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Everything posted by Simon

  1. lol, I'm still shedding Covid and am not getting into an enclosed space with anybody. At least anybody I like........ Edit: Dammit, I should have said something about chain-smoking joints the whole way up.
  2. He claimed And right at kickoff the band becomes more intense dropping another 8 inches from 1pm to 4 pm. The chart actually shows 2.6" during the game
  3. I don't know jack. I just don't want anybody believing that other guy's bullspit.
  4. Your "estimate" of 8" during the game is patently absurd
  5. Not sure what you're looking at but this is the NOAA/NWS hourly forecast graphic and it does not show that at all: Apparently they were right as whatever he posted is pure bunk. And in Turk's defense, he has significant meteorology training and is 100% correct. Unless you're familiar and experienced with this kind of weather, you are a piker. Kind of like an accountant lecturing an architect about stadium construction.
  6. A dramatic media personality desperate for attention
  7. So the other day I decided that this looked like a ton of fun and I was going to look into grabbing a ticket online and coming up from Western PA. We were having a major wind event here while I was monkeying around on the computer looking at different sites for the ticket I wanted (first couple rows of the upper deck, between the 40's) and I hear/feel this big crash. Go to the window, look outside and the wind has knocked down a small tree, which of course has landed directly on my truck and broken the windshield.
  8. Got this so far, but predicting this kind of event is a bit of a lark, imo.
  9. I'm getting the sense that they're looking for the worst part of it to take place in the overnight hours on Sat night, with a slowdown during the fist part of the day Sunday, then a re-enforcing shot cranking back up again later on Sunday, possibly not until late afternoon or evening.
  10. It's a chip-chopped ham sammich yinz can get in dahntahn Pixburgh what has french fries on it n'at....
  11. Sorry about your brother. The instant it wears off, your brain involuntarily bends all its will toward doing it again and will be satisfied with nothing less. Totally irresistible. I won't mess with the big H but I've got to believe it's not entirely dissimilar. A massive, instantaneous rush of total well-being in every cell of your body before you've even exhaled, unfortunately followed about 20-30 minutes later by an irresistible, all-consuming desire to feel that again, which then takes far longer to dissipate than the high itself. Heaven and hell, all in one breath.
  12. They better get him early because he's going to break again.
  13. You aren't missing anything. Cocaine only has two effects on you. It either makes you want more, or it makes you want less; there is no Goldilocks zone, imo. Now I will expose myself as a degenerate: A buddy of mine cooked some up and talked me into trying crack. That shlt is delicious and I can absolutely see how people can become quickly addicted. It's the kind of drug that is soooo good that I will never do it again.
  14. Thanks to some of y'all for turning my country's birthday into another political shitshow. Outstanding work.
  15. I'm only about 500 miles off. Give a hick a break.
  16. That must have been a really interesting several seconds in your house.
  17. An Irish Polack; what could go wrong?-) Congrats, man. Enjoy your new bundle of perspective.
  18. If y'all won't keep the politics out of here, this thread is going away.
  19. Wyatt Teller is a former Bill so I left it where I assumed it would soon fall off the page.
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