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Everything posted by Simon

  1. That false start was just a killer. Damn, and then Flacco stares at the rush and misses Rice open out of hte backfield in a mistmatch on 4th down. Double
  2. Oddly enough, the reason he's getting time is because they couldn't protect him in the first half. Now they've gone to a heavy dose of play action and sprintouts that are working great.
  3. I think this would be the first time in his career that Evans ever played in a win over the Pats. Hope he gets it today.
  4. What exactly did he know and who did he fail to report it to? You have no idea and are repeatedly ragging and insulting a dead man in his RIP thread based on nothing but your own assumptions. That says a lot more about you than it does Paterno. I'm not going to discuss it any further here; there might be another time and place for it. I would suggest you do the same, but histroy would cast doubts upon your capability to keep your mouth shut.
  5. Oher has no business being on the field. He's looked awful the last couple series
  6. Yeah, you can practically feel the love. We heard you the first 5 times. You sure yap a lot for guy who has no idea who knew what when. A man with any self-control whatsoever and the slightest sense of decorum would probably save it for a different thread.....
  7. How about his praise for Flacco for keeping his eyes downfield; when there was nobody anywhere near him and he short-armed a wide open guy for what should have been 6.
  8. - The Ravens OLine looks atrocious - I can't believe Kruger passed up a perfect opportunity to put his crown right on Brady's chin. It would only have been about a 5yrd penalty and a replay of 1stdown with the upside being a killshot on a guy who you're going to have trouble getting close to today. Should have taken the fine in exchange for rattling Tommyboy - What a weak-assed contact call on the Ravens pick - It'lll be tougher once they get out of that scripted territory, bur right now Belichik is working over Harbaugh in a bad way
  9. I've been saying for years what an over-drafted, over-rated barely adequate LB that AJ Hawk his. I didn't think he was any better than Bobby Carpenter coming out of Ohio State and with Nick Barnett gone, Hawk has now moved up to the coveted spot of 3rd best LB on the Packers. He should be carrying Nick Barnett's luggage.
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  11. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  12. I'm going to get my ass chewed good for this one but here's a few thoughts about Upshaw. I think that: - He floats too much - He may or may not have good straight line speed, but he doesn't play fast in pads - He takes too many plays off - He doesn't have the natural athletic ability to play OLB on the NFL In my limited viewing of him I haven't seen anything that would convince me that he can rush the passer consistently at the next level, I've never seen him force turnovers, I've never seen him drop into coverage and I rarely ever see him making plays outside his limited zone of responsibility. I think he may eventually get moved into an interior LB position and become a 2 down player because he doesn't have a multi-dimensional skill set. He may even end up as an edge-setting DE with some limited pass rush ability; but I just don't see the burst, the agility or the tenacity that indicate he can be a great OLB in the pros. If it sounds like I'm ragging on him that's not what I mean to do. I do think he can play pro ball and have a decent career, but not in a Top 10 pick sort of way. Heck, I don't even think he's the best LB on his own team; considering that 'Bama is currently sporting the best corps of LBs I've ever seen in the college game, that's certainly not an insult. I just think Hightower is more explosive and instinctive and will make a better pro backer. Even Harris is a better athlete and might be almost as good a prospect if he wasn't so tentative (or maybe he's just not all that sharp and is very slow to process and react). And if Mosley had been blessed with more gifts, his instincts might even make him a prospect as good as Upshaw. Good player, but not great enough to use a high pick on him, imo. I'm guessing that NFL GM's, who are not prone to fan and media hype, will see it the same way and he won't be selected anywhere near the top of the 1st round. Solid player, but you don't spend a Top 10 pick on Sam Rogers.
  13. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  14. You may want to consider the fact that what is "fun" for you is annoying to others and makes it less pleasant for many to post here. And you may want to consider it strongly before the moderators do some significant spring janitorial work.
  15. I think the accuracy of this statement is a matter of perspective, at best. If you consider why they got him, and what his presence meant toward that end, I think there's a case to be made that he did indeed make a tangible contribution to Baltimore's current position. Going into this season, the Ravens had one significant hump to get over before they could legitimately compete for a championship; the same hump that has been obstructing them for the last decade. That hump is the Pixburgh Stillers. A team who had swept them several times in the last decade, a team who had kicked them out of the playoffs every one of the 3 times they met, a team who has repeatedly taken division titles away from them for the last 10 years. They acquired Evans at a very modest price to make a very notable difference; to apply heretofore nonexistent pressure on a group of marginal Steelers corners, the most Achilles of heels on that team. The immediate result was that they swept the Stillers (which I'm not sure has ever happened in the entire history of that rivalry) and in the matchup where Evans was healthy, scored more points against the Pittsburgh D than I ever remember them scoring before. That offensive output and resultant sweep gave the Ravens just their second division title in about the last 10 years, a first round playoff bye, a home opener in the quarterfinals and the luxury of not having to see Pittsburgh for a third time this season. Looking at year long statistics show you exactly what you expect; math. But weighting situational play leads one to a different and more accurate conclusion; while Evans contribution was brief it was certainly not insignificant. Used him for what? He would likely have been superfluous in this offense and even if he wasn't, what would the Bills have realistically gained by keeping him? Would they have failed to extend somebody else or decided not to sign a guy like Barnett if they were still paying Evans? And even if they had, what would they have gained from Evans on the field? Would he have enabled them to crawl upwards to 7-9? The Bills lost virtually nothing by trading a guy that they couldn't utilize when they weren't even ready to win in the first place.
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  17. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  18. Wow, Colston just short-armed a 4th qrtr go-ahead TD pass in a playoff game He ought to hear about that one.
  19. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  20. I couldn't believe how they just brushed that Lee kid aside to replace him with a guy who didn't deserve it. I don't do a very good job of keeping current with the media, but I don't even remember there being much said of it; as if it was just an acceptable norm or something. That's just all wrong. As for the shoes, I wouldn't put too much stock in it; it's what the kids do these days. I've got a teenage boy who's probably bought 30 pairs of sneakers and he's got buddies with way more. Not saying he's not getting paid, just that shoes are probably no longer a reliable tell. It certainly was the best bowl game; cuz' it was the only one that meant anything. I like 'em all; and while often times defense better than offense, I won't rip on a game where both offenses outplay the defenses. Why would you do a dumb-ass thing like that? Agreed; if the Bills have no brain, they'll draft Upshaw at 10.
  21. I never understood why they made the switch in the first place. The Lee kid was doing just fine and benching him in favor of a curb-stomping asshat made me not want to see LSU win anything this year. Looks like my wish is coming true! I intentionally left the room before they could show a replay. Was it as bad as it looked live?
  22. This is the only bowl game I'll bother watching; not interested in any of the other meaningless exhibitions. As for the first game, I thought it was great. But as a Patriot fan, I can see where you'd have no interest in anything defensive as it probably seems entirely foreign to you. This game is not as good cuz Alabama (who's been the best team in the country all year, imo) is just whipping their ass all over the place.
  23. The 49'ers game was worse. If they wouldn't pull him then, there's no way they're doing it now.
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