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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He's actually tried it a few times in games previously. Dr Dawk had a good post with some videos in a thread we had going after the game vs KC earlier this year.
  2. It certainly doesn't look like he would have been aware, although the guy does have what is possibly the greatest peripheral vision I've ever seen so it's hard to discount it entirely.
  3. If Kelce said that, I'm calling him a liar. There is no way he saw that flag come out from where he was lined up and going into his route. (play is at about :39) The fact that Lewis is even looking to play the ball in the first place is a testament to how well he's being coached, imo.
  4. That wasn't a designed trick play. That was just Kelce freelancing, and doing it brilliantly.
  5. If you're going to play that game, Chris Jones better be second on your list.
  6. Then stop giving him that attention by spreading his nonsense; which is exactly what you are currently doing. Keep that trash out of here, please.
  7. Topic titles must reflect the content of the topic (and it must contain more than just a name). This helps to reduce the number of duplicate topics and makes the community much more user friendly. Please edit the title so that it properly reflects the discussion that you started. Thank you.
  8. I feel like that crew has been running on fumes for months now and that they also have the feel of a team that has been circling the event horizon of a total implosion. If the Bills are executing their A game, I think there is a legit chance we could see an epic Chiefs meltdown in the 2nd half on Sunday.
  9. They make a medicine for that now
  10. I got one of those once for telling a buddy I was going to whip his ass at cornhole.
  11. Anybody around to buy this guy a shovel? He left his wallet in his buried car.
  12. bump Anybody around with a plow, a kind heart and a few spare minutes?
  13. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
  14. Winds around the stadium are currently showing about 10-12 mph; very manageable.
  15. Me too. But it could also be exhaustion from laying in bed staring at the ceiling all night.
  16. I am 100% blown away that you've got more snow in Mississippi than I've had in northwest PA at any point in the last 3 years. 🤯 Hope everybody's critters are OK.
  17. In Mississippi? I didn't even know that was possible. You now have more snow than I have had all year in NW Pennsylvania.
  18. He considered it but couldn't find a coupon with the BuffNews delivery being suspended.
  19. This is where having a room full of veterans that have been through the wringer might really show its value. 🤞
  20. My confidence has been dropping all morning. >There is probably going to be lower attendance >The fans that are there are likely to be uncomfortable and a little shell-shocked by the stadium conditions >While the Bills have spent the past 48hrs trapped in their houses, the Stillers have had additional time to get together, do extra walk-throughs, etc The first two factors could really mitigate the effects of the crowd and home field advantage. The third could give the Stillers a bit of an edge, particularly coming out of the gate. Both the Bills and the Mafia are going to need some good veteran leadership to be at their best today.
  21. I was referring to the update from Hammers Lot
  22. That's from 10:00 last night. An actual update would probably help folks if there is one.
  23. I imagine there are assigned sections, but it would be sweet if you could go in for an hour and shovel out the row where you have tickets and then go back out and tailgate.
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