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Posts posted by Simon

  1. One would think that getting injured in practice would have taught this cocky player that he needs to protect himself, but his dive and hit the tackle for a couple of extra yards which were totally meaningless as he clearly had the first down indicates to me that he does not have the mental savvy to match his great athletic abilities.


    Just 'cuz he's got more guts than brains, don't mean he doesn't have enough brains. It might just mean he has a whole lot of guts. He might still be doin that in the 2016 and it won't mean he's short on savvy then either.


  2. I don't know that I'd call it great (it certainly got an extended exhale from me:), but I'd call his outing part of a great day.

    We already knew the fundamentals were there and I thought that's all we were afforded the opportunity to see today(as in his other fleeting appearances). A competitive NFL game is a wholly different animal and until we're afforded the opportunity to see him spend some time in one of those, there's just too much of the complete picture hidden. I didn't think his 1 drive today drew aside the curtain enough to call it a great day. But it sure looks good enough that I want to see more.

    Eventually. B)


  3. Up until today, Troy had not produced and after hurting Losman then getting hurt himself leaving us with an inexperienced player at the CB position. I did not think very highly of the man that probably cost us a few games and slowed Losman's development.


    I have the same "feeling" but I can't "think" that way, if you know what I mean.

    Vincent has been a world-class, big league DB for a lot of years and I was also reallllllly disappointed that we didn't get to see anything from him this year. But I can give him hell for neither injury nor accident. Especially when he's been dedicated, tough, smart baller his entire career and recognizing the potential of seeing a complete football player like that running at the free for us.

    I just couldn't "think" badly enough about him to not want him in a Bills uni for a long time.


  4. NFLNetwork si looping thier Sundaynight show withhilites/postgameinterviews across the league. In Bills' segment Drew was first and said it was the best defensive performance he's ever seen in his 10 years in the league.

    The interesting part was Fletch, who said he couldn't beleive what they did to them today. And he really meant he couldn't believe it. This staff got these guys believing that Cleveland was a real threat offensively!

    Damn, we have got to keep the NFL ghouls off of ClementsGrayWycheAprilMcNallyetc. With the players this front office is going to keep feeding them (and nothing in any of their long distinguuished careers suggests anything otherwise), we're gonna win 100 football games by 2010. :o

  5. The key word there is "since", which means, of course, that he cannot be compared to Tony Greene and the woeful FS's that the Bills have had since Tony Greene. And do't say Mark Kelso because he was mediocre on his good days.


    I just chuckled and said aloud to myself "He could be better 'n Kelso by Christmas" and it sounded like I was on that 70's show :o

    This has Rod Woodson, AeneasWilliams, RayBuchanan (and somebody else I'm missing in the last couple years) written all over it.

  6. Damn he's a load.


    With Elroy Hirsch's feet.....


    He's been one hard azz to hate since TD pilfered him for a 2ndrounder.

    That guy in the pic with him is a real mf too.

    Damn, I think I'll go save that pic right now.......


    Jerome Bettis trivia:

    What fomer Bills coach has DromeBettis play for?

  7. you're an idiot.....now go hang yourself for being so dumb, as we do not need your gene pool to spread...


    First, a gene pool is a collection of the genes of a given area or culture, not those of any one individual. So maybe it would behoove you to not call other people idiots.


    Second, there are dozens of boards on the net where you are free to act like that. This is not one of them.


    Third, Keep that up and you'll be in and outta here quicker than thin **** through a tall Swede.


    Have a lovely evening :o

  8. Well, when Willis gets dinged immediately Burns goes in the game.


    He did 'til today; and I don't think he's looked all that good doing it.

    I didn't see him get any carries today, but admittedly I got in late from cutting down the Christmas tree and wasn't as focused on the 2ndhalf blowout as I should have been.

    Your right, I'm probably jumping the gun here. I guess I'd like to see him in protection a little before I'd advocate moving him up. That said the staff may have already seen it and decided he's ready to move up into Travis' vacated role.


  9. Should Shaud Williams move ahead of Burns on the depth chart?


    I think he already has.



    I was thrilled when he signed with the Bills...... He is a team leader also. He was the glue that held an Alabama team in near chaos together his senior year.


    No doubt Yankee, I felt exactly the same way. I don't know how we stole a great ballplayer who also happened to be hte leading rusher in the toughest conference in college football.


  10. He's very good handing off and faking and running the play and rolling out and just carrying out the play and all that stuff that are just fundamentals

    Yeah, he hides the ball on the PA really well, sells out hard to the fakeside when he bootlegs and shows great agility on the draw by facing the LOS for his entire drop before turning and jamming it into the back's gut.

    As far as I'm concerned the debacle at the end of the NE game never happened and I'll measure his progress and potential without taking it into consideration.


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