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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I haven't seen one single report that says anything like that. Please provide some links to these reports you're telling us about.
  2. Thats probably some of it, but they don't trust CJ on 3rd down yet so he probably hasn't been practicing in those packages And it was Brodney Pool, who staggered to the locker room.
  3. That should have been a blow to the head on Elvis
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  5. Yes, it was a ridiculously good throw, which will beat excellent coverage most of the time. And the coverage was excellent. Florence has no fear of Marshall beating him over the top and this gives him some advantage as far as allowing Marshall to break his cushion a little earlier than normal. Florence did this and was still able to keep Marshall in his pocket without playing a true trail technique. Anything but an absolutely perfect throw results in either an incompletion or a pick due to Florence's inside position. Where Drayton ran into trouble was in how he chose to defend the pass. If he goes after the ball with his off arm, he knocks it down with no problem whatsoever. But instead he went after it with his bar arm; this resulted in him having to turn his body a little in toward the receiver, which put him in contact with Marshall. The contact with the bigger receiver slightly redirected him, just enough to alter his arm's angle the couple inches necessary to allow a perfectly thrown ball to slip by. This also create a problem for him after the actual catch in that he's now slightly turned and no longer in position to continue forward with Marshall and make a quick tackle. Why did he not use his off arm to defend the ball? I don't know but I'm guessing it's because his coverage was so good he thought he had a shot at a pick. He was either going to try and gather it in with his right arm, or he felt his body control was so good he could tip it back into himself to secure the catch and the turnover. Either way, it was probably a case of a confident guy just trying to do too much, with a predictable result of having it go wrong when he tried to do something spectacular instead of just taking the available play. And no, I don't want him cut. He's a solid corner and I expect him to be starting opposite Williams next year when the season opens.
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  9. Well, he doesn't have enough ass to fill the hole, he doesn't rush the passer, he can't get off blocks, and he's not a good enough athlete to cover TE's or HBacks at this level. Aside from that he's just fine. Actually I will give him a small nod as we've seen some minor improvement since the Bills started using him (even in heavy packages) during the first Jets game. There's been a small handful of times the last few weeks where he's actually made a couple plays outside the hashes, which is something that simply was just not happening before. That being said, he will never, ever be a good enough athlete to be an every down 'backer in this league. In my opinion, his only really shot to carve out a career for a few years is to pack on a LOT of muscle and become a stout 2-down LB; sort of a poor man's Andra Davis if you will. He'll never be as good as Andra in this lifetime, but if he gets a lot stronger w/o losing any agility, he might be able to hang around for a few years.
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  12. I wouldn't put Stafford, Ennis or Roy in the same boat at all. They may not be blessed with great size but they play like they mean it. Love the avatar!
  13. Keep an eye on Dwan Edwards as well. He drew a lot of doubles today and still played well and had a productive day in spite of the extra attention. He's also been playing some DT (as is Carrington) and even NT the last couple weeks and has held his own when asked to do so. A few people on this board will try to convince you that he sucks and that the Bills should let him walk. Don't take their word for it; watch him and form your own opinion. I think the guy is a very solid player and I hope he's part of the Bills long-term plans.
  14. I don't really care about the numbers all that much; I'm just not a math guy. Not to mention that most of those numbers are probably a direct result of him playing next to Vanek and getting so much PP time. What I do care about is that, aside from scoring a goal about once a week, he brings absolutely zero to this team. And it's not even just that, he actually hurts this team far more than he ever helps it, imo. He's physically and mentally soft to the point of embarassment, he's a human turnover machine, he's never proactive or aggressive, he's dumber than a bag of hammers and because of all that I cannot imagine he brings any kind of leadership whatsoever. The only area where he's even remotely effective is on the PK, and that's not a result of him being smart or tough, it's a result of his natural cowardice resulting in a preternatural ability to get the puck off his stick before anybody can get within ten feet of him. I guess I'm just annoyed that the Sabres finally seem to have an engaged owner, yet we have to deal with the fact that the guy wearing our C is one of the biggest pussies in the NHL. This team is going nowhere as long as Pominville is its "captain", and I find that terribly depressing.
  15. Maybe I've been expecting too much, but I've got to admit that I've been pretty disappointed when I've watched him play.
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  17. Just wanted to comment on what a refreshing change it was to see the Sabres "captain" do something other than run away from contact, commit another turnover, turtle a check, force a teammate offside, make a stupid decision with the puck, lose a 1-on-1 battle or spend 6 straight shifts floating around the perimeter. Congrats Pommer on racking up another 4 seconds of good hockey tonight; at this pace we're liable to get a good minute and a half out of you this season.
  18. The guy is the primary pigeon every time he steps on the field. I hope he got his degree because he cannot play in this league.
  19. I agree if the QB is there in the top half of the first round, you grab him and don't look back. And don't think they won't do it just because they gave Fitz a nice extension. They like him well enough, but the truth of the matter is that the Bills #1 target last offseason was Tarvaris Jackson; they went after him hard when free agency finally opened, but he was not interested in coming here. And I'm surprised at the tone of this board, seeming to be complacent with what we're carrying at Tackle. I'd also agree that a quality LT should be a viable option with their first pick. One thing to watch out for though, is them going after a bigger wideout at the top of the draft. They're not happy with what they have and in both of Buddy's first two drafts they've been very close to using a first round pick on a WR. They tried to trade back into the first for Demaryius Thomas two years ago; and last year, if Denver grabs Marcel, then AJ Green would have been wearing a Bills uni. Typically I don't like spending high picks on wideouts, but the cupboard is so bare right now that I might not mind it if they grabbed a big receiver they really liked early. This is where I'm not sure we agree. No, I absolutely do not want another high pick spent on a DB anytime soon. But I'm pretty pleased with what we're carrying on the DLine right now. If they want to complete this transition to a 3-4 (and I hope they do) then I think we're OK with Dareus, Williams, Edwards, Carrington and then either Heard or Troupe. Using another top end pick on a big DLineman could be overkill at this point. And that is coming from a guy who wants to draft DLine in the first round every year. If they do want to run a 3-4, they have got to load up on LB's and they have to do it immediately or they won't be worth a damn; right now Barnett is the only guy on the roster that even belongs in this league. I'm not sure whether you consider that going big, because guys like Lamar Woodley and James Harrison aren't necessarily "big", but they play with great power and leverage. And that is what I think the Bills should be looking for right now. Maybe I'm picking nits here, but when we draft defense I'm looking for power more than I'm looking for actual size. Outstanding post, btw. I'd love to see us make a run at Keith Butler and see if we can't pry him loose from Pittsburgh
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  21. Considering the amount of screeching and wailing in this post, I find it delightfully ironic that you are referring to other Bills fans as crybabies.
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