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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. This is fabulous music to my Polish ears. As an old East Side kid, I can't imagine a season without celebrating every Bills touchdown by pouring a nice healthy-sized shot of freezer-cold Luksusowa and shouting the traditional 'Old Country' vodka toast... PosLUSZny!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!! .
  2. Myself, no - but it's purely a matter of personal preference. Seriously, there are some tasty-sounding potions in this thread, and I will experiment with a few. Here's one I discovered a back in May while planning a Preakness Party... Black-Eyed Susan (I like to substitute a nice 80-proof orange brady for the Triple Sec.) Cheers!
  3. Hmmm...let's see... 2011 'League Season' will begin on July 28th; Bills training camp scheduled to open at SJF on July 29th. Coincidental? I think not. With so much money at stake for both players and owners, did anyone really think - deep down - that a new CBA wouldn't get done in time?
  4. One part chilled vodka Two parts chilled vodka Slice of lemon or orange Serve over ice
  5. Thanks, BeerSphere - and now that they've bought Wilson Farms, they're all over WNY... link Myself, I'm trying to avoid sugary stuff these days - but let me know when they're giving away free beer!
  6. So it looks like the 2011 'league season' will begin on July 28th, and the Bills training camp will likely open the very next day at St. John Fisher College - just as scheduled, on July 29th - likely with rookies reporting on Friday and veterans on Monday. Nothing like an 11th hour deal - seems like so much drama when, in the backs of our minds, I think most folks figured it'd work out this way. Other than compacting free agency, rookie signings, etc., into a tight window, the season will go on as originally scheduled. I think we all knew there was too much money at stake for it to go any other way. Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go, and it's... 19 and 0, baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! Reverse the Curse!!!!!!
  7. Yes, you're absolutely right - there are folks out there with both malicious intent AND too much idle time on their hands. I've edited the post. Thanks.
  8. Of course, the other problem with putting a stadium in The Falls is too many Bills fans would be doing this after a loss...
  9. Betty Ford was such a grand First Lady - a modest woman of mainstream, middle class, Midwest roots who was thrust into the limelight simply by virtue of being married to Gerry Ford, who was himself thrust into the limelight by virtue of the events surrounding first VP Spiro Agnew, and then President Nixon. (President Ford used to lament that the only position he truly coveted was Speaker of the House - which he never attained because, when Ford finally had the seniority to attain the Speaker-ship, the Democrats held the majority.) She was certainly our most outspoken first lady, at that time, since Eleanor Roosevelt - openly opposing her husband's position on the Equal Rights Amendment, abortion rights, and other issues, and also lobbying for Gerry to appoint the first woman to the Supreme Court. (That would have to wait until Ronald Reagan.) Mrs. Ford was also so open in her own personal battles against breast cancer and substance abuse that you might say she paved the way for the current wave of celebrities airing their eating disorders, drug addictions, sexual proclivities, and other personal foibles all in the public eye. Whether that's a good or bad result is certainly debatable, but Betty Ford's courage certainly is not. Perhaps my favorite Betty Ford moment was one I read in a news story at the time of her husband's funeral. Her son, Jack Ford, was starting to get emotional - weepy, even - during to ride to the memorial service when a well-composed Mrs. Ford, herself 88 years old at the time, admonished, "Oh suck it up, Jack, it's gonna be a long day!" Or something to that effect. She led a beautiful and exemplary life. RIP, Betty Ford.
  10. The folks at SJF don't seem overly concerned... Bills camp hosts vow to give it old college try ...and neither am I. The lockout will be over by week's end.
  11. Kevin Boothe Reverse the Curse!!!!
  12. That's how you know that he has... link
  13. I can see only 2 course of action, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive: Either... 1) File an injunction to block said agreement; And/Or... 2) Start researching Ralph Wilson Enterprises potential deals with the various customs brokers and van lines for a possible moving contract. (Either - or both - would, of course, necessitate the start [and then continual 'bumping'] of a new thread to convince TSW members that the sky is indeed falling!) As stated many times, the Bills will be located in and playing the bulk of their home games in Buffalo long after Rogers Centre lies in crumbled ruins... GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!! .
  14. Sounds way too good to be true - straight-up that'd be just too incredibly one-sided for Buffalo. Maybe other players involved?
