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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. That was a great series. If you haven't already seen it, you should check out the film... I think you'd enjoy it. No, this is a Space Station...
  2. There you go again, with the leg jokes.
  3. Every High School could use an educator like Michelle, I think... TEACH ME, MISS McCUTCHAN!!!!! (The Crown Royal/Vanilla Rum e an educator would be completely unnecessary!)
  4. You do realize I'm a double amputee, confined to a wheelchair, yes?
  5. You'll have to forgive me, Matt - I'm in my 5th decade and, if I recall (I probably don't), I think I also had a few beers that day! You are, of course, correct... After that, all that was left was the gloating... (Still love that Burress DID deface that expensive leather Cheatriettes* recliner!)
  6. This was, after all, in Texas. Cop was probably a Longhorn.
  7. But he did take the time a few years back - after ruining Belicheat's*/Brady's* almost-perfect season with that spectacular one-handed catch to win the Superbowl - to pull out a Sharpie and autograph a rather expensive leather recliner bearing a NE Patriots* logo during an interview at the Sirius studios. (No matter what you think of the guy, ya gotta love that move!)
  8. Actually, the cop should be ticketed for gross stupidity. (As dib says, "Stupid should hurt.")
  9. Actually, it's pretty funny - but if I'm the kid, I'm probably more embarrassed that my dad apparently doesn't have a job, nor any interest in finding one!
  10. In my youth, that would have happened after Fr. Sturm had already slapped me in the head with my Latin vocabulary book, then thrown me down the stairs. (Then later, at home, my father would have said, "That's why we're paying them," before administering his own ass-kicking.) AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM!!!
  11. I was shocked to learn, when Peter Graves (Mission Impossible, Airplane) passed on a couple of years ago, that he was James Arness' brother. Marshall Dillon, Festus, and Miss Kitty are now all together again in that great Dodge City in the sky. RIP, JA.
  12. I don't believe it. Looks 'foto-shopped' to me. The Russians are liars.
  13. So what does it all mean? If I'm driving in my car at the speed of light and turn on my headlamps, what happens?
  14. And a rather portly one, at that! Yikes!!!
  15. Future Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  16. Well of course you're right - they are an attractive bunch of MILFs, save for the smokin' Layla Kiffin, but just loved the line... "Lane Kiffin has weaseled his way into two great college jobs, but nothing tops bagging Layla." As for the ancillary stories, my Senatorial interests were piqued by... 25 SFW Photos of Ginger Lee, Congressman Anthony Weiner’s Porn Star Lady Friend Apparently, Weiner's wiener has gotten him into quite a pickle!
  17. Well, with a 2-year post-season bowl ban, 4 years of probation, loss of 30 scholarships over the next 3 years, and now being stripped of the 2004 national title, Lane Kiffin's gonna have a rough ride at USC - at least he's got Layla to come home to... Power Ranking Layla Kiffin and the Hottest Coaches Wives
  18. I expect he'll be COTY after this season... 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! Reverse The Curse!!!!!
  19. I'll give 'em about a week to surrender on this one.
  20. Posluszny is a team captain and the defensive signal caller. He's, in essence, the 'quarterback' of our defense. Losing a 4-year veteran like Poz - who should now be entering his prime - would just set the team back, after such an excellent draft centered around improving our defense. Of course the Bills need to re-sign P2 (And let's not forget, the man has no neck - his head is attached directly to his torso.) 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!
  21. My condolences to you and your family, Mead. Very sorry to hear such sad news, but your Mom is now in that great, beautiful vineyard in the sky.
  22. Best Bills RB, without question, was Cookie Gilchrist. Simpson couldn't carry Cookie's jock strap. (OK, that was a bit too harsh - yes, Simpson could carry Cookie's jock strap.)
  23. Thanks, BeerSphere - good read - here's a direct link, since it will keep rolling further down... link
  24. Funny you should bring that up. (Even funnier that you came close to getting one right - there IS a group called 'Nothing But Treble'!) As a music history & performance major, vocal and chamber ensembles were certainly a part of my college experiences - unfortunately I did not have the requisite vocal skills for groups like the a capella The Hangovers or...
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