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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm guessing local markets switched by contractual obligation, but I had to pull up a pirate stream here in Western PA to see most of the 1st qrtr.
  2. No way it was designed like that specifically. They may practice keeping yourself available in late game situations for something like that, but Kelce ran 10 yards and made two cuts before he saw Toney and threw it.
  3. You missed one of the most hysterically funny plays in Bills history.
  4. There are many other Bills threads available. Please keep that out of here.
  5. I think we're probably taking about the same play (the contact sort of wrong-footed Kincaid and Allen's throw went over his head?). I wasn't paying as much attention to the replay at the moment and didn't see an actual pull but I could be wrong.
  6. Yeah, it's an odd relationship out there. But I've never known a ref to tell a slot guy that he's off; they aren't going to be yelling that across the field. I could foresee a memo coming down from the league office telling officials to be uniform in how they deal with that; it would fit right in with their need to micromanage everything.
  7. You mean the one where Diggs also had him hooked by the collar so he couldn't make a play on the ball?
  8. There was certainly contact, but that's what the sport is about. I think we've been conditioned by the over-officiating of the last decade to think that any contact deserves a flag every time.
  9. I think it has improved greatly. But they went to pieces after the first quarter today. Spencer Brown being the only guy you could trust in the second half is a terrifying prospect. That guy has his business square. I don't feel like he has as talented a group of players as folks are assuming this year. He's just been that good.
  10. That was the first time I've seen him lose it. Their sideline was a mess multiple times during the game.
  11. I'm not going to have an ongoing debate about officiating so I'll say a couple things and zip it. #1 - In no football game that I'm familiar with is that ever a catch; like Kelce's "catch" it was just another example of the problems that micro-officiating have led us to. #2 - It's a designed pick play for Sherfield and Shakir, and Trent went after it like he'd just heard a joke about his Momma; no flag should have ever come out there and if one stupidly did, it was just as much on Sherfield as the DB and imo, more on him for clearly initiating the contact.
  12. If it was the boundary receiver, stripes might have told him he was off......
  13. #1 - The Latavius Murray "catch" that was squaring things up for the Kelce "catch" #2 - The awful contact call on Sherfield's pick on 3rd/10 that gave the Bills a first down around the 20 and a legit chance to ice the game. Two huge fourth quarter calls that made it look like the NFL wants the Bills still in the hunt.
  14. Anybody else experience it like this? > The slot is clearly lined up offside in front of 20 million people so you know its coming back anyways > Kelce makes one of the most stunningly brilliant plays you'll ever see, but you're laughing because you know it doesn't even count > You realize "OK, maybe that wouldn't have been the worst TD" with 1:15ish left on the clock and JA having the ball last instead of the D being out there > Then the "Damn, should I actually wish they would have scored right there?" moment > Then the realization that only a fvcking Bills fan could have that kind of internal debate during that moment in a game.
  15. I'm not convinced he was screaming at officials. It might have been Toney, a coach or somebody else.
  16. Actually that was like the Tyreek Hill fast score that gave Allen the ball back too fast in "the game". Josh with the ball last instead of the Bills D wasn't a horrible option at that point. Kelce's brilliant play was so smart it was almost stupid.
  17. KC melting down like reactor core #2 at Three Mile Island
  18. horrifically awful call that may decide this game
  19. Props to Sam Martin and the secondary for bailing us out of that mess
  20. Just an insane play from Allen and again he gets no help from the guys around him.
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