  15. Actually, PTR, it's not that hard to imagine...not hard at all... A company wanted to invest $4.5 Billion into our local economy and suddenly changed their mind. So, you might be asking yourself at this point, WHA HAPPEN?!?! Why did Verizon cancel this project? Was it the unfriendly business climate fostered by New York State that caused the change of heart? No, it was one lady and her lawyer... Verizon Withdraws Plans For Niagara County Datacenter
  16. Well, Promo, tailgating at RWS in general is not for the wimpiest - or faint-of-heart - no matter how you slice it Seriously, though, I'm always amused at how parochial some of these WNY squabbles become - particularly when we're talking about such a small geographic expanse. You do realize that the lake is less than 4 miles from the current stadium location, and that you can actually see it [the lake] from the upper deck, no? It would be a tough sell to convince anyone that situating a stadium at the vortex of lake-effect winds off both Lakes Erie AND Ontario would somehow be any more pleasant in late December. Traffic-wise, I suppose you could argue that it'd be easier to take the I-190 over the always wide-open and headache-free Grand Island bridges to the Robert Moses Parkway, then exit onto Buffalo Street and wind your way thru the narrow city streets of Niagara Falls into tightly-spaced urban parking lots and ramps - rather than build a massive parking expanse on vast available amounts of flat, vacant land immediately abutting the stadium gates, with it's own exit/entrance ramp off the straight, flat, wide - and easily further widened - major highway (Route 5) on which the former Bethlehem plant already sits. You could try to make that argument...I guess ...
  17. Yes, I'm sure all Bills fans from the Southern Tier, northwestern PA, and all other points south, would be thrilled to see another 35 miles (actually 70 miles, round-trip) tacked on to their game-day sojourn for the opportunity to fight urban congestion in and out of a 70,000+ seat stadium somehow 'shoe-horned' into tiny little Niagara Falls, NY, just to exit their vehicles for a 3-hour game and then return home Folks seem to overlook that even many of our Canadian fans would be also inconvenienced by a move to the north, as a good portion of our Southern Ontario fans come from West of Buffalo - not North. (Just for reference, the Brewer's Retail/Beer Store on Garrison Road in Ft. Erie is 12 miles from RW Stadium, and 22 miles from The Rainbow Centre.) Then consider the roadway infrastructure needed to facilitate ingress/egress for 70,000+ fans on game day (figure at least 35,000 cars carrying players, personnel, vendors, fans, media, etc.) The city streets in Niagara Falls are not able to accommodate such traffic without MAJOR traffic headaches t, and there's really no way to change that fact. The old Bethlehem site, OTOH, is already sited on a major highway (Route 5), and pretty much right at the intersection of Route 5, the NYS Thruway, Milestrip Road, etc. (Not to mention that a stadium at the old Bethlehem site almost instantly remediates a major industrial eyesore, and probably provides the most viable re-use of that vast site in the shortest time.) A final point - if ever earnest discussion begins of where/how to site a major monstrosity like a 70K-seat stadium and folks in various NF neighborhoods catch wind of how they'll be affected as land is taken to build new roads and widen existing ones, build lots for parking, build the actual stadium and all the ancillary structures, objection will begin instantly - and the sudden crescendo of opposition will quickly grow to a deafening roar. OTOH, folks who have for decades lived directly on major highway Route 5 across from the Bethlehem eyesore are likely to welcome - with open arms - anything that would replace this...
  18. I call BULLS--T!!! (Quit lying - you don't give a crap about Wilson's business )
  19. Thanks for the news flash - I'll alert the media at once
  20. FYI, Ralph made the bulk of his fortune in the insurance business. I believe he (or his father, or both of 'em) were also part-owners of the Lions at one time. I'm curious - why the fixation on RW's business enterprises?
  21. Only problem is that these guys are suggesting a stadium in Niagara Falls - that's what's creating the argument about parking lots. Don't you think that maybe the lots near HSBC are a bit too far from any stadium built in Niagara Falls?
  22. OK then, let's think - for a brief moment - about the logistical nightmare of ingress/egress (for both vehicles AND people exiting from them to walk to the stadium) from a 10- story parking ramp, filled to capacity on game day, and multiply it times about 6 or 7 ramps. Because that's about what you'd be talking. One of the larger ramps in downtown BuffTown - the Ausperger ramp at Pearl and Chippewa - is 4 stories, and holds only 1300 cars. Do the math and you'll begin to realize that you'd need multiple 10-story (or 20-story!!!!) ramps cramped into a tight urban setting to accommodate game day parking. Now imagine parking on the top level, and then trying to get out onto a narrow street in an urban setting after the game ends. It just doesn't work. Besides, can you even imagine tailgating in a parking ramp? Open fires, grills, etc.??
  23. Stop there??? I lived there!!! (For six years, right by the Marina.) And I loved every minute of it - particularly when the storms got crazy. I jogged along the water almost every day, summer and winter. People even ice-fish. The weather's just fine. It's nothing, really. Unless you're a wimp. (Also, if you build one of those new-style open-air stadia with the small opening directly over the field - like the Aviva stadium in Dublin that I cited - the spectators would be somewhat shielded from the brunt of the lake winds anyway.) .
  24. The one above is an actual photo of Aviva soccer stadium in Dublin... link
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