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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He may or may not be a good GM; only time will tell. But regardless of how things turn out, he will always be a good man. Please remember that fact in the future as the Bills make moves you may or may not agree with.
  2. I was hesitant to open my piehole earlier but I feel more comfortable with it now. While the Bills really do like Ryan Fitzpatrick, they absolutely love Andrew Luck and have for quite a while now. While no commitment was made as to how much they'd have been willing to spend, they were definitely going to make an effort to move into that #1 hole and draft him.
  3. A hearty congrats to one one of TBD's all-time finest contributors. I've no doubt y'all will make outstanding parents and I envy the impending competition between child and parents to see who will have the most fun! Enjoy your vacation. You and I will have a very short chat when you return.
  4. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  7. From TSW's Terms of Service Do NOT post: Personal "crusades" (posting the same information/opinion in an excessively repetitive manner. We want posters to share opinions not bludgeon others to death with them.) Your Modrak crusade is rapidly growing tiresome. If you can't stop it on your own, I'll be happy to help you.
  8. He's one of the best QB prospects we've seen since Peyton and anybody who claims not to like him is just desperate for attention.
  9. I'd be hesitant to call much of what we've seen this decade to be "professional" GM thnking
  10. I couldn't care less if we're talking about Brohm, Brown, Brady or Bill Brasky. While you limit your player "evaluation" to what you see in the game stats, I'll observe that he was hit mid-delivery by an unblocked pass rusher on every one of those picks. Aside from calling out Promo for his repeated hypocrisy in the game thread, I don't recall slinging about a lot of insults today.
  11. There's a an awful lot of people calling Brohm's performance horrible, but unable to back up their "opinions" with any evidence. I didn't think he was that horrible today, particularly when you consider he hasn't really played all year and didn't get a single bit of support from the rest of his unit. It was sort of reminiscent of his start late last year when he was unfairly ragged on for not lighting it up with no help. Just pointing out that when Saint Fitzpatrick played against this same scheme he threw for a similar completion % and yardage, and that was at home. As for those 2 TD's, at least one, and probably both, came on drives where the Jets were deployed in a prevent defense. A quote from a recap of that game: "Buffalo was so awful it managed 30 yards on its first four possessions, failed to register a first down on eight of 13 drives, and went 0 of 10 on third down. The Bills were thoroughly dominated in every phase of the game. Ryan Fitzpatrick didn't complete a pass until there was just under seven minutes left in the first half, and it didn't get much better after that." It's a difficult scheme to play against (unless your NE) and while Brohm didn't do much today, I think he's being unfairly ripped for a relatively neutral performance.
  12. Well it's become quickly obvious that nobody is willing or able to provide specific examples of individual plays where Brohm made mistakes and instead the thread just continues to turn into a pissing contest. As such I will close the thread down and accept the situation for what it is.
  13. Are you boys talking about the same Fitz who went 12-27 for 128 yards when he faced Rex Ryan's scheme at home?
  14. So we have one example so far, and a debatable one at that? I'm not interested in defending Brohm, who didn't do much of anything today, good or bad. I'm more interested in accurate assessments of specific examples regarding his play. If you're unwilling or unable to provide that then perhaps you should contribute to a different thread.
  15. I got the sense that the pass rush was in his grill as soon as he hit his drop and he had little if any opportunity to get rid of it.
  16. That was the one legitimate complaint we could have about Brohm today. Is that the same Fitz that went 12-27 for 128 yards when he played the Jets at home?
  17. This thread is exclusively for all the folks who thought Brohm was horrible today to provide specific examples of all the mistakes he made.
  18. That in itself should instantly raise the level of discourse.
  19. You may, and I'll respectfully disagree. If he was making stupid mistakes I'd call him on it, but I doubt if anybody can come up with some specific examples of why he should be shouldering blame.
  20. Donte shut it down 3 weeks ago when he found out how little he was worth to the Bills. He's done more standing around in the last 3 weeks than he has in the rest of his career combined.
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