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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I thought they were 100% hunting for TDs on that drive and had no interest in a FG.
  2. I hope that guys getting after it at the goalline never ever becomes a penalty. That's just football in its purest form.
  3. There's nothing they can do unless they see it directly. And he's not going to do it where they can see it directly.
  4. That may look different on a phone than it does on a 27" monitor.
  5. I'd pay $1000 to hear an official say "Illegal hands to the helmet - 15 yrds"
  6. It's a lake effect issue so its unpredictable until you get closer to Sunday. Right now the potential is there for it it set up right for heavy snows south of Buffalo, but it depends on timing and specific wind direction. Even if the snow isn't coming in heavy, the wind looks like it might still be a factor. Sun, Jan 14 in Orchard Park
  7. He probably knew what was likely to happen again I would seriously consider filing after the season is over, just to embarrass him and give him the reputation he deserves. I'd imagine Josh Allen is probably too proud to be the kid that goes tattling to the teacher though.
  8. I saw Allen get pissed at him briefly coming out of a pile and wondered if that is what happened again. I think one of his OL stepped in to prevent anything else but I never saw them show a replay.
  9. The Bills need a play with a cool name. I'm thinking a QB Waggle off of a fake Tush Push and we call it the Allen Wrench.
  10. The Stillers reputation as a tough running team is more historical than it is a current reality, imo. The Bills have more rushing yards, a better rushing average, more rushing TD's, more first downs rushing, etc. I also think there is a certain level of wind which all but eliminates the Stillers passing attack, while only only somewhat hampering the Bills. Josh Allen can drive the ball through some winds that Mason Rudolph cannot. If there is a legitimate equalizer to fear, it is having 8" of snow on the field.
  11. It's not mentioned there but there is actually some potential for a serious lake effect event next Sat/Sun as well.
  12. I was going to start a thread on this exact same thing. He was useless in that role. They need a guy who is not too squeamish to grab ahold of those big 'ol hamhocks, and move them like he means it. I want to see handprints on both sides of Allen's asscrack.
  13. He's made a couple plays here and there but he is generally the same limited athlete with questionable instincts who is the weak link in their secondary.
  14. When they made the switch at OC and we all did our what changes we want to see thing, my #2 was to limit option routes by not running any to Davis and only allowing Diggs and Kincaid to make reads and adjustments on the fly. The miscommunications have been going on for at least two years and I cannot count the number of drives that have been killed by them not being on the same page on 3rd down. It's amazing I still have a full head of hair that hasn't been torn out. Gabe had that little shlt bullied halfway through the endzone and you're right that all he has to do is turn around and put his ass into him and it's 6. Sorry about the missed payday; sounds like a nice chunk that could have gone toward a Bills SB ticket.
  15. He was on a dead sprint to his right on the deep INT. The INT in the red zone, he was backpedaling with 4 guys bearing down on him from multiple angles.
  16. So if we assume that Allen did not make the wrong play on that pick. And that Gabe Davis made another mistake on the other pick. And that Torrence made the mistake that caused the fumble. We are down to the only bad mistake Allen really made all night was missing the deep shot to Diggs. And yet there are knuckleheads running around here yelling about how awful he was, how we should trade/bench him, he's his own worst enemy, etc. I swear as soon as I'm not the janitor, I'm going to put 647 people on ignore and only read about 75 posters.
  17. He at least drew a bunch of doubles, kicked some runs out of his gap and forced a couple rushed, inaccurate throws. Von had literally zero impact on that game (unless he was one of the Ends that repeatedly lost his gap on Miami counters early; I guess that would be an impact)
  18. The point I was trying to make with a bit of convoluted, overstretched humor was that for the first time as a Bill, Rapp just played a full game with his head up instead of down, and the results were spectacular.
  19. That is definitely a potentially valid argument. But I think Allen saw the 'backer with Kincaid square in his sights and came off the read because he thought Kincaid would get stuck short of the sticks. After he came off the read, that backer then got caught up in the wash (Shakir driving the slot corner out of the flat, which I'm sure was a total accident;-) which gave the impression that Kincaid was open for the first, when in reality he may not have been. I have a hard time giving the QB grief for coming off an initial read that looked to be a dead end, particularly when that QB is among the best I've ever seen at making chicken salad. There's a better description of it with a pic posted by Einstein earlier in the thread. (Trying this link that might take you directly to the post)
  20. He did, but he did it with his head up, which is the point I was trying to make (albeit poorly). A couple weeks ago he would have been barreling in there with his head down hunting a kill shot and either blindly blasted Benford or separated him from the ball. Last night his head stayed up the whole way in and as result he was able to initiate controlled contact limited to the the WR instead of being a bowling ball scattering pins and body parts all over the place.
  21. I would only add that it took some time for the D-front to get their gap responsibilities and run fits squared away against all the counters and misdirection they don't see that often.
  22. I hate hangovers so much in my 50's that now I either don't drink, or I have it plotted out where I can drink for 3-4 days, which means multiple days in a row of breakfast beers to smack down hangovers and then stopping around dinner on the last day so I sleep through the worst part of the butcher's bill. 👍
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