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Posts posted by Simon

  1. Clements injured it when he picked up the fumble and one of the Browns O-lineman tackled him. I saw Clements get up with him holding his shoulder and Spikes was helping take him off.

    Yeah, that hurt. But I think he may have just aggravated it at that point.

    I'm thinking the first time he hurt it might have been against Seattle, and if it is, Mularkey probably deserves an earful.

    With just a few minutes left and the game having been well in hand for some time, Nate was still in there for some reason. Seattle ran off-tackle over left side and Nate fought off a block and went face first into a hard-charging back and another blocker to make a tough, tough tackle. Before he even got up I was cussing at the pointlessness of it, and sure enough he got up really slow and looked to me like he had an arm dragging low.

    I had completely forgotten about it until he scooped up that fumble (I was thinking of you K-Dog if you're reading:-) and came up slow again vs the Browns. :rolleyes:


  2. I haven't watched the show but I've been peeking in on these threads occasionally and would like to add something I've noticed.

    Is there any meaning to the fact that there is an uneasy alliance between a French person and a guy with a middle-Eastern sounding name? Or that there is a stand-offish, occasionally violent Korean couple? Or that an Englishman was brought back to life by an American?

    Any other foreign characters that could be predictive of future plot twists?


  3. (psssst! I was being facetious)


    doh! :)


    Not for nothing, but Willis needs to carry the ball in his outside arm when he runs to the left. He loses that awesome stiff arm and gives the ball to the opposition when he carries it in the right.


    Yeah, he doesn't seem to like to put it in his left. I like the fact that he puts it away and keeps it there, but you're right, it would be nice to see him start with it on the left side when the play is going left. Maybe he fumbles in practice when he carrries with hsi left and he's being coached to put it on the right and kep it there?

    I've noticed Bettis also keeps the ball on one side and he rarely fumbles as well. I wonder if this is something that Mularkey/Clements coaches. I also wonder if Willis' right-handed stiffarm would even be as effective as his left, in the same way a right-handed fighter would have a weak jab with his right hand.

    Who knows?

  4. It was kind of like that except they had two guys on the ball, I think one WR to the opposite side,


    Openly admitting the fact I'm no offensive/ST guru, I thought the swinging gate was supposed to have a couple guys on the ball and a flanker set to the weak side so that it would be legal in having the end covered. Not only may I be wrong, but I probably am.

    Bahhh, them offensive players are a bunch of useless no-good pricks anyways..... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


    He actually lifted the ball, but he flicked it pretty quickly and it was a perfect snap

    Now that you mention it, I also think there is a rule mandating continous motion on the snap. So as long as he was consistent with the hand, maintained continuous motion and sent it backwards to anybody not wearing #50-79, then it was perfectly legal.....I guess? :)



  5. Overall, a key to substantiating your complaint is your use of the word "sub-par". Is par set by the rest of the league's performance in picking winners or is par set by your hopes and dreams as fan.


    There's the crux of that argument.

    As far as I'm concerned anybody that is not happy with Donahoe's draft/UDFA work in his four off-seasons here is simply out of touch with reality.

    I challenge anybody to show me the organizations who have done better in the draft than the Bills the last 4 years. And I guarantee you that challenge will go unanswered.

    Until somebody can provide some tangible examples of teams having superior drafts to the Bills the last several years, all those empty arguments will continue to fall on deaf ears.


  6. Most of the Stiller fans I know have a pretty good grasp of what's going on, and to a man they realize that they're vulnerable and can be beat.

    One thing we need to consider when thinking about the Stiller O's performance the last few weeks and how that will translate to Jan 2, is that they've been playing w/o Plax Burress recently and that probably won't be the case when they come to visit. When that boy is motivated he's a real handful and he has been most of the year. The Bills will need to give help over the top on Burress like everybody else does, and this creates a really difficult match-up for whoever draws Hines Ward.

    Fortunately the Bills are one of the few teams in the league that can stop the run with 7, so that should help. But we really have yet to face a groundgame like the one the Stillers will be bringing in Week17.

    One potential positive is that the Stillers have Ken Whisenhunt calling hteir O and as far as I know this is the first time he's ever co-ordinated an offense. In my opinion that's reared its head for them a few times this year when the Whiz has appeared compelled to display his offensive genius by chucking the ball all over the place when the Stiller rungame is grinding opponents to pulp. I would hope to see them falling into that trap again w/ the return of Burress, but if the weather is ugly, KW may decide to reel it in.



    P.S. I thought they were in big fat trouble when Casey Hampton went down but this Hoke kid has done an incredible job filling some big cleats. He's not much of a pass rusher but he's doing a hell of a job getting into the lanes and stoning the rungame, often beating doubles to do it.

  7. I don't know that I've ever seen a linebacker play faster than London does. He pretty much has one speed. Maybe Sam Mills - who was similiar to London in alot of ways and one of my favorite non-BILLS of all time.


    I remember the day we signed Fletcher, I compared him to Sam Mills and a bunch of mouths started in with "Who?What?That's stupid".

    Then the next day in his press conference somebody asked Fletch who he admired or wanted to play like and sure enough he actually said Sam Mills.

