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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Sort of. If it's a Cowherd/Rome/Wright sort of thing I'll move them, but I wanted to be fair in case it's somebody respected with a good reputation (i.e. Dan Orlovsky).
  2. Could somebody tell me who those two guys are so I can decide whether to drop them into the Random Talking Heads thread?
  3. It seemed to me that Ed played the vast majority of the game with Jordan Phillips beside him (who I thought had a terrible night), while Linval Joseph got most of his snaps rotating in with the "2nd" unit.
  4. I got the sense that trade was done with the long term in mind just as much as the short term.
  5. The reason he's 10yrds off is that Davis has stopped and is coming back to the ball. If that ball is thrown to the top of his route instead of well short, the safety is all over it. You could see it much better in real time, imo. Personally, I think that with nothing to hold him to the post, the Safety was trying to bait Allen into it. It was just a terrible decision with poor execution to boot.
  6. There's a safety over the top that is just outside the edge of this photo. It was a stare-down with a bonus double clutch, to a covered receiver in a vertical bracket with no window. That ball was doomed before it even left his hand.
  7. It was worse than just a trip, imo. It was a legit leg whip. And call in to tell that guy to quit stealing stuff from TBD without giving us credit.
  8. C'mon man, you know I didn't say or even imply that. If McDermott was genuinely awful or had been for years, then of course you cut bait and let Pegula hire anew. But he's not awful and has been successful sine he's got here. I don't want to see perfect become the enemy of good when the downside is arguably greater than the upside You want to use the same consulting service to hire the new coach that you used to hire the coach you're now firing for cause? There's something in there that doesn't smell right. Some mostly irrelevant Insider info: You know who in the organization was selling McDermott hard and was primarily responsible for his hiring? Doug Whaley was the one who talked Pegula into hiring him. 🤯
  9. There's more than just a "risk" of getting worse. The Bills best chance of maintaining success is probably to minimize the amount of involvement that Pegula has with the football (or hockey) side of operations. McDermott is a solid coach who is respected by his players and his peers. Letting Terry pick another coach to replace that is a potential nightmare in the offing. The only thing the Bills should do in regard to McDermott is hire a real DC for next year so he's not walking around with so many hats on at once.
  10. Yeah, I don't think we can handle another game like yesterday's where the Bengals averaged about 2.5 yrds/carry for a whopping 54 yards on the night.
  11. If it happens again, I have zero problem with Brown going after him and getting tossed. And I'm not talking about some pushing and shoving; we've now entered throat punch territory.
  12. Do you really want Terry Pegula making another coaching hire? What are the odds that he is capable of hiring somebody that is an actual upgrade over McDermott?
  13. OK, fair warning time. I've asked and asked so going forward the next person who brings the Bills bitching in here is getting locked out.
  14. I'm not sure where you're talking about. I was the only one who actually mentioned it here, nobody else said a word about it in the game thread. Bless you, sir. Thanks for the confirmation that this guy is a 100% scumbag. I don't know the verbiage on the rule, but a leg whip is considered an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. I can't imagine that the penalty depends on whether the effort to injure another player was actually successful or not. 🤷‍♂️
  15. He was attacking anything that moved last night and playing with a total lack of fear. He clearly knew he was playing for his job from the moment he walked onto the field.
  16. I was asking for a clip myself. And I haven't seen or heard a single other soul mention it (although I admittedly don't watch sports media or twitter, etc). Who else did you hear talking about it?
  17. Please keep this stuff out of this thread. Folks are coming in here to talk about the actual game being played, not to rehash the Bills stuff that is available in 20 other threads. Thank you.
  18. Whoever stood by that call just hurt their chances of ever advancing in their profession ever again. One of the most clueless and amateurish calls I've ever seen. Example # 62,974 of modern NFL refs going out of their way to hunt for infractions that they didn't even actually see.
  19. I swear I saw Hendrickson go after Allen's lower legs yet again last night, this time with a leg whip. I couldn't find video of it, haven't heard of anybody talking about it and when I mentioned it last night in the game thread nobody responded. I don't have any recording devices and didn't see a replay, so now I'm wondering if it was just my imagination? Did anybody else see it? Or better yet, have video of it? I think it was in the 4th qrtr with 5-7 minutes left, maybe just before that hopeless challenge that cost the Bills another time out. Dawkins put the RDE on the ground and I think Allen was trying to slip outside to his left. As the End is going down (I think it was Hendrickson) he contorts himself around and actually throws a ***** leg whip at Allen as he's on the move. It's illegal for a good reason and should have been a personal foul (of course it wasn't) and if it was as bad as I thought, then that dirtbag should be hearing from the league office this week. If I'm not imagining it, then I cannot be the only one who saw it. Any help from anyone who might have the game recorded on their DVR thingamabob?
  20. The bigger problem I see is that the team we're watching out there is not the one he actually built. If you count Von Miller (and I do) they were missing over half their starting defense most of the game last night. Over half their starting defense. You just can't win ball games with that kind of handicap. As for the inconsistency on offense; I agree that's a problematic coaching issue that has to be resolved in the offseason.
  21. Maybe. I said in the game thread we were wearing them down with physical play and I still think that was the case. But losing another couple starters in the worst spots possible was going to make it difficult to for them to shorten Bengals possessions. With Bernard and Benford, yeah, we probably win that game if it's 15 minutes longer. With Bernard and Benford, we maybe could have even stolen it in regulation. 🤷‍♂️
  22. He pissed the other one away avoiding a Delay on a Dorsey call coming in late. Both were mistakes and he should have had 3 to work with late. I don't know if they could have got a stop though. They literally had no NFL LB's to put on the field at that point, were rotating guys at corner who had next to no snaps with this team, were using Rapp too much because Poyer was walking down at LB again and couldn't maintain any defensive integrity with the wrong guys out there in waaaay too many places.
  23. He could teach a Masters class in outsmarting himself. Or could he? 🤔
  24. Not get himself upside down in mid air That was a mistake from a young overeager player; he seems smart enough to not keep repeating it. I think it would look better missing a few teeth that produced a more natural snarl. Teef?
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