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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He's played a good game outside of two plays
  2. That's the second handoff this half that Allen has taken his eyes off
  3. The guy had a 15 yrd running start and Rapp still stopped him cold before Poyer buried him.
  4. McDermott's overaggressiveness has been a mixed bag tonight.
  5. What the hell are you watching? The Broncos OLine just got the snot beat out of them to open the half.
  6. Putting Harty at the X and asking him to run that route is self-defeating, imo.
  7. The design was poor and the ball was late
  8. He was very good the entire half and then threw one bad ball.
  9. He was having a great turnaround game after last week. Been getting pushed around a little bit since the injury though. I didn't hear what it was; lower body?
  10. The next time Josh Allen throws a ball at Gabe Davis on 3rd down, I hope somebody tackles him.
  11. Welcome back to Terrel Bernard. Making a difference already.
  12. If you discount the ridiculous heat stroke game, the Bills have beaten the Dolphins 10 games in a row. Pardon me if I'm not overeager to start modeling ourselves after our personal cell block bltches.
  13. I remember a couple years ago when running a bunch of man against this offense was pretty much akin to ordering yourself up a 40burger. I miss that. I also miss tossing out a dozen trail technique jokes every time we played the Dolphins.
  14. fwiw, Gabe got an earful from my couch when the ball hit the ground. I thought he absolutely should have attacked that route upfield.
  15. My ongoing suspicion about your username has now been confirmed.
  16. I guess it was more a case of a poorly worded, incomplete thought than trying to suggest that one experience speaks for all others. I just think that in a lot of these cases that involve a younger male and an older female that there is not really what I would fairly consider a "victim". Female victim? Absolutely a problem. Double standard? Yep, and I have no problem with that. I just see the backlash as oftentimes more cultural than it is criminal. And I'd guess there are actually a fair number of instances where the young fellow didn't feel badly about the experience at all, but then was convinced by external forces that he was actually victimized and as a result made to feel bad about something that he shouldn't necessarily feel all that bad about.
  17. Sort of. If it's a Cowherd/Rome/Wright sort of thing I'll move them, but I wanted to be fair in case it's somebody respected with a good reputation (i.e. Dan Orlovsky).
  18. Could somebody tell me who those two guys are so I can decide whether to drop them into the Random Talking Heads thread?
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