    That cat was fierce.


  8. I wasn't paying much attention to the track me....errrr football game, but didn't they just line up in the old swinging gate and run a play from it?

    And as far as I know the Center can snap however and to whoever he wants as long as it's behind lateral and he's set. Although I think there is some wierd rule about switching hands with the ball.


  9. Bledsoe came in with 2:35 left in the first half after Brady twisted his ankle.

    Ya think Favre would come out with a twisted ankle in a conference championship game? I think not.

    Bledsoe threw 3 lasers immediately (and this is why with Weis gone you're in deep doody). 11 yards, 12 yards, 19 yards TD to Patten.

    He completed the game(over a half) no INTs, no Fumbles, and a win with 3 knees at the end of the game. This after 4 months of not being on the field, against a Pitt defense, at home, recognized as the best in the AFC.

    The over the shoulder pass. something Pats revisionist history jerks like you love to throw out. Do you remember the situation? I thought not.

    Line of scrimmage Pitt 32 yard line, 3rd and long. Bledsoe is blitzed. Nine yards behind the line of scrimmage he is spun around, as he goes down he throws the ball backward toward JR Redmond it bounces on one hop and hits him in the shin. If he takes the sack, they are out of field goal range.

    Grounding is called (wrongly, as mentioned by the announcers) but a defensive penalty neutralizes the down. Bledsoe played solid and won that game, and all morons like you want to do is somehow take that away from him.


    As you say, maybe I'm a moron and maybe I'm a jerk; that's a debate for a different thread. But Drew was worse in that game than he was in the Bills last trip to NE.

    The truth is that no matter how many times you type it, no matter how many ways you try and spin it and no matter how much you've convinced yourself otherwise, the fact of the matter remains that Drew Bledsoe was absolutely, positively atrocious in that playoff game. He did everything in his power to lose that game for the Patriots; but Joey Porter's hands, Lee Flower's muddy spikes, a ridiculous official's flag and the grace of god almighty are the only things that saved him from being the biggest goat in NE since Billy Buckner. You can buy into the storybook fantasy that the national media used to sell its advertising, but the TRUTH is that Bledsoe was sooooo bad that following the game the NFL's shrewdest coach immediately benched him and opted instead for an injured 6thrnd pick from the Big10 who was a 1styearstarter and had about 1/10th Drew's postseason experience.

  10. How low the brilliant have fallen dropping back from their worldly pronouncements that the Bills could not win at all with Bledsoe to now feebly claiming he will never win them an SB/


    While I don't claim to be among the brilliant, what about those of us who originally claimed that we would never go to a SB with Drew, then became increasingly hostile as his play degenerated under GW/Gilbride, then gradually backed off to their original statements?

    Can I just have some Cornish gamehen with the shot still in it?-)

  11. I further the motion to nominate Sweetness as his vicious stiffarm is second to none that I've ever seen.

    Jamla Anderson was also another guy who immediately jumped to mind, as was Corey Dillon.

    I'd also mention Emmit Smith. While his didn't have the obvious brute impact carried by the others', he used it magnificently. It was a subtle and effective weapon which stealthily did its job before disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

    I also recall Bo brutally planting a couple guys on his way to getting the corner.

    Oh what could have been....... ;)


  12. All the more reason to have dual flat panels and a source with 2 seperate feeds.


    That's exactly the problem.

    On Sundays I bring down an extra TV and set it up so that they each have an independent resource with its own receiver, then make sure I can run them both with the same remote, and then program both receivers so that only the ballgames come up when I cycle through.

    As a result I can watch about 4-5 games at a time with no commercials as opposed to just 1-2 games with dozens of annoying plugs for retarded TV shows. The orgiastic immersion in football is great, but I miss a lot of the intimacy (i.e. Bledsoe tweaking a Brownie).

    OK, I just discussed football in borderline erotic terms.

    I think I need a doctor..... ;)

  13. I heard Walmart ran out of baby bottles.


    You heard Walmart ran out of baby bottles.....


    Wow, that is just so....so....so....hilarious. Where do you keep coming up with all these incredibly witty gems of yours?! I mean, you must have a book or something right? Because there's no way you could think that up all by yourself.

    Walmart's out of baby bottles......

    It's just soooooo brilliant. ;)

  14. Yup, that was the one. I think he threw the ball away


    Yeah, I love rolling the QB out near the goalline 'cuz it's a real pain to defend, but I didn't think that was a great call/design in that case.

    They rolled him to the short side when they were on the near hash and already had 2 WR's on that side of the field.

    It got real crowded real quick and there was just no room to stick it in anywhere so he threw it away.

    Thanx for the funny anecdote.


  15. Drew rolled out and threw the ball away, but his momentum carried him to the wall right in front of the Clevland section


    Drew garnered enough inertia to carry him all the way to the wall? :o


    Actually I think I know what play you're talking about as I remember being a little surprised at how fast he got wheeling toward the sideline.

    Was it down around the 10 at what I think was the scoreboard end?

    If so, I think CBS missed what would have been an interesting shot.


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