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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I saw you post when you were cracking your first shortly after lunch for a night game and started chuckling....
  2. You could probably borrow it, but I'm guessing he'd want it back.
  3. Absolutely, and by a lot, imo. Not only is it physically grueling, but you can only psyche yourself up to beat the begeesus out of yourself so many times before the burnout becomes real. So we're seeing a lot of games with a lot of checked out players, which waters down the fans viewing experience as well. You think about it and realize they start playing in August and keep going right through January and into February and that is 6 months of football. Trying to maintain that level of intensity and execution for a half a year is not realistic and isn't good for anybody except the guys making money off it.
  4. It says it right in the post: "General consensus is Watt won't play this week vs. the Bills due to grade 2 MCL sprain suffered vs. Baltimore on Saturday." You need a siesta and a shot of joe.......Joe
  5. More inane and time-consuming micro-officiating that reduces tension, kills momentum and is wrecking this league's viewing experience.
  6. This is exactly how I saw it. Thanks for breaking it down with an image so others could recognize what happened.
  7. It was 4th down, there was no throwing it away. He chucked a hail mary at the end zone and it was essentially a punt.
  8. It's the very first item, in the very first post of the thread you just opened but couldn't be bothered to read.
  9. Already got hammered by the symptoms last week. Only bothered testing because my wife started getting sick last night and insisted, otherwise I would have never even known. And I'm a little spooked by the Stiller game. We have some issues with 3-4 fronts and Pittsburgh has taken advantage of that in the past. Their rungame is also finding a bit of a groove which is the only good way for them to limit Josh Allen's touches and with their knack for making ugly games and then stealing them, there's some potential for some discomfort there. If weather becomes a factor it could exacerbate all these issues and there is also some potential for that to be the case as well. Regardless of any of it, we shall continue with style. 🤙
  10. Weird situation for me. Was looking into grabbing a couple good seats and heading up for a playoff game for the first time in ages, but staying here and hanging out with all my Stiller fans and torturing them is too rare an opportunity to pass up. Then 5 minutes ago my wife and I just tested positive for Covid.
  11. He badly missed the deep shot to Diggs, which he has just got to make. Aside from that he was fine. He marched them up and down the field repeatedly but just couldn't quite finish drives for a variety of reasons, many of which were not on him. He threw for 200+ yards before halftime and the only turnover he caused was a 40 yrd hail mary into the endzone on 4th down. He's being held to an absurd standard that no other QB in the NFL is being held to. The fact that you want to trade him for draft picks tells us all we need to know about your take. Don't let fools drag you down, mup. Smile all day and enjoy it.
  12. Gabe Davis on one O'Cyrus Torrence on one And Josh Allen on the 4th down "punt"
  13. I'm a geek with it, too. I'm actually on a sabbatical right now and have myself most of the way talked into heading down and trying my hand at chasing storms in the Alley for a couple weeks this spring.
  14. That's exactly where I go to know what's up. Their hourly graphical grid that goes out 4.5 days is usually very accurate also.
  15. I didn't agree with folks who wanted a flag there. I don't want to see this league start calling penalties on two guys getting after it at the goalline, or at the sticks for that matter.
  16. I thought they were hunting a TD with minimal interest in a FG that whole possession. I had no problem with the way they want about it and I hope they continue to stay that aggressive there.
  17. It's really not the most awful idea in the world. I can see somebody overpaying him to be a receiver for one contract and then him maybe making that conversion down the road.
  18. I kept looking for it but couldn't find it. Anybody else see it? Maybe it was an internal shock collar that activates if his head comes too far forward? Or did somebody do an unbelievable job getting him to overcome every instinct in his body to be a billy goat and somehow turn him into a heads up player in just one week? There's a Poyer, a Hyde, a coach or someone that has a steak dinner coming their way this week. Hope they at least share their potato with Taylor.
  19. We have some better options in the pass game, but we clearly missed his blocking on the edge multiple times when he was out.
  20. That's all I wanted a few times on early downs and I think it would have carried them right down the field. 👍
  21. I thought they were fortunate to even get it to that point and would have had a better chance to close out by continuing to do what they'd been doing successfully all night.
  22. Are you seriously giving somebody ***** for over posting?! When they've all been viable topics? For real? <fingers twitch toward banhammer......>
  23. The FG % is probably 60 at best. Getting a yard with a 250lb QB is probably better than 80%. And a 1stdown ends the game just as certainly. It was the right call. I don't disagree. But a couple of them didn't need to happen in the first place.
  24. Exactly. There was hay to be made on early downs with Kincaid and Shakir on that drive.
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