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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm not an expert on the matter but from what I understand he nailed it pretty tight at a time when people were telling him he was a loon and needed to shut up. It was at least close enough to pay attention to what else he had to say. I don't know how his formula accounted for geopolitics, advances in retrieval methods or factored in the ways we might alter our behavior in response to recognizing that supplies are limited. But he's probably worth paying some attention to. Although, I was under the assumption that he predicted peak global production for sometime around the turn of the century, so he's already off on that one.
  2. I've no doubt we'd have a grand ol time. Pardon me if this is blaspheming, but the best version I've ever heard of that song is neither the Dead nor Jerry. It's Keller Williams with Keith Moseley (String Cheese Incident) and Jeff Austin (Yonder Mountain String Band). If you're interested buy this today; absolutely fantastic pickin'.
  3. Yeah, spending billions of dollars every year to lock people in cages for utilizing a relatively harmless and potentially even helpful plant really doesn't matter. It's not like this country was founded on the principle of individual liberty. And federal spending is clearly under control so that we don't have to worry about massive expenditures on cultural warfare. Personal freedom, oversized government agencies and out of control spending are clearly things that just don't matter in the United States.
  4. If Hubbard was just another guy, I'd be more likely to only consider him as a single, relatively insignificant data point. But the fact that he accurately predicted peak oil production in the US 20+ years before it happened sort of makes you sit up and take notice.
  5. Turning off the TV and heading outside in the middle of the 3rd quarter definitely helped.
  6. One of my favorite Dead songs of all time. But after today I'd have gone with this verse: If all you got to live for is what you done left behind, Get yourself a powder charge and seal that silver mine. Lost my boots in transit, baby, a big ass pile of smokin leather. I nailed a retread to my feet and prayed for better weather.
  7. Yeah, but they're still rollling coverage toward him on 2nd downs. Whoops, didn't see you way down there.
  8. 9-6 slugfest at halftime. Lee Evans' absence has significantly normalized the dynamic of this rivalry.
  9. Nelson was wide open on the drag again on that missed play to DJones. Fitz knew it and decided he was going to Nelson on the next play and never even read Harris.
  10. he called the TO first big miss on the FG. Opportunity knocking from the 40
  11. empty set on 1st/5? geebus Chan, manage the game boss...
  12. If we were getting the 2nd half kickoff I'd be running for the locker room right now, thrilled with a 3 point game.
  13. With his hand clearly under the ball, in my mind there's not enough to change an on-field call there
  14. If you don;t have good personnel, you can't just sit back and let people slow bleed you all day; because they will. If you can't defend with talent, you gotta defend with scheme and deception. We just did..... Pick for George! Who got the tip? Probably Barnett....
  15. Gawd, I wish we'd get a proactive co-ordinator in here instead of another guy who is afraid to make mistakes.
  16. He doesn't have enough ass to fill the hole and he doesn't have the speed to compensate for it. Unless he gets significantly stronger and faster, I don't know if he can play in this league.
  17. Yeah, Andra Davis. He's fine until the ball goes above eye level. When he has to look up his feet are done.
  18. We have one NFL LB on the field in Barnett. Batten, Sheppard, Coleman, Moats, etc are not answers. We'll never be for real until we add 2-3 more and that corps is a strength
  19. If we'd have got a half yard on 3rd down I bet he would have. Losing ground on that play made the punt the right call. The Jest average starting field position has been about the 10. Moorman is fine
  20. receiver flattened out his route, was probably supposed to be going skinny
  21. Sheppard is not ready for prime time. Andra Davis needs significant snaps
  22. I actually wish it was raining. I spent most of the morning outside and now when 4:00 rolls around I won't be able to sit inside for another minute. In fact, I'm heading back out right now while I still can! - ) Enjoy the show today bro
  23. What a horrifically bad sign. It virtually associates child groping and drugs with libertarians. Looks like something put together by a political strategist whose goal is to discredit the movement.
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