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Everything posted by Simon

  1. No, it happened to me also.
  2. The Mike is coming free and outside of waiting for Knox, there are zero options that result in a TD on that play. He does a nice job avoiding the sack and buying extra time with his eyes downfield, but nobody comes open on that side of the field. He was smart not to force it on 2nd down, take the incompletion and give themselves another shot at it. Anybody second-guessing that is being an armchair QB after the fact.
  3. This is not a Bills thread; please take it to one of the other 30 threads where it belongs.
  4. There's 20 other threads to bring this crap in. Go use them and quit stepping on teh folks who are tired of the Bills talk and want to hang out and talk about the actual game
  5. Yeah, then another TD puts you up a FG. Although you don't get it and a NE FG puts them up 9. Probably the right call there; they can alwasy go for two when they score another TD
  6. Anybody know how reliable he is in pass pro or as a blocker?
  7. I think they're the kind of team that's going to keep getting better as the season goes on. If they maintained the level of focus, speed and especially decisiveness they're showing tonight, their first playoff game would be....... at home? 😮
  8. That's really interesting, if true. I loved Solomon Wilcots; he was one of the very best in the business before it became a shouting contest. Genuinely smart guy.
  9. Thought about that but didn't want to get too pedantic for a casual internet Top 10. We're not playing for money so I can live with some imperfections.
  10. Taylor Rapp is Chinese? Well, that one flew right over my head....
  11. Hey, this is a family board! P.S. I've always wondered, is your avatar C Bukowski?
  12. Was watching this conversation in the Shoutbox and thought it was pretty interesting. The Shoutbox discussion was Top 5 albums but I cannot get my list down anywhere close to that so I'm going with Top 10. Exiled on Main St Songs in the Key of Life Waiting for Columbus Stadium Arcadium Europe '72 The White Album Electric Ladyland Physical Graffiti Bltches Brew Goodbye Yellow Brick Road It's Alive What do y'all got?
  13. I bet less than 10% of this community was mad he was let go.
  14. C'mon man, that's a full crock of it.
  15. Yeah, that was the first bad outing I've seen from him. Was actually a little surprised to see him starting. I guess they were worried about sacrificing too many points early in the season so they pushed him a little too hard?
  16. I'd even extend that to say that's it's also fun to get knocked on your own ass occasionally.
  17. I've played with and against some former NFL players and I don't think most people have a true grasp of just how unbelievably fast these guys are. I've got (had) speed and quicks that few people could match, but these guys are from another planet. Even when I was younger, I occasionally got clowned in practice by a retired NFL corner. He was almost 50 at the time.
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