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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The first read on that play against that defense is Stevie, and Fitz is going to take it every time. The second the Giants showed the single high safety, there were no more decisions involved. That was The play well before they snapped the ball so I disagree that Fitz would realistically gone any other way with it. And it wouldn't have necessarily been easy, but two first downs could have fried that clock so the Giants only had a couple plays left when they received our short corner kickoff that burned up a little more time.
  2. That really sucks man. I think you should go back there one more time down the road and get your money's worth by being obnoxious enough to get thrown out twice over.
  3. Yeah good call, that was excellent work that you don't see from enough coaches in this league. Glad it was mentioned here.
  4. I've always been a Chan fan and feel like I'm riding him a little rough tonight so I want to point out something positive. I don't have a DVR or a game tape, but if you do go back and rewatch the drive he put together to tie it up at 24. That thing was an absolute !@#$ing masterpiece of offensive football and shrewd game management.
  5. The fact that it was aggressive is the one redeeming factor that differentiates me being pissed about it from merely disagreeing with it. I like the attitude but I just wish he would have held his water for 3-4 more plays before he went with the five point palm exploding heart technique
  6. I don't want to put it in his lap because he's exceedingly busy doing a great job taking care of the offense, but at what point does Chan stroll over to Edwards, smack him behind the ear with a clipboard, tell him he's sick of the slow bleed and tell him to get his thumb out of his ass and start dialing up a pack of gritz blitzes?
  7. We saw your ridiculous apples to oranges comparison once already; somebody merged it into the other thread. If you want to keep making the same irrelevant point, please stop starting new threads to do it.
  8. I don't know if he is or isn't; I'm leaning towards him being a great stopgap and the best backup in the NFL. But my issue wasn't necessarily with it being Fitz not being able to make that throw; more that I think there were a lot of other and better ways for the Bills to put points on the board and deny the Giants time to get those points back. Run that slant to Stevie against teh cover 1 the Giants were showing, keep your spread personnel on the field and throw the dig at David Nelson and let him do what he keeps doing at big moments, play action to Fred and let CJ run that circle route that no LB can cover; all those calls likely end up 2nd/short with the clock running and a pile of options to play with. We just didn't need to try and win the game on that play.
  9. I said the exact same thing in the game thread regarding manufacturing pressure with Williams out. What baffles me the most is the one week Edwards has gone ahead and released the hounds was the game against a QB who you don't necessarily want to flush. I just don't understand this guy's thought process.
  10. I'm not as familiar with Broadway as I ought to be. But for my roll of nickels, Robert Hunter is hands down the greatest lyricist in the history of American songwriting. A fine fit for the most enjoyable Bills season in over a decade! As for the football end of things. >I think you might be happy next April when the Bills use their first or second pick on an OT, provided a good one is there. They do recognize the need and intend to address it. >Urbik has been a really pleasant surprise the last several weeks. >Full agreement on Nelson; great smarts, tons of guts, outstanding hands. Also seems to have a knack for stepping up in the big moment and that's something you don't teach. >I haven't seen a Center kicking as many asses as I've seen Wood kick this year. >Dareus is indeed a monster; and Dwan Edwards had a nice game today as well. Batten is depth at best and Sheppard still has a ways to go. Our D-front looks good but we desperately need LB's.
  11. It appears as if one of our primary competitors for a wild card spot just took a significant hit today. Campbell either broke a collarbone or dislocated a shoulder and there's talk from a couple different places about it being a season ending injury. The Raiders 3 QB's as of now would be Kyle Boller, Shane Lechler and Terrell Pryor. That's Halloween scary
  12. Re: #10 Adding some Robert Hunter to the mix can only make a good thing better!
  13. Or maybe he's smarter than me and just has no interest in wasting his time conversing with a poster who's obviously desperate for attention and whose primary contribution to the board seems to be running around and yelling at people. Or maybe he'll show up any second now and contrast your repetitive shouting with another sensible post that earns him more respect in a single paragraph than you've earned since you showed up.
  14. Seems like a good time to close this one now that the OP is once again starting to call people stupid. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  15. So does Schwartz. And he was the one chasing Harbaugh across the field. Don't care either way, just kind of surprised that Schwartz seems to be getting a free pass by many
  16. He was mocking Schwartz who's been acting like that all year. And lil Schwartzy couldn't handle it.
  17. I'll tell you two things since you're new here. 1) That kind of stuff will get you removed in very short order. If you want to yell and call people stupid, go somewhere else because it isn't welcome here. 2) You're yapping like a chihuahua at one of the best posters on this board and if he wants he'll probably make you look like a buffoon in about 2 sentences.
  18. Not sure why you're calling me out when I was the only single poster on this board who openly disliked the size of Evans' extension the moment it happened. I imagine it was due to my thread where I tried to talk about the Stillers/Ravens rivalry and a bunch of people lacking in reading comprehension and common sense refused to acknowledge the part where I specifically stated "This post is not intended to speculate on what Evans' may have done if he was still in Buffalo, or start tangents on why the Bills traded him." Great job on picking up on that one......
  19. Surprised by folks blaming Harbaugh. Schwartz has been acting like a screaming doucherocket at the end of games all year. Harbaugh shows a little fire and suddenly Schwarz can't take his own medicine and needs to chase him down the field while Harbaugh is trying to walk away from it? Schwartz looked like a much bigger * as far as I'm concerned
  20. Schwartz has been acting like a bit of an asshat at the end of wins this year; I wonder if Harbaugh was kind of mocking him and Schwartz didn't care for his own medicine. Hey Jim, if you don't like it, don't do it.
  21. That I can agree with. 4-2 at the break, relatively healthy and with games still left against denver, miami (2x), washington, tennessee and dallas. I'm feelin' all right brother.
  22. I think the risk did outweigh the reward at that point; that's why I didn't care for that option. That route is a potential turnover and the risk of that was far greater than the reward of a quick TD. Hitting that quick slant to Stevie that they hadn't thrown in a while followed by Fred behind Corey / Wood puts you down to 2:30 with likely either a 1st down or a manageable 3rd down with minimal risk of the one bad thing that can really hurt your chances to win the game right there. Or you go after that out to Nelson again who shines at big moments. Or you spread them out and pull Stevie in on that slipscreen. At that point, there were just so many smarter ways to manage the game where the reward was greater than the risk.
  23. Again, folks are creating arguments that people are not making. People don't want to settle for three. They want the game managed more skillfully in that situation.
  24. I'm with ya Rock. Today didn't taste so great, but I'm liking this team better than anything we've seen in over a decade.
  25. You like a play call where the risk outweighs the reward? That's ........ unique.
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