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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Well now you're just allowing your frustration to make you mean I'm not trying to make you feel better. Only you can accomplish that. I'm just pointing out that tearing apart the second best team in the league because it's not as good as the best team in the league might not be the best way forward.
  2. Which ones are more used to it?
  3. I fully expect Vrabel to punch him in the face before this season is over.
  4. That season was a complete aberration of everything holy, from training camp tragedies right through its completion. Using it as a data point for any discussion is pointless and I think you recognize that.
  5. Not even having him on the field for many of those games was pretty foolish, imo. I know they wanted Hollins out there blocking, but they never even gave Cooper any real chance to become a legitimate part of this offense.
  6. In 2023 we won a playoff game before losing by 3 to the Chiefs.
  7. I'd guess it potentially looks something like, not as good as handling injury adversity during the regular season and as a result ending up the 3rd/4th seed. Then getting knocked out of the playoffs by the Baltimores of the world before we even had a chance to go up against the Chiefs. I'm mostly onboard with this. The only sketchy thing for me this season was that for the first time in 30+ years my wife decided she liked football and insisted on watching every game with me (with the 100 requisite weekly questions). Even to the point that she made me bail early on a beautiful snow hike to get home in time to see the backups play NE in the season finale. My wife is smart, fun, hot and I like her very much. But I'm still not entirely sure what I think of this unexpected development.
  8. It's not a made up number; Philly is 0-1 and Houston is 0-3 vs Reid in the postseason. OK, since nobody said anything remotely resembling that it is now clear that you're trolling. Have a nice day.
  9. I just think that hiring some hot young prospect and expecting him to grow into the best coach in the world is a pipe dream and that it's far more likely to lead to a step backward than the step forward we want.
  10. Oh my God, somebody do something!
  11. The fact that you desperately want to get me but the best you can do is repetitively compare a simple statement about Cooper with hundreds of posts crying about referees is very embarrassing for you whether you know it or not. 🤷‍♂️ I'm going to step out of this so it doesn't sidetrack the thread further; you should do the same before you add stalking to your sparkling resume.
  12. So after 4 months you're suddenly going to reappear after the Bills are eliminated so you can start spouting stupid shlt. Goodbye troll.
  13. Philly, Houston and Detroit are a combined 0-4 against Reid's Chiefs in the playoffs
  14. I think it's spelled neigh. Or nyet?
  15. Making an ass of yourself doesn't really accomplish your goal of "getting" me, but it is entertaining to watch for a bit.
  16. Check for the typo in your title
  17. Good one. Really on point for the discussion. You had to run around looking for a post so that you could have an excuse to put this up. The fact that this one is the closest you could find makes a very different point than what you want it to.
  18. You make that argument but at the end of it, that guy wasn't good enough to beat the historically great Reid/Mahomes/Spagnuolo combo. There is nothing in my mind to indicate that the next guy will be that historically good either.
  19. Comparing McDermott running the 2nd best team in the NFL to the Ryan circus that needed to end is a false equivalency, imo.
  20. Being scheme versatile is not a flaw, imo. 3
  21. Who is this mysterious young stranger and how long will he take to "grow" into one of the best coaches in NFL history? Finding a coach to improve on the 2nd best team in the NFL so that he can beat the best team in the NFL isn't that hard? Sorry, but you are simply living in fantasy land. They were not running heavy zone schemes last night.
  22. It might work if Spagnuolo had any interest in leaving a franchise that is making him wealthy and filling his fingers with SB rings.
  23. Yes, hiring some inexperienced kid who is suddenly going to magically beat the historically dominant Reid/Mahomes/Spagnuolo combo is outside the realm of possibility.
  24. How many of those guys are beating Reid/Mahomes/Spagnuolo? Zero? This one might do it:
  25. Unless you have an actual viable solution, this is nothing but more complaining. They've arguably been the second best team in the NFL for the last 5 years and would probably have a couple Lombardis if it weren't for the Chiefs. Mahomes/Reid/Spagnuolo are not only the best combo in the NFL but one of the best in its entire history. What is your realistic solution to get past them, because blowing it all up ain't it.
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