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Posts posted by Simon

  1. they will lose one of the final two. We WILL make the playoffs calm down.


    Oh in that case I'll call my bookie and bet my house on Jaxonville losing a playoff game to Houston (giggle) or Oakland (guffaw).

    Or maybe the Jets will lose to the Rams(bwahahaha!).


    And I'll be rooting 'til the final whistle so anybody that wants to call me a quitter can chomp on my hog.....

  2. Overall, I think our o-line has gone from being below-average last year and the beginning of this year to average-to-slightly-above-average. I know some people here (Simon) disagree with this assessment, but it's how I see it.


    I wouldn't argue much with that fair assessment. I think they were better earlier in the year than most everybody gives them credit for, but there was certainly room for improvement and they've done exactly that this year.

    And by 2:00pm I was in agreement that Tucker was taking a real tub-thumpin today. Teague and Villarial had poor days as well yet we still won on the road over a good team by 16. :)

  3. APWire:


    37 men were found dead in thier apartmetns today. The Erie County Coroner has called for a full investigation as all of the deaths appear to have mysteriously occured at 12:42 PM early this afternoon.

    The only link discovered so far is that all 37 men were sitting in front of their computers at the time and all of them appeared to have been starting Peyton Manning in their FFL playoff games today.

    Authorities have refused comment on the bizarre co-incidence.

  4. Drew will suck as he is dreaming of retirement in Montana as a dental floss farmer.




    a game so close you will not be able to enjoy it until you watch the re-play later


    C'mon now Marky, this is what it's all about. Have a good time no matter what's going on between the lines!



  5. I was just having the same conversation with a buddy.

    A vet like Kitna also will have a bigger playbook to work with, not to metnion this may be a defacto audition for him today.

    otoh, Kitna isn't sporting the caliber Palmer is carrying, so he may have some trouble throwing in that wind today. This would bode well for the Bills as Cinci's downfield game scares me more than anything else.

    If we can stop the run with 7 like we have been, a rusty Kitna might not carry the sting he once did. Or at least that's how I'm going to rationalize it..... :w00t:


  6. Greer, Reese,


    eeeesh, that leaves us a little thin in the secondary.

    If Greer is out who is our dimeback if Thomas is running at the nickel? Prioleau?

    With Cinci running a lot of 3wide sets and Vincent coming off a serious injury, I'm not sure if I would have de-activated both of those guys.

    I guess we really like to emphasize ST's.


  7. Actually, I thought the throw was perfect. Peppers allowed himself to get ridden outside and then when he made his leap, it was at an angle and his momentum carried him out. If he had been able to jump straight up in the air, he would have come down in bounds easily as the throw was still inside the chalk when it was at an easily catchable height.

    But I guess that's the difference between the body control of a WR and a DE. I thought if they threw to him it would be something inside or underneath where he could use his size to shield the defender. That's kind of fun to watch, I hope they give him another shot on a different route.


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