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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Agreed that this is group of guys is really easy to like (Von notwithstanding). I didn't really have anything to add; I just wanted an excuse to say I always enjoy seeing your Danger Mouse avatar.
  2. I'm not in the area so I'm not sure. I've heard folks suggesting that the network affiliates out of Buffalo will be carrying the game but the ones based in Rochester cannot. If you're getting GRZ and the above is true, I think you will be fine.
  3. I was going to offer a helpful suggestion until I read this. Instead I will simply shut my piehole and drop your name into this box. P.S. I actually did it; you're either going to receive eternal salvation or eternal spam. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Yes in Buffalo, but no in Rochester is my understanding
  5. I despise matchups against teams that have nothing to lose. All predictability goes right out the window.
  6. Yes, you missed where he said " if the Bills could just find a way to make the playoffs". It was in his first sentence and was the primary point of the entire post so I can see how you might have missed it. I am nothing if not helpful, so I'll leave this resource here in case you're interested: https://www.usa.gov/learn-english
  7. The legs are what it's mostly about coming back. If he's been taking care of them he should be OK right off the bat, if not quite as powerful upstairs.
  8. I think there was something physically wrong with him on Sunday; you could see it early in the first series. Minimal jump, zero power and sucking wind like 4 plays into the game. He was either sick or playing hurt. He probably played more snaps than he has all year. He wasn't "horrible" but he wasn't very effective either. Pushed the pocket a couple times and might have flushed Dak once or twice but couldn't really finish anything.
  9. Check closely because I think that may have been debunked
  10. Oh, he's going to watch all right; he just hasn't admitted it yet. Right now he's just another guy who's had enough.
  11. So every resident of CA should be able to watch it without having to pay extra, imo.
  12. I have voted with my dollars, but totally understand this guys annoyance. The only regulation I would consider is that anybody that pays taxes in a state with a publicly funded stadium should be able to watch televised events from that stadium without having to pay extra for it.
  13. I'm sure that's exactly what he'll end up doing. For now he's just frustrated, and rightfully so, imo. It's only going to get worse.
  14. And next year you'll have to do it twice. And the year after that, three times on two different services. And the year after that it will be $20. And the year after that it will be a playoff game and be $30. The more accommodations you make for them, the more they will attempt to take advantage of your willingness to do so. I hit my breaking point this year and will never accommodate them again.
  15. I don't blame him; I felt the same way earlier this year.
  16. If that is what this is about, I hope they don't rush him. They're rolling right now and can afford to ease him back in very slowly. Waiting to dress him for the Miami game would give them a nice bump and allow him another few weeks to heal.
  17. I am 100% on board with you and made the transition to "alternative means" this year. I've had zero problems or complications, zero virus' and zero regrets. Feel free to PM me if your interested in a suggestion.
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