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Everything posted by Simon

  1. fwiw, I just checked some local forecasts across the country this week on the NWS site and it looks like you'll be riding in clear weather the entire way across. National Weather Service I've run that route numerous times and that haul is probably only about 30ish hrs. You play your cards right and you could be there late Wed night; that would buy you a couple extra days in Vegas.
  2. I can't speak to it's accuracy but here's a graph built from the PFF data that somebody posted a week ago.
  3. It probably isn't actually 50. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's hovering somewhere above 40.
  4. The Amazon/streaming nonsense is getting increasingly annoying. Can't effectively watch both the Sabres opener and the Chiefs/Broncs in a national game when I have to monkey around with feeds every time I want to switch channels.
  5. Yeah, a few unnecessary mistakes that went the other way. Probably a little too geeked early in the opener. Like the NFL, Week 1 is a liar.
  6. Patience between the blue lines, boys.
  7. I think he wants their roles to be interchangeable so defenses can't key on particular sets.
  8. Probably my second favorite team over the last few years. They do it the way it's supposed to be done.
  9. I think when they were building in the offseason they may have counted on Spencer Brown being able to do more than he is capable of. Then when the bullets started flying, they found themselves with little choice but to play things they way that they are now.
  10. Bingo. That is absolutely a significant factor in this, imo. The problem with that is that you sort of have to leave Spencer Brown on an island during a play that has a long-developing route combo. It seems that the Bills coaches have become very averse to doing this, probably for good reason.
  11. <Waits patiently for thread to devolve into WEO and Doc maneuvering to get the last word for 3 days>
  12. If they weren't spending half the game covering the RT, they would be a much more dynamic part of the offense. As it is, the Bills are spending a significant percentage of their passing downs playing 10 vs 11.
  13. The first one I successfully snuck into was Porky's. Still amazed to this day that I wasn't ushered to the exit during this scene:
  14. Owen Power signed to 7yr extension for $58m Averages $8.3m/yr
  15. Ground nest: Go out at night (if you have a red headlamp(or red cellophane over a flashlight), they can't see it), pour some gas down the hole, cover it with a rag or tshirt and the fumes will do the work for you. Yes, it's more fun to light it but that doesn't always get them all.
  16. There's a lot of positions where you want your guys to be playing with serious fire. I would suggest that QB is not one of them. It's a position for cold-blooded assassins, not raging berserkers.
  17. Your point is that even though he has recently been throwing with better recognition and anticipation than probably any QB in the world, he needs to improve that aspect of his game. Yeah, I'm just going to stroll away from this one and hope that you don't further contaminate a very interesting thread with more utter nonsense.
  18. I'm sorry but when you say stuff like Allens "recognition and anticipation are not great" after we have literally just watched him go for multiple weeks showing arguably the best recognition and anticipation in the world, you sound sort of ridiculous.
  19. Example #473,864 of the tech version of "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should".
  20. I'm going to go ahead and help you with that. And it's not just because you've already been warned about crusading in the last 24 hrs. Or that you're bringing political nonsense in here. Or that your insulting other members of this community. It's that I think you are having an episode that requires intervention from a medical professional and that you are unaware of it. So I am going to lock you out of here for a while in the hope that you will put down your phone/get off your computer and go seek the help that you need. I hope things work out well for you.
  21. Have you not watched the outstanding anticipation he has been throwing with for weeks now?
  22. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A single name if far too vague to post as a title and provides little insight into what specifically the post is talking about.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  23. Almost a week later and this is still breaking my heart. He has, but he had a bit of a struggle day against the Phish, imo. Kingsley is younger and has some legit upside, I think I'd be surprised to see the Bills let him get away.
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