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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yes, I am wrong. His job is to fire up the fans like a professional wrestler.
  2. Messing with Ignacio Anaya is a very dangerous game.
  3. Josh Allen's job is to win football games, not to fire you up.
  4. In that case in particular I thought it was just because he was hunting TD's inside the 10 and wasn't interested in picking up 3 yrds. I don't think he was wrong.
  5. I was just making bevel cuts off my tailgate with a chainsaw. Am I a Mennonite or a redneck? 🤔
  6. lol, if I'm going to moderate that, there will be a paycheck involved
  7. There was a hell of a lot more to it than that. And again, that is last year; I'm more interested in this year.
  8. Technically, missing more than 1 in 10 of their guys.
  9. Thank you for a wonderful article about last year. We are currently talking about this year though. Please find another thread to continue your Dorsey crusade and discussion of last year, it doesn't fit in this one.
  10. If you don't think that Daquan, Rousseau, Milano and Tre White are worth one single score, I'll heartily disagree with you there. I don't think it's broken, just a little out of synch right now. Cleaning up some of the execution errors we've been seeing the last couple weeks, particularly on 3rd downs, would make a significant difference, imo.
  11. If D Jones, Milano and Tre White are on the field, I think they beat both Jacksonville and New England. I don't know if they can find a way to overcome a second straight season of having their defense worse than decimated, but I also don't want to pretend they did a suck-ass job of putting together a roster that can win in this league. Because if they had the roster right now that they had at the beginning of the year, teams would absolutely fear them, and rightly so. I realize that's ifs and buts; however, it does speak to the credible job the coaching staff and front office did in the offseason.
  12. I don't really think that's too much of a killer when there is still 55:00 of game left.
  13. The double dip opportunity is small potatoes compared to being able to potentially have an extra possession in the second half, and the field position angle is irrelevant. Getting that extra offensive possession in the 3rd/4th qrtr when games are decided is why you do it.
  14. They can still do this with just about any set they want, and I agree they probably should be.
  15. It's Knox, and that is where Allen was going until the free Mike blew it up.
  16. It was 2nd down and I think that is Diggs in the backfield, who is not going to be picking up any linebackers.
  17. No, it happened to me also.
  18. The Mike is coming free and outside of waiting for Knox, there are zero options that result in a TD on that play. He does a nice job avoiding the sack and buying extra time with his eyes downfield, but nobody comes open on that side of the field. He was smart not to force it on 2nd down, take the incompletion and give themselves another shot at it. Anybody second-guessing that is being an armchair QB after the fact.
  19. This is not a Bills thread; please take it to one of the other 30 threads where it belongs.
  20. There's 20 other threads to bring this crap in. Go use them and quit stepping on teh folks who are tired of the Bills talk and want to hang out and talk about the actual game
  21. Yeah, then another TD puts you up a FG. Although you don't get it and a NE FG puts them up 9. Probably the right call there; they can alwasy go for two when they score another TD
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