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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  2. I believe our players are mocked everywhere, along with our entire franchise
  3. So we should get a pretty good compensatory pick for "Lil' Donte" in 2012 then, yes?
  4. Miss Flutie is not only lovely and multi-talented, but also seems like loads o' fun... Boston's Best Cowgirl
  5. Well a C+ is a passing grade - actually a bit better. Given the number of recent drafts we've 'failed', a C+ is pretty good.
  6. We are still waiting for... The Second Coming
  7. I love that you've got us picking #32, Ramius - but that would mean that Fitz is gonna suit us just fine while we wait a few more years for... The Second Coming (Maybe by that time Uncle Jim will even join the Bills' coaching staff to help out his nephew?) BTW, the Okahoma Sooners will win the BCS title, making Landry Jones the QB-du-jour, and Andy Luck may be there for the taking whenever the Bills turn to pick comes! GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!! .
  8. I will add only one word... 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!
  9. I've been away for a while...when the did Oklahoma City get an NBA team?
  10. You do realize that the idiot that owns that site is dumber than dirt, yes? If you don't, you should... Walter Cherepinsky Wally's World Like most morons with similar sites, Wal-sky has a modicum of web-skills and found a way to make a quick buck selling advertising on his site by increasing his number of 'hits' pandering to football junkies that think he's more than just another drunken-idiot Philly sports fan. You'll usually get better info from the main page of Two Bills Drive and from veteran posters here on TSW.
  11. Depends... Will Luck's junior season be as good as his sophomore season was? Can Stanford's new coaching staff improve him even more, or will he regress? Will he be healthy? (The Stanford O-line that protected him so well last season is mostly gone.) Will we need a QB as desperately as you and some others seem to believe we will, or will Fitz improve even more, given a full compliment of OTAs, training camp, and pre-season as the pre-ordained starter, more time with the coaching staff, and an improved and more experienced receivers corps, O-line, and running game? How will Luck compare to guys like Landry Jones and others that will also be available in the 2012 draft? Where will the Bills be in the draft order without any moves? Lot's of questions need answering before we start down this silly Andrew Luck road once again - but right now, I'd probably give up nothing and just stay put. .
  12. Yeah - the Bills were hoping to use this pick on Alex Henery but the Eagles grabbed Henery in round 4, leaving us with Jasper.
  13. Probably had to - couldn't get off the field in time, I'm guessing.
  14. I agree completely - let's give Fitz the ol' Harvard cheer... "Ryan...Ryan...he's our man, if he can't do it... We'll hire adequate support staff and surround him with superior talent at all appropriate positions, enabling him to successfully execute our plan!"
  15. Those are the exact reasons it merits a C (an "average" grade) - it would take someone of way-below average intelligence NOT to take Dareus, the best player in the draft that also just happens to fill our greatest need, after both Carolina and Denver passed him over. (I'm thrilled with the pick, but I'm not givin' Buddy an "A" just for NOT being an idiot!)
  16. Chas Henry ??? (Eagles took Alex Henery in the 4th)
  17. I dunno 'bout this one...dude must've really impressed Chan & Budday at the Senior Bowl This is the part of the draft where we usually find some gems, but I really thought this was the time to grab Romeus.
  18. Well, you're probably going to get Greg Romeus (even though he'd still be available in round 6).
  19. Quite to the contrary - I would be thrilled to be wrong and that he fell so far, if only the Bills had taken him with the #68 pick, and am upset beyond belief particularly because it was Belicheat* and NE* that realized the tremendous value that was staring them in the face at the #74-spot. Trust me - in years to come, all Bills fans will count this Nix blunder as just one more reason to loathe the Cheatriettes*. (OTOH, I'm thrilled with our 1st-round selection of Marcel Dareus )
  20. It was extremely cathartic (Buddy can improve his overall grade with an A-performance today - and I do give extra credit for undrafted FAs!)
  21. No - but, being a straight-A student, I already knew what my grade would be Buddy Nix & Co. are getting a C-minus overall from me, so far, for this draft - and here's why... Round 1 - Grade: C - Only a complete idiot of below-average intelligence would not know to race to the podium to grab the best player in the top 10 (Marcell Dareus) after both Carolina and Denver passed him over - especially when that best player also happens to fill our biggest need. Since C is an average grade, Buddy gets a C for doing the obvious. (I could be kind and give him a B for not f__king it up, but I'm not feeling that generous after his round 3 screw-up.) Round 2 - Grade B - No one in particular 'jumped off the board ' as the obvious choice. Williams, while not a particularly 'sexy' pick, had a round-one grade and filled a position of need. This would merit an average grade, but I'm being generous since Buddy did not jump at Ryan Mallett or otherwise 'reach' with this pick. Round 3 - Grade F - It's not that I don't like Kelvin Sheppard (I do), or that I don't think he can make an immediate impact on our D (I think he will) - it's that Shep, whom we took with the #68-overall pick, was projected as a 4th or 5th round pick by NFL Draft Scout and was ranked #104 on Great Blue North's 'big board', would have been available with either of our 4th-round picks today, while our arch-rival and nemesis took arguably the best QB prospect in this draft-class with the #74 pick!!! Buddy Nix has been waxing on and on about 'the best time to pick your QB-of-the-future' is while you still have a QB, or something to that effect... The Bills consider quarterback a priority even with incumbent starter Ryan Fitzpatrick on the roster. (Nix was in the San Diego Chargers front office when they acquired Philip Rivers even though they already had Drew Brees.) "We think we're in a good position," Nix said. "Actually, as hard as it is to say that when you got other needs, it's probably a perfect time to take a guy. "I go back to San Diego, and I have to draw from that. But if you can do it that way, with the way we did it, with Drew Brees ... That makes it easier if you got Drew Brees, now. But if you can take a guy and sit him a year or two until he's hungry and knowledgeable and ready to play, the success rate is going to be pretty high." Well, while Buddy preached it, Belicheat did it - same as when he drafted Brady and groomed him behind Drew Bledsoe. Now, in 2-3 years, Ryan Mallett will come into Orchard Park as the best QB in the game and torch the Bills for 400 passing yards during a December blizzard while Bills fans sit and wonder aloud...'Why can't we draft a QB like that?' But hey, we'll have Kelvin Sheppard (whom we could have drafted today, AFTER taking Mallett). Buddy, I just changed my mind - you get a D thus far. You needed a QB, you knew you needed a QB, you said you needed a QB. A great QB prospect was staring you in the face to steal with the #68 pick and groom behind Fitz for 2 seasons, and you blinked like a deer in the headlights.
  22. This will go down as one of the Bills worst draft blunders. Mallett will emerge in a few years as the best QB or the 2011 draft and be a dominant force for the next decade. Williams and Sheppard (projected as a round-5 pick by NFL Draft Scout) will be busts. I think hillbillies Nix & Gailey are still giddy on too much moonshine from Dareus falling into their laps in round one.
  23. Mallett took care of all that in January... Razorbacks' Mallett Picks Representation (JMO, BeerSphere - but the less talk we hear about him from OBD, the more I think Mallett is being fitted for a new Bills' uniform tonite.)
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