Really? Because to me she looks to have grown to almost bovine proportions lately...
One of the biggest stars of Super Bowl Sunday has fired a shot across the bow of one of the day's biggest performers, after 77-year-old GoDaddy girl Joan Rivers laid into Super Bowl XLV national anthem singer Christina Aguilera yesterday.
" How stupid can you get?" Rivers said of Aguilera, who botched the words to the song on Sunday, "Christina must have been thinking about food, that's why she forgot the words. O say can you see ... french fries, " she told Pop Eater. " She's gotten so big, she looks like she could eat Lady GaGa. Great way to get rid of the competition. " And again on Twitter: " Last night, Christina Aguilera wore black while singing the national anthem. Black is suing her for defamation -- it's supposed to be slimming. "