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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You just posted...... And the rule is no starting new threads about the Bills game during the game. And sincerest apologies for providing a positive update about our archrivals getting their asses kicked.
  2. Forget that; it's too early to be playing against the clock. Gotta play against Washington for a while longer yet.
  3. Patsies are getting some rather rough treatment from Pittsburgh. Bills sniffing around 1st place again if the Stillers can keep it up
  4. So when another poster obviously likes somebody, you feel compelled to tell them that you hate them so much that you want to smash your TV if you see one more picture of them? Well, at least you're not a miserable prick who gets off on raining on other people's parades.
  5. I think that's a copyright infringement..... What color is the sky in your world? Actually I've never done nor supported that. But I imagine you'll be the one canceling those same kids' tournaments because the league director ordered the wrong colored socks. That'll teach those kids a lesson that they'll appreciate later on!
  6. Letting them have the opportunity that they've earned is "coddling" them? And don't waste your time slinging the rest of that horsehockey in an attempt to convince me you actually care for them. You might be a miserable bastard, but I don't believe that you're stupid enough to really believe that giving them the shaft for doing nothing wrong is somehow preparing them for life. The only lesson they're learning here is that some people are over-officious jerks who will happily screw over innocent kids in order to satisfy their own need for mindless rigidity. I hope what they take from it is that they never want to be like that when they grow up.
  7. Actually, I kind of wonder if the biggest disagreement we have on this issue stems from the fact that I really like kids and you just don't care for them that much.
  8. Just pisses me off when I see self-important "adults" with sticks up their asses pushing around kids who have done nothing wrong. And then hiding behind their tiny-minded "too bad, life is tough" attitude when they're the kind of overaged little hall monitors who are the ones that want to make life tough just to prove how (self)righteous they are. I hope those kids handle getting screwed by their inferiors with dignity and class, and then make sure they never grow up to be the kind of individual who put their own imaginary importance in front of decency and common sense. Great prediction. Except, of course, for the fact that it has no basis in reality. But great call, nonetheless.
  9. Actually, my life is full of joy and positivity. You're the one who regularly seems to get off on raining on other people's parades. As for the situation at hand, it's not that complicated. You negate the the last game of the season that put them over the top, approach playoff seedings as if they were 14-2, remove the AD from their position and then move forward. The culpable party is removed for their stupid mistake and the kids who did nothing wrong continue to play on, as they deserve to. Screwing them with some imaginary life lesson is just stupid and petty.
  10. Avoiding responsibility for something you're not responsible for? What a crazy concept. Kids paying for adults stupidity; yeah, great lesson. What a pertinent and outstanding example. I'm sure most of those girls will simply rush out and get another gig with a playoff team. Actually, life is what you make it. It's too bad that miserable pricks like y'all feel compelled to share their self-righteous misery with everybody else. Congrats on teaching the kids that life is full of uptight asshats; you must be very proud.
  11. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  12. I still cannot believe I ran out to the garage for 2 minutes and missed the walk-off.....
  13. That dude is pumpin icewater. This is great. I'm not even a huge baseball fan and I could watch this for 2 more hours.
  14. Yeah, I can work on short sleep as long as I was sober. What a rollercoaster; I'm glad I don't have a rooting interest or I'd be a puddle of jello by now.
  15. I couldn't believe he just stood there with the bat on his shoulder. And then the hometown boy ties it because Cruz is afraid of the wall when he's one out away from a World Series title?! I'd have killed myself buck naked on barbed wire for that ball. This is just classic.
  16. I love how even a little 2 out chopper back to the mound has you on the edge of your seat because you have no freaking idea what's going to happen. I hope the leadoff guy gets on base (probably via error)before Pujols comes up so they can't walk him.
  17. At one point in Game 5 I thought for sure Washington was having a myoclonic seizure. Hard guy not to root for. Still want a Game 7 though..... Edit: There's one run back!
  18. I don't believe for a second that it would make a whit of difference.
  19. I was kind of rooting for the Cards; then I saw Mark McGwire in the dugout and that ended any rooting interest. This was indeed a pretty good series until sometime around the middle of Game 5, when guys started coming unglued. Now it's just a theater of the absurd, but sort of an uncomfortably entertaining one.
  20. Players and coaches, yeah. But the school AD is not part of that team; merely an administrator who works for the district. I'll agree to disagree but trashing those kids season by nullifying all the work they've put in doesn't teach any kind of valuable life lesson I can think of. Unless you consider that learning early on that most adults turn into buck-passing jackasses is a valuable lesson. But I'm guessing they already knew that one.
  21. Kind of entertaining in a cover your eyes kind of way. It's like watching a pair of mostly solid Little League teams going at it. Somebody's going to paint Matt Holiday's yard.
  22. Yep. You can find out which is which in about 30 seconds. I hope the folks here who insist on buying foreign can spare that much time to find a model that was at least built by American workers.
  23. Bullshi+. The girls aren't the ones who broke the rule. The AD who scheduled too many games is the one who broke the rule and should be punished. The worst the kids should get is to have the last game of the year taken off the record and if that costs them a playoff spot, so be it. If it doesn't they damned well ought to be playing right now.
  24. I was referring to buying a "new" car, regardless of the model. You might as well be throwing dead presidents out the window when you drive it off the lot. I like to do research on reliability and buy a ~5 year old American vehicle about every 5-10 years. It's good value for me and doesn't enrich foreign competitors at the expense of American companies.
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