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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Got to see my daughter on TV multiple times. She was in a sea of Pens fans wearing an old school Sabres tiedown sitting in the second row right over Luukkonen's shoulder during the 1st and 3rd. When the building emptied out with several minutes left, she was still there drinking beer til the clock showed 0:00. Raised that one right.
  2. One of the worst calls in the history of the NFL, from their own 10 with only a few seconds left in the half. Even worse, it turns out they had run the same play from the same formation in a similar part of the field just a few weeks earlier. The Raider staff had it pegged and most of the defense knew it was coming at the snap. Definitely weird that I can remember it so distinctly, yet can't remember hardly anything from the last couple Super Bowls.
  3. I should have said, "nobody playing in this game" wants a tie
  4. Nobody wants a tie; there's actually some potential to see some weird-assed decisions later in this game.
  5. I'm convinced that the league is now run by the kind "executives" who know or care nothing about football and are convinced that officiating drama actually makes the game more exciting.
  6. I think a tie puts the Bills in, but I'm not really sure either. I don't pay much attention to all the scenarios because the only thing that matters to me is Sunday night
  7. Always remember that it gets a little easier every day, even when it doesn't seem like it. 🤙
  8. They probably are every few plays but just cant keep up
  9. LOL, I literally just posted the following in another thread at the exact same time you posted that: If this is your first baby, please be aware that your IQ is currently in the process of dropping by 50+ points and you are going to be a borderline drooling syphillitic idiot for the next 6-12 months. It's bizarre and inexplicable but it is real. Don't worry, it fades eventually. Good luck!
  10. If this is your first baby, please be aware that your IQ is currently in the process of dropping by 50+ points and you are going to be a borderline drooling syphillitic idiot for the next 6-12 months. It's bizarre and inexplicable but it is real. Don't worry, it fades eventually. Good luck!
  11. I was going to ask how you ended up posting about the Stillers/Ravens in a 2 month old Carolina/Chicago Thursday night game thread. Then I remembered you have a pregnant wife and it all became clear. The Bills playoffs hinge on Sunday Night at 8:00; nothing else matters, imo.
  12. I don't do it consciously, but it seems that every year after the holidays I tend to go anywhere from a few weeks to a few months without any alcohol.
  13. I don't believe it's that cut and dry. There is wiggle room for guys who are just banged up and still playing.
  14. Pick one: A- Brady is pushing carries. Hard. And Diggs isn't a great blocker B- He's has been playing hurt since the London fiasco C- He's not being schemed out, he's taking himself out when his breathing gets compromised D- His snap counts have always been lower than you think they have E- All of the above F- Random conspiracy theory
  15. Yeah, the Bills who are desperate for receiver help and have limited resources are going to eat a bunch of cap to cut their only reliable wideout.
  16. Every QB in the history of the NFL misses multiple open guys in every single game they've ever played. It's not an issue unless it becomes egregious, and imo it is not anywhere approaching egregious. As for the play in question, I don't recall the underneath coverage precisely, but I do know that particular screen shot is utterly useless in determining who was open when, which is all I was trying to say.
  17. I think if you just draw an "S" on the Pepperidge Farm bag, you can pull it off.
  18. You have no idea who was moving where when Josh made the decision, no idea whether or not he was open at that point and you'll never know from a picture like that. Your opinion is 100% subjective.
  19. Judging whether guys are open from still photographs after the QB has already thrown the ball is an exercise in futility.
  20. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Bills have the highest run to pass ratio in the NFL since Brady took over.
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