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Everything posted by Simon

  1. David Garrard was a very underrated QB, imo.
  2. He actually reminds me a lot of Linus Ullmark. I'd hope the Sabres don't make the same mistake again.
  3. I hear ya', but I don't believe for a second that this dude has been sitting on the couch. Aside from his positive reputation, I also don't think Beane gives him the time of day if he's not ready to roll right now.
  4. Neither what I said nor meant, but thanks for implying so anyway. I don't believe that it's as traumatic an event for most young dudes as you want to suggest. Unless of course you keep telling them how traumatized they should be until they believe you.
  5. This guy has averaged close to 15 games a year over a full decade. He is not an injury risk. He also has a reputation as a workout rat and is probably in very good shape and ready to go. I get your concern about being in "football" shape, but this is an enormous game and I expect we'll see 15-20 good snaps out of him Sunday.
  6. Welcome aboard, Big Goon. Respect from Bills country. 🤙
  7. That it's no longer OK to abuse kids?
  8. I'm relocating this joke because I thought it was too funny to be buried in another thread: Rasul already has the same injury that a bunch of other Bills had for the Jacksonville game.
  9. I was so pissed about them keeping that kid glued to the bench faaaaar longer than they should have that I almost had to ban myself for crusading.
  10. 100% spot on. We could read each other instantly and I could tell her what I was thinking with the twitch of a finger and she'd answer smartly every single time. Thanks for the feedback; I'm pretty sure I'm going to be that widower that tells people he's not dating because he already has a wife.
  11. There's been a couple threads about it that might have some info or answers for you:
  12. I'm 55 and have been a dog whisperer ever since I was a kid; I just get them for some reason. Despite that I never actually owned one until the first time about 10 years ago when we got a Golden puppy and named her Stella. Saturday night she unexpectedly died in my arms (burying her out at camp at midnight under a full moon on Halloween weekend was not a treat) after almost 10 years of being a constant companion, hiking partner, perfect friend, etc. I've buried too many people over the years and have carried far more than my share of caskets but I can't recall a time when I've ever been this rattled about losing someone. Half the time I want to sit on the couch with a thousand yard stare and the other half I want to beat somebody senseless for looking at me sideways. I literally had to walk out of an auto parts store empty-handed today because I was afraid I was going to drag a guy over the counter just for trying to be too friendly. How in the hell do y'all deal with this ****?
  13. Here, I got you this in case you want to just keep going......
  14. They were missing more than DJones that day. I'm also reluctant to take anything meaningful out of that game.
  15. Garoppolo is just absolutely butter soft and I am amazed that teams still consider him a viable option as a QB. I wouldn't put him on my roster at vet minimum unless I was in full tank mode.
  16. I'd disagree with the bold. The guy has probably caused 20-30 turnovers in a Bills uniform, sometimes in key moments or also in instances where he was coming of his assigned responsibility to attack the ball. That loss of turnover potential was one of the three biggest reasons his injury sucked so much.
  17. Yeah, I see this happening also. A much better chance of this happening than seeing Tre White trying to play safety in this league.
  18. Hope your nephew doesn't feel that way because people have convinced him that he should, and hope he ends up OK with it. I live 30 miles from Thiel; maybe I should stop at the pharmacy tomorrow...
  19. Not buying it. I had not one, but two older women take advantage of me when I was 13 and 15; the kind of stuff that would have had them arrested today. Zero regrets.
  20. He's referring to what happened many weeks ago and had a lengthy thread already dedicated to it. I have no idea why.
  21. That was an absolute classic smack the back your head on the ground at full speed concussion look as well. The ref did talk to him for a second to check the response (I've been noticing that a lot more lately) but those guys are neither trained nor have time to really check a guys eyes when they're trying to run a game.
  22. No doubt; really an awful start in the standings for them. There is currently only one other team in the entire NHL with more L's in the loss column. They're a young team that will get better as the season goes along, but starting off in a hole is about the worst thing that could have happened to them.
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