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Everything posted by Simon

  1. What a horrifically bad sign. It virtually associates child groping and drugs with libertarians. Looks like something put together by a political strategist whose goal is to discredit the movement.
  2. Stay cool and stay positive. If you do, in about 5-6 years she'll turn back into a decent human being and things will be better than ever.
  3. I've never bought a single Bills jersey in my life. But I'd buy one of those.
  4. 1) The wider variety of blitz packages (relatively speaking) that we saw last weekend all go back in the book. The Bills focus on gap control and maintaining defensive integrity today in an overarching effort to bore us all to death on that side of the ball. 2) You know that with a bye week that Chan spent some time installing some new wrinkles, likely with this game in mind. He didn't really show much, if any, of it last week against Washington. I look forward to seeing some of it today as he goes up against an interesting and complex defense. Should be a great match-up. Can't Wait!!!
  5. Ya don't even need any gear. There's 50 foot piles in every 60 foot lake between here and the Rio Grande.
  6. '08 sure enough was a tough year on America's waterways.
  7. Absolutely. For a vicious curb-stomper, he's quite the gentleman. And I get the impression it will probably be damned good beer also. Whoa whoa whoa..... hey now. No need to be insulting rednecks around here.......
  8. Those fools had no clue what they were yapping about. Once he came back from the only injury of his career, it took about 4 minutes for his play on the field to shut-up the loudmouth know-nothings.
  9. No worries about eggshells in this here PPP section, brother. It's safe to say that the gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) that frequent these parts have a true appreciation for the timeless art of making omelets.
  10. I had assumed that you were referring to other parts of the site when you asked about religious topics. If you were wondering just about this section, then my answer changes to "go for it". This is the wild west section of the site and just about anything goes in here. Except of course for the physical violence stuff; it might get you banned, but it also might encourage Alaska Darin to stop by your house and stomp you into a bloody pile of viscous goo.
  11. Religion doesn't seem to lead to the kind of ongoing vicious exchanges that two-party politics usually does so there's never really been a need to step on that branch of debate. But yeah, if it starts to turn into some guys yelling about theocracy or the legislation of morality, it would probably be frowned upon. And don't worry about the mods, we're a pretty benign group until a guy becomes a regular repeat offender after being asked to knock it off a couple times. You have to make a pretty concerted effort to get in trouble around here, and if you do then it's not really a problem because you've just gotten exactly what you wanted anyways.
  12. Yes, unlike the US, where the Fed would never deign to encroach on state's rights. Nope, just dics.......
  13. Simon: Janitor and all-around jackass As the resident wet blanket, it's probably my responsibility to tell all the FNG's that one of our rules is that all the politics stay on the politics board. Hammer on each other all you want in here but taking your political commentary to other parts of this site is a sure-fire way to get an all-around jackass up in your grill.
  14. You are correct. And I guess if I can't even remember the playcall, then it wasn't all that defining was it?
  15. Fred Jackson's final carry in the game vs New England.
  16. I hope Rex keeps trying to be cute and runs Maybin inside on a twist where he then meets Corey McIntyre about halfway home.
  17. Considering he's already spent the day hammering on them with a pair of big ass guns another weapon probably would have been redundant. But it would have been fun to watch.
  18. Wonder if they'll suspend Claude Giroux for hacking Roy in the back of the knee after he lost another face-off.
  19. Yeah, somebody who was tired of getting their ass kicked by Dareus all day long got a hand up in his face and displaced his helmet. So he tore it off and kept coming.
  20. Wow. 2:30 left and all 3 of your TO's in your pocket and you go on-sides. Belichick has less than no faith in his defense.
  21. Polamalu just tried to rip Welkers head off. Doesn't matter with more than 5:00 left cuz the clock will restart anyways
  22. Yeah, they've left some points on the field. Their driving again though; down to the Pats 35 as the 3rd qrtr comes to an end. That was weird seeing them doink one off the same spot on the right upright immediately after Lindell had just done the same exact thing.
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