92, been the same routine for my mere 60 years. I f**king crave Eggs Benedict, and a Mimosa. Several Mimosas! .
  21. Definitely no rise in my Levis .
  22. I am still both lucid and literate - I’d have preferred if he had said at least 41 points. I realize that I am, at times, given to Senatorial hyperbole, but put the right talent around Josh Allen, 41 points is a reasonable expectation. As always, JMHO. .
  23. You’re saying that to piss me off! ? I’d have been happier if McD said 41 points... GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!! ??????
  24. If that is truly the case, I hope the young man gets all the help he needs to go on in life. Myself, I suspect, just like Chad Kelly, he’s merely a major league a-hole. .
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