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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The problem isn't with the rule, it's with the application of it. These guys are throwing flags at every piece of contact they see (or in many cases imagine they saw). If you've nailed your coverage and are jostling and hand-fighting with a WR just like he is with you, how the hell is that a penalty on the Corner? The only time they should even consider a flag is if a DB is beat and is grabbing a guys arm, jersey, etc while the ball is coming in. Aside from that, shut yer yap and earn your yards. Couldn't agree more. Nothing can make me change the channel faster than yet another stupid review.
  2. From what I've read, it is part of the agreement that there will be no local blackouts regardless of ticket sales. I can't imagine the uproar if they blacked out a Bills game that wasn't even being played in the U.S., much less New York State.
  3. If you take another run at it I'll be mightily impressed. I got about 100 pages deep in what will be my first and only run through it. I was sort of thinking of starting a pool on how far No Saint gets before he chucks it out a window. He seems like a pretty patient guy so I was going to put my e-money on the 140 page mark.
  4. Similar deal here. A '99 Found On Road Dead pickup that just will not stop running. I beat that thing like a red-headed stepchild and it's never, ever complained once. I haven't done any research recently but I know there were some good American vehicles rolling off the lines about 5-10 years ago. If y'all want to walk the walk instead of talking the talk,maybe you should go with one of those instead of buying a shiny new foreign vehicle and flushing money down the head in the process.
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  8. I was enjoying going through that old Ten Worst films thread and thought combining these two discussions that come up occasionally might provide some good suggestions. The rule is that you have to have both read the book and seen the film and thought both were good, regardless of whether they followed one another closely. I'm going with True Grit. It's a very good book that definitely stands the test of time (I re-read it after seeing the recent film). I could never stomach more than a few minutes of that John Wayne claptrap, but liked Jeff Bridges enough to give the newer version a chance. Both the Mattie Ross character and the Rooster Cogburn character were played to absoute perfection, the writing was outstanding and the filmwork was beautifully done. If you haven't read or seen either yet, do yourself a favor and get your hands on both.
  9. Holy frijoles. You go do yardwork for a few hours and you miss the return of the Messiah! Looks good on the phish.
  10. As a guy who never thought he had a chance in hell of being a serviceable QB in this league, I've got to say that even I am shocked by how undeniably horrific he is today. They've got open receivers running all around the phish prevent and he can't even move the ball against that. Great competitor and I hope he finds a role in this league because he can be fun to watch, but the experiment of running him at QB should be permanently canceled in about 7 minutes.
  11. I wish. We need some young blood on that side of the ball.
  12. It's nothing more than the difference between having an aggressive, innovative D co-ordinator and a guy who is just coaching scared.
  13. What he owes to his teammates is honesty. He's doing them a lot more wrong if he just goes through the motions and picks up a game check every week. If your heart's not in it, stepping aside and letting a younger, hungrier man take over is the right thing to do.
  14. Don't add the cinnamon sticks until after you boil it up, and then leave them in the jug til the goodies are gone. Also, some states do not sell Everclear to the general public anymore. However if you make up some BS, you can get it. Tell them you're a tattoo artist and you use it to clean your instruments; that usually works. If you can't find it anywhere, you can substitute a half gallon of Bacardi's 151 and it's just as good. We actually put in Everclear and 151 when somebody has picked up the grain and then shoot oversized jiggers of it alongside what we're already drinking. And since this is a girlie drink thread, the girls love it when you put a dollop of whipped cream on the shooters.
  15. If Merriman is out, what 4 LB's do you want to see out there on the field in that situation? They've got better depth on the DLine and running a 4-3 puts their best players on the field.
  16. His teammates know and that's all he gives a damn about.
  17. From "Then Levy said to Kelly..." A Hull of a Center Buffalo's 1986 training camp was in full swing when Kent Hull landed in Fredonia following three seasons with the USFL's New Jersey Generals. The free-agent center chose to sign wiht the Bills out of nine NFL suitors, and it took all of five days before he was atop the depth chart and starting in the third pre-season game. "I was coming out of the USFL, and I really hadn't proved myself, and I just wanted a chance" Hull said. "I told my wife that I was going somewhere where there was a need for me and not necessarily for the money. Buffalo had Tim Vogler as the starting center, and he injured his knee and was going to be out for six weeks. I said 'I know I'll get six weeks in', so I picked Buffalo just to show what I could do. It was the best decision I ever made in my life." Hull and quarterback Jim Kelly became members of the Bills the same day and helped the team become contenders three seasons later by reaching the 1988 AFC Championship game against Cincinnati. Two season after that they were the conference champions for the first of four consecutive years. "There were a lot of factors, and Coach Levy obviously was the largest factor. I think the prior coaching staff was more of a boot camp type deal. When Mav came in it became 'Let's work hard, but let's work smart.' He knew how to treat players," said the three time Pro Bowl slection. "Instead of bringing a brown bag to the stadium with you, we had lunches served to us. And you weren't scared about beig released the next day. I think it's when we became a family and a team. And when you do that, I think you perform like that. The different make-up of every player, when you become a family like that, there are no differnces. Marv brought that to us." Rretiring after the 1996 campaign, Hull brought 11 seasons of stability and leadership to the Bills. "The thing that I'm most proud of is the accomplishments of the people around me. Jim Kelly going into the Hall of Fame. Marv Levy going into the Hall of Fame. I look at the things that Thurman Thomas has done. Andre Reed, James Lofton. I'm proud that I had something to do with what they did," said Hull, a team captain during his final seven seasons. "As an offensive lineman, if you're in the paper, usually it's bad. That's the way it is, and you understand that going into the position. When you pick up that paper Monday morning after a win, it says, 'Jim Kelly threw for 300-some yards, sacked one time'. Or 'Thurman Thomas rushes for 200-some yards.' That's where most offensive linemen get their gratification. If you look back, it was a very unselfish offensive line. They did not want to be in the spotlight. We got our gratification picking up that paper on Monday and seeing what th epeople around us did." - Jim Gehman
  18. I was referring to prescibed medications he was likely utilizing after he retired (i.e. "trying to lead a normal life afterwards"). With all the surgeries and inflammation he was undoubtedly dealing with it, is very likely that doctors had him utilizing both steroids and painkillers to control it. Nothing remotely unscrupulous about it.
  19. Betweent the pounding from the game and the painkillers and steroids they likely had him on trying to lead a normal life afterwards, there's only so much a body can take. This is a mean freaking game; you don't see a whole lot of old ballplayers. Andy Levitre needs to start thinking about a new number, 'cuz the #67 needs put away permanently. See ya Kent and thanks for everything. Wherever you're at brother, I hope it don't hurt no more.
  20. Absolutely. And when you've been around the block a few times you also know where refs are positioned and how to shield those prying eyes when you're working the edges of the rulebook.
  21. I can see where you would hate negativity. Are you looking for this kind of positivity? Or maybe this one? We'll do our best to live up to your exacting standard.......
  22. If you actually watched the Giants game, I have to say this is one of the most ill-informed posts I've ever seen. You really need to brush up on your understanding of what's going on out there because Dwan Edwards played really well yesterday.
  23. Nelson hasn't run a hitch this year and will never be elusive enough for it. Personally, I kinda hope you keep it up. Here's a little more hawser for ya......
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