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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Thought I was an only child til I was about 20ish, then was told I had a half-sister. Agreed to meet her in a bar in a neighboring town and about halfway into the second beer I went over to a jukebox to put on some music to fill some not yet comfortable silences. Being a gentleman I asked on the way over if she had any preferences and she said she liked Bon Jovi (this was the late 80's). About 5 minutes later I pretended I was going to take a leak, walked out the back door and never looked back.
  2. When you Googled it, did the TBD thread about Andre Holmes 5/8" from here show up?
  3. You've been here a week and are already lecturing long-time members about TBD policy that's been in place for over a decade? That's some quality entertainment right there
  4. You're welcome to go make your own website and then steal from other people all you want. Until then, maybe you should reconsider the wisdom of making snarky comments about how other people choose to manage the website that they've taken the time and effort to create for our benefit.
  5. But are you good enough to make an app that does nails on a chalkboard? Or do you consider your posts to have that intrinsic quality......
  6. It's a published, accredited article on a commercial website It was created both privately and originally Therefore it has full copyright protection and has for over 25 years since the Berne Convention And it is not now, nor has it ever been allowed to be copy/pasted to this website
  7. Actually it's according to the Terms of Service where it's clearly laid out that "You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you". Posting the entirety of somebody else's work is not allowed here. Like anywhere else that is above board you can follow Fair Use standards in US copyright law and post a brief excerpt of somebody else's material and provide a link to that material if you wish. But you are most certainly not allowed to post the full content of somebody else's work. There are a wide variety of Buffalo Bills sites on the internet; you are always free to use any of the others if you do not like the rules or don't want to live up to the standards of this one. If you wish to continue here, you are able to edit your post to reflect your understanding of Fair Use law and the TBD rules before a moderator sees it and simply deletes or closes the thread.
  8. Yeah, it's infinitely less complicated to run than a traditional horizontal WCO. If you're going to be saddled with a one-read QB who really struggles to see the whole field, this is probably the best way to maximize his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. It should provide us with an increased capability for diverse responses when defenses try to "make him be a QB" I would rather see the Bills let him walk at this point, but if they're going to keep putting him out there, this is as good as any way to do it.
  9. I had identical experiences with both salmon and eggs. (OK, that sentence made me think about cooking roe sous vide) I can make better eggs with less hassle than going sous vide so that likely won't be coming out for breakfast any more. My wife had the same reaction to the salmon, but I really liked my moist and tender white fish. Have you come up with any plan to make both of you happy that doesn't involve cooking fish two different ways?-)
  10. I did some fresh venison backstraps at 135 last weekend and they were perfect; it was like eating silk. I typically do beef at 131 and adding that 4 degrees to the venison was just about right for getting it in the same neighborhood. Elk and venison are very similar meats in many ways, one of them being how lean they are. Because of that I would be very cautious about putting any salt on them before cooking as I've read in a few places that it tends to leach some of the limited juices out of leaner meats.
  11. I think he needs to go all in and add a couple more names in an effort to bulk up. In for a penny, in for another 10 lbs.......
  12. I know that there used to be that option but I cannot find it right now either and am not sure it still exists. Ask on the Customer Service Board and I imagine you'll get your answer
  13. It was actually a sort of selfish post. If the mods won't run him then the more people who put him on ignore, then the less people are subjected to his typorrhea
  14. They get made to look like asses, the OP gets to relish in their discomfiture and the rest of us quietly congratulate ourselves for shutting the hell up until we knew our business
  15. There's actually a long standing tradition of not starting any new threads during games to prevent exactly what you've described. There are two options during games: 1) the two threads dedicated solely to the game (one for the first half, another for the second half) gets a lot of action 2) There is also the Shoutbox for real time conversation that always has a sizable crowd during games. Another thing you might notice (aside from people giving you grief for starting redundant threads:-) is the lack of annoying gifs that clog up many message boards. That's really frowned on here
  16. Thank you all for taking this thread where it needed to go
  17. We're on the same page, I think we just differ on the QB they need. Tyrod's been a nice placeholder but I think we're in an era where we need to find the kind of QB that can apply more pressure to already stressed DB's. If Whaley can finally add that guy and one more Tackle to protect him I think this ramshackle looking cart can finally start making progress in the right direction.
  18. Anybody that claims inside sources and is proven by time to be full of shinola should be rewarded with an extended vacation for lying. Get some Chandler ! - )
  19. I have zero issue with them taking time to get over it. If we maintain a BBMB thread for guys to vent in for the entire offseason, I'd be perfectly fine with that. But how many threads do we really need about another message board? Was 5 just not enough? I understand the venting and am supportive of the addition of some quality posters, but guys who are so desperate for attention and validation that they feel the need to create entirely new and entirely redundant threads should maybe be encouraged to check themselves imo.
  20. I don't believe they are; I think that's exterior nonsense and that it would likely not even be under discussion if not for the Sabres recent strategy.
  21. Not to mention there are already 5 other threads in existence regarding the BBMB. Thankfully we now have a 6th one that is so much better than all the others! I'm glad most of these fellas have made it over this way, but bringing your trash with you and dumping it in multiple piles in our living room is not likely to end well.
  22. The guy you're referring to is one of the most gawd-awful trolls in the long history of this forum. He's been polluting innumerable threads with his uninformed garbage at any time he isn't banned. His presence has a significantly negative effect on the quality of discussion at TBD and I know I'm not the only one who wishes the mods would make his ban permanent due to his inability/unwillingness to self-regulate. If you figure out how to use the Ignore feature, it will improve the quality of your experience here, although you will still have to see his trash second hand when other posters respond to it. Welcome aboard!
  23. Aw hell, I am so sorry Mark. Your love for that boy has always been clear to all of us. I can only hope that for every tear you've shed that you are ultimately rewarded with a thousand smiles borne of great memories. Much love from Western Pennsyltucky, brother..........
  24. I'm going to brine some tonight for supper tomorrow; was planning on cooking them at a shade over 140. What temps did you guys use that left you underwhelmed?
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