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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I passed that sign driving across the country a few years ago and almost put the truck in the median trying to look back and confirm what I just saw.
  2. Can somebody please introduce Kincaid to Don Ho? And why does nobody have one of the 5 greatest Christmas songs of all time?
  3. I've always wondered if it smells the same inside as it does outside? If so, do you stop noticing it eventually?
  4. It's going to be an interesting evolution going forward. These guys are good at turning $1 into $2 but I'd think it is going to take some time for them to find that sweet spot where profits are increasing while not alienating too many fans to keep that increase at its maximum. If human nature is any indicator I'd guess the short term will be a money grab that ends up pissing too many people off and drives them into the arms of pirates, followed in the long term by a series of overcorrections until they hit neutral buoyancy; most likely achieved right around the time I become worm food. I know I'm going to miss those days when I could just pay my money to a single service, and in under a minute turn on the TV and set my remote to only recognize 3-4 channels that I could cycle through rapidly on Sundays. I know they ain't ever coming back and I know I'm no longer their target audience but I hope the market keeps them honest enough to not alienate me to the point where I just give up on it.
  5. I'm sure that you did. I'm also sure that there are a lot of other folks who aren't adept or experienced with streaming tech who can't do it in 5 minutes, such as rural residents and folks over 50 (both clubs into which I fit comfortably). I'd imagine a significant portion of the population would have to spend just as much time wrestling with televisions, phones and remotes as they would actually watching the game. Spending hours of your life fighting with unfamiliar technology to watch a single ballgame could fairly be termed "inconvenient" imo. It hasn't quite reached the point of overkill yet, but it will.
  6. I'm guessing the commercial time will be replaced with some interminable alterative content that will keep you up just as late. I'm sure none of it will be glorified advertising extolling the indisputable virtues of Peacock's superior streaming services.
  7. There weren't when I got there but I make no promises about when I left.
  8. Because I didn't need it and hoped that eventually somebody might come along who did. It probably ended up being found by an investment banker in a $600 fleece pullover.
  9. The wording was a little unclear but I think what he meant was that of all the weird scenarios where the Bills win out and still miss the playoffs, this one in particular was more probable than any other scenarios where they win out and miss the playoffs. Perhaps he's a statistician and not an English major.
  10. Probably always will be, I'd guess. As long as you remember how much better life is now, I'm guessing you'll keep winning every day. Of course I'll probably keep dropping the occasional beer emoji on you because that's the kind of guy I am. I once found a rolled up wad of $20's in the Tennessee mountains in the midst of a thicket of rhododendrons at least 2-3 miles away from the nearest road. I took one and left the rest!
  11. Sorry man, I don't know the precise answer to that; I'm just the janitor. fwiw, I'm thinking the answer is somewhere between 50-100 posts.
  12. Kyle with 2 unassisted, one a shorty and leading the team in hits. Seems like they're finally playing like they mean it but it actually sort of pisses me off that it's taken this many games and hard questions to finally get that kind of effort from them. Wonder how long it will continue...
  13. Glad you're still with us, boss. We've all stolen a lot of good chuckles from you over the years.
  14. I gotta wonder if that was the plan going in or if they made a quick adjustment when they realized that Parsons was compromised. It was immediately clear within a few snaps that he had minimal jump, no power and he was clearly sucking wind before the Bills even hit midfield on the first series. When some guy on his couch 150 miles away can see it right off the bat, could somebody on the Bills staff have picked it up and got into Brady's ear about it?
  15. Thank you, much better. P.S. When i saw your wish list had changed I canceled the basket of Corgis and got you a pony. It was too expensive to ship so I just gave him your address and told him you always keep a bucket of rolled oats on the back porch. Good luck!
  16. I'm going to give it one more day to see if somebody comes up with a better thread starter. If nobody has the time or inclination, I will pin this one tonight.
  17. I live in Big 10 country and don't recall him having any sort of injury history at any point.
  18. I don't know the rules either but the bottom line is that Fournette is likely just not as good as Ty Johnson right now. Although Ty's shoulder may now have an unfortunate effect on that equation.
  19. Give him a break because he's a frustrated consumer with no real history of being a dick, imo.
  20. Cryin' won't help you, prayin' wont do you no good....
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