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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  2. For those of you who asked for updates and that weren't just being polite: Finally found a good ENT and had some CT scans done. Turns out my sinus' are so full of large polyps that they're blocking drainage and every single one of my cavities is 100% full and as a result my Eustachians have filled up as well. Prednisone was 0% effective (for which I'm glad; I hate that stuff) so they want me to try shooting myself up with something called Dupixent. Looks like a very good medicine that blocks interleukins, but I'm always open to alternative viewpoints if anybody has any.
  3. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. I wasn't cutting off the sleeves of my only jersey every year; that's what the rubber bands were for. And if you want a picture of my ass, just ask.
  4. I used to keep a few sets of multi-colored markers around for the sole purpose of coloring all the tape on fingers and wrists the "appropriate" color each week. I also used to have different colored 3/4 sleeve shirts to wear underneath my jersey, which itself would have the sleeves pulled up into my armpits and rubber banded into place with as much of the undershirt sleeve showing as possible. Odd phenomenon: Because I'm right-handed the tape on my left hand would always be neat and tidy, while my right hand would still have marker scribbles on it for days after I took off the tape.
  5. I remember loving the play he made despite the hold but I didn't catch the white hat grabbing his flag. Probably put it away because it would have been declined anyways. I bet if Dodson doesn't get him on the ground, he throws it.
  6. Maybe the rule is worded so that you only have to report injuries for active players? If you already know a guy is going to be inactive, you don't have to say squat about it?
  7. Inside the Sevilles: The Untold Story of Greed, Lies and the Irredeemable Treachery of Chipmunks at the Knee of a Secret Tyrant
  8. And redundant Next tie breaker is division record I think? Then conference record if division record is tied?
  9. Yeah, the whole thing was a riddle wrapped in a secret. Injury made the most sense and they hinted at it, but pretty late in the game, and confirmed it very late in the game. I wonder if they were being coy with the injury reports early in the season and then decided it was best for everybody to just keep quiet and not draw attention. I don't know enough about injury reports to know if they had something to worry about. Did anybody say it's healed? I don't have the BN.
  10. This is very true. Even when Hyde went out Sunday, it was noticeable how vulnerable the defense quickly became.
  11. Forget that. I want to see you talk newcam into telling us more about his current All Pro season. P.S. Just sent you a package. If you have a guy at a gate, tell him to be looking for a bushel of Corgis next Tuesday morning. Merry Christmas.
  12. I don't know, I could see Rapp being trained. Possibly by a long line of dudes that he's tried to kill.
  13. If they make Healies in addition to Heelies, we need to strap some on Jones, White and Milano.
  14. This is certainly true, but there is a tiny upside here; at least in relation to other teams that have to deal with Parsons. The Bills have spent soooo much time and effort this year covering Spencer Brown's keister that it is now a standard part of their offense. They will not have to spend extra time installing new protections and they are less liable to make mistakes with their timing than other teams who are less accustomed to it. I can't help but wonder what constitutes a "limited" walkthrough. A saunter by?
  15. Did you know that over the last couple games that the Bills have had 132 defensive snaps and Ed Oliver has been on the field for 112 of them? That is a DT playing a whopping 85% of defensive snaps.
  16. I'm going to go ahead and take some lumps on this one cuz it's looking like I may have been dead wrong. I really thought Poyer was just laying in the weeds, keeping himself healthy for the stretch run. And I really thought that coming out of the bye and going to Kansas City would be the week he decided to go ahead and let the dawg out. I like the guy and appreciate what he's done so I will be diplomatic and just say that letting that dawg out was NOT what happened on Sunday.
  17. The two situations are different for a variety of reasons (legally, contractually, etc). There is nothing they learned from the Araiza situation that has anything to do with the Von Miler situation.
  18. I think I feel like there's a small, very vocal contingent that skews that perspective and more folks than not actually do like him.
  19. This is a great time to be playing Dallas because an NFC loss would actually help us with tiebreakers.
  20. Ben Johnson. No, the other one.....
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