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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm OK with Sean just taking Jordan Phillips off the field and giving Linval all his snaps in teh 2nd half. He's a useless half-stepping albatross out there right now
  2. After two rough outings, Taron has found his refound his A game. So far....
  3. Dane Jackson and Taron Johnson are playing great football
  4. I think there's a lot of Bills fans in there
  5. I thought that was the right spot on the fieldf for that call
  6. Let's see you keep up with that shlt, Joe
  7. Had them in one 3rd down but Benford misplayed the sticks
  8. RU guys serious? I haven't turned the TV on yet and now I'm afraid to.
  9. Definitely go with the Flight then, it has a higher abv and less carbs/sugars and calories than the regular Light. It's become my go-to when I know I'm going from breakfast 'til bedtime with beers in my hand. The Best 14 low carb craft beers
  10. lol, you must have really thought I was an ass back then; before you knew for sure, that is.
  11. It's all about the source. If you read that poster's musings you'll be feeling a lot of that "How anyone can say ..... is beyond me."
  12. Yeah, I was also hoping to see more from him here but he's been no better than a JAG so far. I'm not seeing him getting pushed around or manhandled so he hasn't been awful, but definitely not what either of us was hoping for. Always have been ; - )
  13. If you can get Yuengling Light (or Yuengling Flight) where you're at, you'll get very similar nutritional specs, higher ABV and 100x better taste.
  14. He was signed to the practice squad and hasn't been elevated to the main roster yet.
  15. He's becoming sort of a whipping boy around here because folks don't/can't see what he actually does, a couple loudmouths start ragging on him and the momentum builds from there. I think the reality is that while he's not lighting the world on fire, he's been playing OK and is likely grading out faaar better internally than he is on TBD.
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