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Everything posted by Simon

  1. How they keep trotting that kid out there is mind numbingly stupid
  2. They can spread them out and run the ball some here with all those TOs in their pocket
  3. Yeah, if you only get to touch the ball a couple teims a game, dont run OB
  4. Jets getting the begeesus beat out of htem and going backwards.
  5. That thing was definitely busted open. Might have seen bone.
  6. Good sign that they're running the offense with much more pace. Thought that was one of the most important things they needed to change.
  7. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
  8. I know this is some kind of hipster code. You people and your damned sex potatoes are going to be the ruin of this world.
  9. Who wants to live that long when you have to eat freaking sweet potatoes every day?
  10. When we go to our favorite restaurant I always get a Happy Meal with a Grimace Shake.
  11. This might turn into an Old Man Yells at Cloud rant, but damn do I miss how games used to be managed and broadcast. And it revolved primarily around just two things: 1) There were fewer flags on the field and when there was one, the head official announced it while they walked it off and on to the next play we went. Now every time we see a flag we have to first have a 5 person group therapy session among officials, maybe some discussion with one of the coaches justifying why the call was made, notification for the home crowd and then after a minute or two another announcement for the viewing audience and then maybe a couple extra commercials while they communicate with the home office regarding the minutiae of whether a guy caught the ball. Referees used to generally try to stay invisible but now the league and networks have decided that they can use them to create some pointless, stupid drama to attract casual fans while most of us who just want to watch some ball have to sit through a ridiculous overdrawn process to manufacture drama that has nothing to do with the actual game. 2) They used to show replays after almost every snap and would often show a couple from two different cameras so you could see what had happened on the play. What do we get now? We get an inevitable closeup of some guys face walking back to the huddle, or a shot of a coach on the sideline talking into his headset, or maybe if we're really lucky a promo for some vapid, idiotic television show that will be off the air in a year just so they have an excuse to advertise their own network that I'm already watching. I want to see a replay to confirm who pulled and made that sweet block at the second level, or to check out where the Free was at the snap and whether he was late because of the design or because he's slow. Instead, I get to stare up Joe Burrow's nostrils for 15 seconds while some stiff in the booth tries to convince me what an interesting guy he is and get me engaged on a personal, emotional level when I really don't give a shlt what time he goes to bed. It all comes back to the fake manufactured drama that the networks are trying to sell that has nothing with the game, and because they're so focused on that nonsense they're missing a ton of actual drama that takes place on the field. We turned the TV on to watch guys play football, not to watch referee performance art and Jersey f'ing Shore.
  12. After two days and nearly 100 posts, the total number of people who are outraged appears to be.......... Zero. Have you considered that all this outrage that you seek exists less in the real world and more in your mind? Perhaps it was even placed there by folks who want you to be outraged by other folks' imaginary outrage. What an outrageous thought....
  13. I suck with salary cap and contract stuff so I have no idea what he might have been worth on the open market when the contract was signed. Judging by the other extensions/re-signings that Bean has done, there's no real pattern of him wildly overpaying so I'd guess his contract was pretty close to what his market value would have been at the time.
  14. Probably better to just nudge the tires gently so he doesn't end up under your scalpel.
  15. No, having to read yet another unrelated stream of consciousness personal anecdote was punishment enough.
  16. Knox got that contract because he's a versatile player who works hard, at the time looked like he also had more upside to get better and was also the only TE available in a very bare Bills cupboard. That's it. It had nothing to do with Allen, imo. If Allen has any effect on personnel decisions, it's that the Bills seem to focus more on using resources to beef up their D and less on their offense because they think Allen can just turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.
  17. I've been thinking about this some and I think the way we run option routes is one of the three things that Joe Brady can immediately tweak to make the Bills a better offense. I don't necessarily mean we should intentionally decrease their usage (which he isn't going to do anyways) but I do think they'd be better off by being more circumspect about exactly who is running those routes. We've seen Davis have multiple issues with his choices, I like Shakir but he isn't very effective with this yet either, Harty has a limited route tree, Sherfield has no chemistry with anyone yet, etc. Diggs is really the only one with the chops for it and Kincaid has enough upside that it's probably worth the growing pains to continue asking him to do it if just to get better with Allen. Outside of those two guys I'd like to see Joe Brady really limit option routes for other guys.
  18. Stefon Diggs distances self from brother's tweets on Bills
  19. Don't big league me with your elitist British ales
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