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Everything posted by Simon

  1. There was people in the game thread complaining about the Bills being flat and not ready to play. Both teams were bringing all of it in that game.
  2. I'm not sure it gets the adrenaline up; I'd guess it's more because the adrenaline is already up and you just gotta hit something. Different guys deal with it different ways. I've seen guys cry, puke, smoke ganja, destroy furniture, meditate, whatever... Although I have no explanation for John Henderson.
  3. Actually I wasn't commenting on your football opinion; just observing the fact that you feel the need to tell everybody else that their opinions are not worth reading. Keep up the great work.
  4. Mike McCarthy's intelligence and courage both resemble that of a chicken. McDermott's do not. Must be nice to look down on all the peons while you're dispensing your particular brand of wisdom.
  5. They've really got to be careful of leaning on him too much with DQ Jones out. He was on the field Sunday more than I have ever seen him and if he starts getting nicked up, his play is going to suffer.
  6. 'Preciate the input. I watched whatever film I could find right after the Bills drafted him and I could not find a single instance of him shying away from contact or being a tentative tackler. He wasn't Antoine Winfield by any means but from what I saw he was willing to put his face in the fan any time the situation called for it. The only real knock I had on him was his propensity to play too much with his hands and not enough with his feet. That being said, it was just film clips as opposed to watching him every week and knowing what you're seeing, which I get the sense that you clearly do. I didn't give much credence to the draftniks who seemed to be looking for nits to pick, but fwiw, I have a little more faith in your eyes so I'll buy what you're selling. I'm glad he has become a more physically aggressive as a pro but am still concerned with his habit of relying too much on his hands; if he can focus more on keeping his feet moving through routes, I think/hope he'll be OK eventually.
  7. That combination of smooth and speed is something to watch sometimes. He gets up and down as fast and accurately as anybody I've ever seen. I'm going to start calling him Neo, because he is The One.
  8. Actually he threw that guy by the facemask into another Rams DE and then stiff-armed Donald off of him. I'm pretty sure that the DE he threw the "facemaskee" into was actually Leonard Floyd
  9. I'm not much of a hype guy but I'll say it now: Devon Levi is the Truth. The next great Sabres goaltender, and I think he'll end up being better than Ryan Miller.
  10. hehehe, I didn't see that one. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of that going on right down the sideline.
  11. That might or might not be the case for a QB. I would guess that it is totally out of the question for a Corner.
  12. Does "What the hell is the matter with you" count?-)
  13. He liked it before it was even created. He probably already knows how it ends, too!
  14. Maybe when you realize it's New York state law that there are legal medical exemptions and that the police don't have to pull him over to confirm it, we might have a reasonable conversation. Or maybe if you just kept that obnoxious, insulting crap to yourself instead of repeatedly ragging on other people for no good reason, we wouldn't even have to have a conversation. As for the rest of your whiny nonsense, it's just more of your same old totally dishonest world-should-revolve-around-me bull####. The last word is yours; I'm not wasting any more seconds on you.
  15. I absolutely despised that throw on 2nd and short before it had even completely left his hand. I was in the process of mf'ing poor Josh when Morris caught it for a score. Yeah I get that and I wasn't trying to rag on him; I've been thrilled with the massive upgrade. I think it was probably sooooo noticeable just because of how good he had been up that point.
  16. What an ignorant load of crap. He's already told you that he's got a legal exemption due to a medical condition confirmed by a Doctor, but you couldn't care less. He already told you that he's been pulled over a dozen times in under two months by the same two guys, but you couldn't care less. They could easily tuck in, run his plates and see his stickers before pulling him over to harass him, but they'd rather act like #######s. You could easily read the post and keep your ignorance to yourself instead of insulting him, but you'd rather act the same. When you have an issue with other people, maybe sometimes the mirror is the first place you ought to look.
  17. I'm not quite buying in yet either, but they're probably catching more flak than they deserve after two games.
  18. It was a knock on him by some random draft site coming out of college but if you looked at film it was totally inaccurate, imo. Myths have a way of hanging around I guess.
  19. That is always one of my favorite takes in this forum
  20. All those twist and stunts are just hell on your run D.
  21. No doubt. The self-inflicted wounds were absolutely out of control there for a much of the first half and had a real effect on the scoreboard, imo.
  22. Yeah, he came back in. But I think he also went out again later in the game for a few plays and then came back in again. I'm guessing he tweaked something during the scrum that kept messing with him but that's only a guess.
  23. Thanks again for doing this. And thanks for confirming my suspicion that McGovern had, by far, his worst game as a Bill.
  24. If the officials were competent, the Bills would have been called for about twice as many penalties as they were. The OLine was mugging people all over the place in both pass pro and especially the ground game.
  25. That officiating crew was one of the reasons the Bills walked out of there with a win last night.
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