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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I could not believe how they opened that second drive.
  2. The one and only caveat I get for busting my ass to keep this place clean is the right to run my own occasional thread. Don't bring the bullspit in here. Yeah I was exaggerating for humor, but he was definitely toeing (or not toeing) the line all night.
  3. You don't have the foggiest idea who was open
  4. This is 100% pure horseshit. Take it somewhere else.
  5. Ed (and Linval in his snaps) were both strong tonight. But Settle was invisible and Phillips was awful, imo.
  6. Yeah, he's much more effective when he gets the ball already in space. There's some hay to be made out there but I'm losing confidence in our OC to be open to more change.
  7. I had actually left the room at that point so didn't watch the sequence live. I'm not too upset about not trying a Hail Mary at halftime. 🤷‍♂️
  8. If he had tried it, Taylor would have just called TO and they have to punt anyways.
  9. Yeah, it changed the scoreboard in a game we lost by 6
  10. It really did. That whole game started to change right there. Was he working?
  11. I think you're kinda nuts on that one. Those boys brought it tonight. They didn't play well enough but they played hard enough.
  12. Frustrating game (again) and a bad loss for seedings. But it's not the end of their run. They lost by 6 to a desperate, playoff-caliber team at their house in primetime. That happens to good teams, too. I will say I did like their attitude tonight. They've been intimidated by the Bengals in the past and they absolutely were not tonight. It was their guys doing some ducking tonight and their guys taking home extra ice after the game. >Who'd have ever thought our defense would desperately need Terrel Bernard going forward? Because they do. They really do. > Thrilled with what I saw from both of our new acquisitions tonight. No way you could take Dane off the field the way he was attacking, but I'd have liked ot see Linval taking more of Jordan Phillips' snaps, who was a liability tonight. > Most pissed about the leg whip. I think it was Hendrickson AGAIN (it was the RDE) going after Allen's lower legs on a freaking dirtbag play that causes real injuries. I hope he gets drunk and gets rolled in town tonight. >Diggs and Kincaid are a nice duo for Josh. I'd really like to see Shakir more involved as the 3rd guy. Those two threats from Diggs/Kincaid can be leveraged to create space in various parts of the field that Shakir can take advantage of. Wasting more key downs on Gabe Davis is never productive. > The DLine is going to take a ton of flak, but they won the trench most of the night. That ball was gone as soon as his back foot hit and they knew they were going to keep having success attacking the Bills "linebackers" and struggling safeties as soon as Bernard went down. > There are too many good players on this team to look like that over extended stretches. This is not as well-coached a team as it should be, particularly on offense. I don't want to see anybody fired tomorrow, but I would not shed any tears if they went in a different direction at OC this offseason. >Interesting night for both the Bills OT's. Anybody going to call out Dawkins for his borderline Jawaan Taylor impersonation tonight? Not to his face, though. And I also wondered several times tonight if Linval can just start at Tackle and play two ways.
  13. it was 50/50ish in the discussion in here
  14. Rare opportunity for coverage not rolled at Diggs
  15. Hendrickson just went after his ankles again That was a ***** leg whip
  16. Disagree. They're winning some brawls up front but the ball is gone in under 2
  17. Both Taron or Rasul could transition into that eventually. Which leaves another hole.......
  18. Maybe hes been horrific tonight probably his worst game as a Bill
  19. thats not a catch heres a chance to look at it
  20. He was actually surprised when it didn't work and got caught flat footed
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