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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. A few months ago, a friend told me that when they built the Tesla solar plant at River bend in South Buffalo, mixed in with much of the machinery that was imported from China were gigantic spiders - practically the size of a toilet seat. .
  2. AOC is a total nut case! I’m curious to see what the debate format will be for 15 candidates. .
  3. I don’t think I’ve has a Slim Jim since reading Upton Sinclair’s ‘The Jungle’ .
  4. I’m well aware of her birthplace. I find it comical that she managed to affect quite the Arkansas twang while Slick Willy was governor, then lost it immediately when she became a carpetbagger in New York. .
  5. Not for nothing, but I believe the expression is “take a long walk off a short pier” maybe you meant”why don’t you go jump off a cliff”? anyway... 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! ??? .
  6. Another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody I got some money ‘cause I just got paid How I wish I had someone to talk to I’m in an awful way .
  7. I don’t know how Eddie is doing these days - he’s had Parkinson’s for a few years now, and his brother Pat (high school classmate of mine) pretty much runs the place. Eddie is such a great guy - what I loved the most is that it seemed he could only multiply by two...4 drinks? 8 bucks. He was the first one to take a chance on that neighborhood - I’m glad it worked out. .
  8. L.A. in the summer of ‘69 I went downtown and bought me some wine Oh I drank it down under the table I said “Watch me now, I’m gonna eat the label” Well I’m a wino man Don’t you know I am .
  9. My 92 Year old dad and my late mom have/had problems using an ATM, don’t understand voicemail, and have never used a computer, and generally paid for things with cash. What will older folks do if paper currency is eliminated? .
  10. I don’t get this whole crypto-currency stuff. At first, I thought BitCoin was an actual coin - now I understand it’s basically a debit card. I have a friend that’s very knowledgable in the subject and has tried to explain it to me, without success. I still don’t understand the difference between BitCoin and my MasterCard. He is somewhat invested in several crypto-currencies (recommends Bakkt, btw) snd insists that it will completely replace paper currency. I call bullsh*t on that one, and will invest my money in marijuana stocks instead. I do know that computer security software pioneer John McAfee has promised to eat his own d*ck if BitCoin doesn’t hit $1M in 3 years. I’d say he and his d*ck are in trouble... https://diegorod.github.io/WillMcAfeeEatHisOwnDick/ .
  11. There’s debris removal, engineering and architectural assessments, finding - if they even exist - the original plans, finding and hiring the right experts, procurement and what not, the list goes on and on. It could take decades. Have they bothered to consider how many years it took the build the thing? .
  12. How ‘bout the knucklehead that wanted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Columbine by doing it again? It’s hard, as a Christian and a Catholic, for me to say this, but I feel safer that she’s dead. .
  13. Don says so many stupid things on a daily basis - I can’t keep track anymore. I’m glad Bill Weld declared, but he has no chance. I’m still hoping for MD Gov. Larry Hogan. Otherwise, I’ll wait for the 19 incompetent Dems to self-destruct, hold my nose, and re-elect the President. . .
  14. Since a completely unqualified Hillary was handed a Senate seat by Pat Moynihan and lied to New Yorkers about her Presidential intentions (she fooled no one - we all knew she was lying), then proceeded to be rejected twice - once by her own party, once by the entire American electorate - I have pretty much been able to forget about the inbred hillbilly family from Arkansas. (Sorry, don’t mean to turn this into a PPP thread) .
  15. Sounds about right, if they begin immediately. But I think their cost estimates are way too low - I’m guessing a couple $billion. .
  16. I see Eddie at Corpus Christi occasionally, not so much at the R&L any more. Can’t believe you’ve never had Krupnik. My dad brought some back from Poland (they make it much stronger there), along with some 150-proof Wisniowka (cherry vodka). Fr. Krysa (St.Casimir’s) whips up some homemade Krupnik every year around Easter time - once set his kitchen on fire doing it. https://www.buffalorising.com/2018/03/today-is-krupnik-day-in-buffalo/
  17. Hindsight better be 20/20. Too bad we can’t we can’t have a do-over of 2010 - particularly round 2. .
  18. OK, I think I get it - Adam Rank had some column-inches to fill, and no idea what to write about. .
  19. Total freakin’ chowderhead. Good riddance. .
  20. Well, we are all entitled to our own opinions. You have your opinion of Leach, I have mine. (Yours, of course, is wrong ?) BTW, the reason Leach put Adam James in that darkened equipment shed is that James claimed he had a concussion, was unable to participate in team practice, and insisted that he could not take off his sunglasses due to sensitivity to sunlight - so Leach put him in a place where he could be on the sideline, out of direct sunlight, and made him ride a stationary bike. Kid was, just like his dad, a complete a**hole. He lied about the conditions, claiming he was confined in a darkened shed - the overhead door was open the entire time. He lied about being confined in a wiring closet, and emailed photos of the closet from his cell phone. He was in the same large, open media room where Leach held his press conferences. Then he and his douchebag dad conspired to get Leach fired. Leach was OC/QBs coach at both Kentucky and Oklahoma. His successes there got him the HC job at TT. Neither Texas Tech nor Washington State are ‘fringe’ programs. They are, respectively, Big 12 and PAC 12 teams. .
  21. I’m not real happy with first two games on the road or a bye after 5 weeks, but generally I agree - we should be 3-0 when New England comes to town. Also, I realize we’re not playing the NFC North this season, but it seems like we should be playing Detroit on Thanksgiving ?
  22. Nothing like fresh - i really don’t liked the smoked stuff. Hanzlian’s makes the best, IMHO. I will be bowling early Monday (and drinking Krupnik and pivo) with the Pauline Fathers at Corpus Christi’s Sears St. Athletic Center (and bar), head to the Adam Mickiewicz Library (aka ‘Mickey’s), watch Eddie Dobosiewicz’s Dyngus Day Parade, then (there will likely be stops at R&L Lounge and Artie’s in between) head to Central Terminal to polka my dupa off!!! Na Zdrowie!!!! ???? .
  23. Gugny, how is it you always manage to put a smile on my face, or just make me laugh out loud? ? .
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